The 2nd Amendment
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Note: No, The Second Amendment Has Nothing To Do With National Guard ("Militia" meant "People")
The Evolution of American Freedom chart above shows that the
American Revolutionaries used the same guns or the equivalent [ Brown Bess (.75 Caliber), Kentucky Flintlock (.50 caliber), loaned French
Charleville Musket (.69 caliber), etc.] that the British military used when fighting against them.
The Brown Bess (.75 caliber/19.1 mm) was the most widley used rifle by the American Revolutionaries
(citizens/militia) and the standard rifle for the British (Red Coats)--it was the equivalent to our
fully-automatic M4 or M-16 Rifle. (See FirePower and Faith & The Christian and
War (9 Part Audio Lecture Series by Dr. Robert A. Morey) -- Dr. Bob Morey shows pacifism is not taught in the Bible and that the right to
self-defense is Biblical and every Christian should support the 2nd Amendment -- Dr. Bob Morey was a "NRA" member.)
Our Founding Fathers used Military Rifles to Fight Against the British
Image credit: Founding Father or Patriot with M4. By David Dees.
Yes, our founding fathers wanted us (citizens/militia) to be able to defend
ourselves against the government if it ever went tyrannical or against an invading foreign army. This is why the 2nd Amendment was put in the
Bill of Rights and this included fully-automatic military rifles, which are currently outlawed. Shot guns and pistols are useless
in fighting an invading army, terrorists, drug cartels or a tyrannical government. (It is not about hunting!) Therefore, semi-automatic rifles are an
absolute necessity. Registration of guns always leads to confiscation--do not register rifles. Fully-automatic rifles were
legal in America until they were banned by the National Firearms Act of 1934.
Good News: Victory! Federal Judge Overturns California's Unconstitutional "Assault Weapons" Ban (10/19/2023) -- Judge Benitez declared semiautomatic rifles are used by millions of Americans in other states and that California was abridging its citizens' Second Amendment rights with the illegal regulation. That's right, Golden State citizens can now legally defend themselves by using AR-15s equipped with high-capacity magazines. Most of all the States in the U.S. allow semiautomatic rifles and more than 10 rounds--it is not a problem.
YouTube: Mass Muderers Agree: Gun Control Works -- 290 million killed by Democide & Swiss Example of Low Mass Shootings Despite Widspread Gun Ownership (03/26/18) & A Biblical Portrait of the Righteousness And Requirements Of Bearing Arms & VIDEO: GLOBAL LGBT INDOCTRINATION CURRICULUM EXPLAINED (11/27/19) --Learn how the left is trying to corrupt the family unit. To celebrate the 100th birthday of Kalishnakov, Russia is teaching their children to assemble AK-47s. In Austin, Texas, to celebrate LGBT, the school board is mandating LGBT role playing, anal sex being taught to children at 8 years old while "binary" terms like "mother" & "father". Then, the medical industry pushes stomach surgery for obese children & family has their child taken at gun point for warning others about adverse drug effects-- Click video of Russian Children learning to assemble AK-47s Yes, American Students were taught Firearms training years ago. 2A WORKS! Gun Owners of America says horrific situation in Israel shows why Americans were afforded the right to "weapons of war" – for SELF-DEFENSE
Gun Facts and the importance of having Semi-Automatic weapons
See American Gun Facts --how are guns being used in America and the world? & Shooting Down Statistical Violence Aimed at U.S. Gun Owners (Video) & & Shooting Down Statistical Violence (The Coalition Against Gun Violence misrepresents facts) & Is The National Guard The "Well Regulated Militia?" (Video) by Dr. Edwin Vieira) & Ted Nugent Proves that a Shotgun can be more Deadly than an AR-15 if used for close quarter combat or a school shooting (TV;03/02/18) & CDC Buried Survey Indicating Americans Used Guns Defensively 2.4 Million Times Per Year (04/24/18) --the results were hidden for over two decades by "The Centers for Desease Control" (CDC) just like the harmful effects of vaccinations & FBI 'Active Shooter' Report Supports 'Good Guy with a Gun' Claims (05/10/18) -- "Armed and unarmed citizens engaged the shooter in 10 incidents. They safely and successfully ended the shootings in eight of those incidents. Their selfless actions likely saved many lives." See FBI report. TOO LATE: Israel now buying, handing out GUNS for "citizen militias" after realizing gun control FAILED and got hundreds of Israelis MURDERED (10/16/2023)
Gun Rights are Women's Rights & Kent State University
Student Carrying Rifle for Grad Photo
(Left Image Credits: Kaitlin Bennett/Twitter)
Gun Rights are Women's Rights! (06/13/18) -- Two American badasses head to the shooting range for a discussion on the Second Amendment & Kent State Cutie Carrying Rifle in Grad Photo Goes Viral (5/17/18) -- Women voicing support for Second Amendment gains steam Also, see Black Female Concealed Carry Holder (10/31/19) -- Black Female Concealed Carry Holder And Police Chief Make Case For Being 'Legally Armed In Detroit'
“2nd Amendment Today for USA”—a (22.45 minute) Video produced by
JPO that shows how the Bible supports the 2nd Amendment. (See this flyer entitled
Holocaust Survivor Visits Hunterdon Central High School on 03/26/14
& Exposes the Ideology of the Nazis -- PDF ; Polish Holocaust survivor (Jack) stated in his flyer that gun control & gun confiscation resulted
in the murder of millions of people by Nazi Germany; 252 million people murdered by their own governments (Democide) in the 20th century, which preceded
gun control & gun confiscation. Note: 17 Facts That 'Gun Control' Advocates Hate (05/30/18) -- 80% of gun murders are gang related.
(To start a Rifle Club in High School, click Start a High School Rifle Club.)
Death by Gun Control--see chart of governments that committed genocide against its own people in the 20th century--PDF & FirePower and Faith & Faith and Firearms by Dr. Peter Hammond—PDF & Citizens in Arms: the Swiss Experience and Why Nazi Germany would not invade them--PDF & This is what Trump's Nominee (Circuit Judge Neil Gorsuch) should have said about the 2nd Amendment (2017) & Militia Act of 1903 Makes Gun Control Illegal (32 Stat. 775).
'Hitler Youth' Student Gun Control
March Invades Washington -- follows in the footsteps of Nazis who disarmed the Jews before the Holocaust & Black Rapper Killer Mike is Pro 2nd Amendment (disdains the March for
Our Lifes rally and Gun Control) -- inner city schools need economic assistance and these "dumb-ass" celebrities are donating
millions to the anti-gun march.
Dr. R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii estimated that there were over 262 million victims of democide in the 20th century. Dr. Rummel also taught at Yale University.
Historical Note about the Founding Fathers, who were inspired by the Swiss and the Bible
America's founding fathers were very inspired by the Swiss and the Bible regarding the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment--this was the land of William Tell, Ulrich Zwingli, William Farel and John Calvin, who hated tyranny. Nazi Germany was afraid to invade Switzerland. While the Gestapo were disarming citizens in Europe, the Swiss government were ensuring that every home was equipped with weapons and ammunition--see Switzerland's Strategy for Survival & To Keep or Not to Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns (DVD).
Big Pharma & The Mainstream Media -- Promoters of illegal "Gun-free" Zones and the Globalist Agenda (Oath Keepers) --excerpt from article,
In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court held that “It cannot be presumed, that ANY clause in the constitution is intended to be without effect.”(1)...
And in Norton v. Shelby County, the Supreme Court further held that “An unconstitutional act is not a law; it imposes no duties; it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed”.(2)...
The right to “keep and bear arms” is present in the Constitution in four separate places therefore — per Marbury v. Madison — it has legal import in four separate places. Any “law” or “regulation” that is made by the Federal or state governments, executive order or court precedent which is inconsistent with the right to “keep and bear arms” would — per Norton v. Shelby County — “impose no duties” and would be “in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.”...
This is the law whether people like it or not. It is also high law, because it comes directly from the U.S. Constitution, the supreme law of the Land. Thus, the legislators and other government officials that have passed gun-control legislation have violated the law. These public officials will therefore have to eventually be charged, impeached or reprimanded for violating their oaths of office.
Latin America Has Fewer Guns, But more Crime (11/23/2018) -- A total number of guns per person in Honduras a small fraction of the US
What the Bible Teaches on Self-Defense
Audio: " When Is It Right To Fight" by Dr. Robert A. Morey on" RemnantXRadio (5 part series)--Refuting the "Pacifists" with Worley And Bowling. The book entitled "In His Steps" is an unbiblical book that feminized Christianity (John Piper took an anti-2nd Amendment stand--stupidity). Also, see the three articles below by Dr. Bob.
- Answering Questions from Pacifists--the article referenced the old Soviet Union, not current 21st century Russia that is promotong Christian values & Freedom (HTML)
- The Early Church and War (HTML)
- Was Jesus a Pacifist? (HTML)
(See Left: Dr. Bob's book entitled "When Is It Right to Fight?" is in the process of being republished through XulonPress). Click to listen to "The Christian and War" (9 Part Audio Lecture Series by Dr. Bob) and also watch his video interview in 2018. (Dr. Bob has been debriefed by Naval Intelligence and the FBI on his vast knowledge of terrorism.)
The book entitled "In His Steps" by Charles Monroe Sheldon in 1896 took an unbiblical position on defending yourself that also contributed to a feminized Protestant Christianity in America. This is why the Irish Catholics filled the police departments because the Protestant men became brainwashed by this teaching--it is not Christian to be a policeman, military soldier or have a gun at home to defend your family! Let your wife be raped--what a husband! All Christians should have rifles (semi-automatic) and handguns at home and should obtain a "concealed carry license". See Right to Carry and Police/Sportsmen tab on this website. Also, see Self-Defense and ownership of Guns by Dr.
Note: There was a recent article published by The Washington Post entitled John Piper: Why I disagree with Jerry Falwell Jr. (12/23/15) that twists Scriptural passages out of context and violates every Hermeneutical principle. Unfortunately, John Piper is post-evangelical and has embraced liberal doctrines--he is an idiot. John Piper's position/doctrine left the Holocaust of the Jews and now wants Christians to walk into the ovens for their Holocaust by not defending themselves. Also, read another misguided and ignorant so-called Evangelical, Rob Schenck (Evangelical Church Alliance), who is against gun ownership and does not understand that self-defense is taught in the Bible. We can now understand why the Christians in America are so dumbed-down.
A Biblical Portrait of the Righteousness And Requirements Of Bearing Arms-- Kyle Mantyle from a far left blog (Right Wing Watch) said the following about Pastor Chuck Baldwin's position on Firearms when he spoke with Sheila Zilinsky's podcast:
...Citing a passage from 1 Timothy, Baldwin asserted that every adult has "a duty to provide for your family, but you cannot provide protection for your family without being equipped to do so."
"Therefore, you must have the means of self-defense," Baldwin said. "And in our society today, that means a firearm in the similitude of an AR-15. Without that, you are not in a position, you are not even able to protect not just your family and your house, but your neighbors, your community around you; that we, as a community of people—that's the militia—are given the God-given responsibility to protect our communities. That is a biblical requirement."
Baldwin called on pastors to preach sermons telling their congregations that "if you are not prepared to defend your family and your neighborhood and your community with the force of arms, you have denied the Christian faith and you are worse than a heathen."
Warning about
Mental Health Screening in Schools and Psychology
The Effects of Prohibitions Associated with Mental Illness (11/14/2023 by the Rand Corporation) -- Epidemiological evidence suggests that a diagnosis of mental illness alone has little relation to risk of interpersonal violence (Swanson et al., 2015); in particular, studies estimate that between 2 percent and 4 percent of all violent behavior may be attributable to mental illness (Corrigan and Watson, 2005; Swanson, 1994). One study found that among a sample of convicted murderers in Indiana, perpetrators with serious mental illness were significantly less likely to have used a firearm compared with other perpetrators (Matejkowski et al., 2014).
Former President Obama's Mental Health Screening in Schools Will 'Disarm' Gun Rights: "Databases To Follow Academic Career and Beyond (11/11/2014; the article was published by Infowars). Students will be screened not for their own benefit, but to further the aims of total gun control. See FAQ#20 about how Psychology is a religion and Psychological testing should not be mandatory. Did you know that occult and New Age authors boldly brag that the human founding fathers of Psychotherapy and Psychology received their understandings from “familiar spirits”? This is also a violation of the Constitution.
Click For Audio lecture on "The Psychologizing of the Church--Parts 1 & 2" by Dr. Robert A. Morey and Psychiatry.News
Click Free ebook Study Materials for Christians Misled by so-called Biblical Counseling -- all the free ebooks are listed in the above pictures. Recommended Free ebook: Against "Biblical Counseling" For the Bible
PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries--the Christian ministry of Dr. Martin and Deidre Bobgan
Oath Keepers To Hold March Through #Ferguson With 50 Armed Black Protesters (08/16/15)
The Missouri chapter of the Oath Keepers are planning to hold an open carry march through downtown Ferguson, Mo. with fifty (50) armed local African-American protestors with AR-15 rifles. It is unfortunate that the false liberal & so-called false conservative whites & blacks (this what was done in the South during segregation) want to deny law-abiding African- Americans from protecting themselves with firearms. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar, who is scared and a coward, to stand up for the State law that prohibits law enforcement to confiscate any firearms during a State of Emergency, warned a number of Oath Keepers this past week that open carrying long barrel rifles would be a violation of the law even though it is legal according to an Infowars article.
(This is the reason there should be no county police unless it is thru the Sheriff's Office--the Sheriff is directly accountable to the people and is an elected Constitutional Office. See Sheriff's Office Information on Supplemental Coverage & Mergers -- PDF (Tri-fold Tract)).
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of United States (03/04/1801 -- 03/04/1809)--image by Rembrant Peale (1800)
President Thomas Jefferson state in his work entitled "The Values of the Constitution" called the Sheriff's Office "the most important of all executive offices of the country. The Sheriff's power and authority are from the people who elect him. The citzens should control the office of Sheriff."
(It should be noted that President Thomas Jefferson included bold anti-slavery language in the original Declaration of Independence, which was removed. He did get passed by Congress in 1807 a bill outlawing the importation of slaves--it took effect in 1808.)
The Sheriff can be traced back not only to the Magna Carta (1215), but to the Book of Daniel 3:2 when King Nebuchadnezzar II (634--562 BC) was reigning. The Sheriff was brought over to North America around 1634 and President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) called the office of the Sheriff "the most important of all executive offices of the country." [See Sheriff David Gee of the Florida Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office established in 1845 (HCSO has over 4,000 employees that conists of 2,022 Deputy Sheriffs and Corrections and 1,375 civilians) for further details. It should be noted that Mr. Joseph M. Demarest, Jr., former Assistant Director in charge of the FBI's New York Division, was employed as a Deputy Sheriff for the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office. Also, see Sheriff & Magna Carta & Sheriff Tract 2017-- PDF to hand out to your local and state officials.]
African-American Sheriff Elected in 1869 in Texas
Because you can elect the Sheriff, there was more opportunity for diversity. A case in point is Burton Walter Moses (1829 - 1913), who was the first African-American Sheriff elected in 1869 in the State of Texas in Fort Bend County. Also, he was a Texas State Senator and a member of the Republican Party.
1776 Worldwide: The Second Amendment Comes to Mexico (05/12/14)
Grassroots Militia: Citizens of Mexico Rediscover Their God Given Rights (05/16/14)
Discrimination Against African-Americans who want to Legally Defend themselves with a Firearm such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King applied for a "Concealed Carry" permit and was denied. (see Politics/Voting Tab for further information).
A New Film entitled No Guns for Negroes that exposes the Racist Origins of gun control (gun control was historically about repressing blacks) implemented on the Black Community (it features a prominent pro 2nd Amendment Black American activist, who is a member in a respected Black Civil Rights organization and former mayor of a Chicago suburb—he exposes the White Liberals and their “PC Pimps” in the Black Community— PDF). To download the DVD film for No Guns for Negroes.
Image credit (left): Crowds surrounding the Reflecting Pool, during the 1963 March on Washington, DC, by Warren K. Leffler. This work is from the U.S. News & World Report collection at the Library of Congress. According to the library, there are no known copyright restrictions on the use of this work. See
Also, see Ken Blanchard--Urban Shooters (an African-American 2nd Amendment organization) defending black men and women's constitutional right to self-defense using a firearm and his blog Black Man with a Gun. (The founder and current President Kenn Blanchard was a former federal police officer and served in the U.S. Marines). Another great site is Michael Cargill, an African-American, former military and 2nd Amendment activist and firearms instructor from Central Texas Gun Works. Also, see The Racist Origin of America's Gun Control Laws
Facts: United States has more firearms per capita (90 per 100 residents) than any other country--however, the United States ranks number 111 out of 218 nations in the number of murders per 100,000 residents. If you removed the gun murder data for the 12 cities in the United States (the highest murder rates and all are Democrat Party-controlled cities with highly restrictive gun laws), the United States would drop to number 211 out of 218 countries according to Bill Whittle. Yes, United States has very little gun crime when the the 12 cities are removed. Detroit has a rate of 54.6 murders per 100,000 residents. See Shooting Down Statistical Violence Aimed at U.S. Gun Owners (Video) & & Shooting Down Statistical Violence --the home page of The Coalition Against Gun Violence displays a flag that states, "The United States Leads The Industrialized World in Gun Deaths."
[Gun Facts is a free e-book that debunks common myths about gun control and 5 part series on gun control and how to prevent school shootings with armed teachers from the JPFO that is recommended reading for Governors, Senators and Congressmen. See articles below under the heading Free Articles on the 2nd Amendment on what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, Stalin did to the Ukrainians (10 to 20 million exterminated) and what the United States did to the African-Americans--and are still doing in the black community--through gun registration, disinformation and disarmament and Video: Anti-Gunners Freak Out When Confronted with Facts (10/21/13) --"One Million Moms for Gun Control" change name due to lack of participation and spreading false information.]
Image credit: Gun Owners of America (GOA). Fair Use to promote discussion on carry licenses. See
A single African-American woman (Shaneen Allen) living in Philadelphia and working two jobs that had been a victim of previous robberies lawfully obtained a "concealed carry permit" in PA. Unfortunately, when she was stopped for a minor traffic violation in New Jersey, she told the Officer that she had a concealed carry firearm in her car--the idiot cop arrested her instead of just informing her that New Jersey does not offer reciprocity to PA residents. Rep. Martin Stuztman has introduced "concealed carry reciprocity" legislation to KKK policies from the Southagainst African-Americans like they did years ago. Note: The recent United States Supreme Court ruling on June of 2022 opened the door for non-residents and NJ residents to apply for a concealed-carry permit--one does not need to show "justifiable" need.
Governor Chris Christie (NJ) pardons Shaneen Allen (April 12,2015), an African-American women who lives in Pennsylvania and is a Philadelphia nurse and single mom of two children, who made the mistake of bringing her "licensed handgun" into New Jersey (she had a "concealed carry permit" from PA)--06/04/15 --The ignorant Atlantic County Prosecutor needs a remedial class on the Constitution and Bill of Rights that includes the 2nd Amendment. Atlantic County Prosecutor Jim McClain (who should be removed from office by Governor Christie) wanted to imprison Ms. Allen for 10 years. This is why we should have elected prosecutors like PA and have the Sheriff's Office (who is the real chief law enforcement officer and a real constitutional office that is elected) take over more of the law enforcement activities. We want to compliment Governor Christie for doing the right thing in the eyes of God.
Voters issue Rebuke to Bloomberg by supporting Sheriff David Clarke (08/15/14)
African-American Sheriff David Clarke (Democrat) of Milwaukee tells God-hating Bloomberg to shove it and supports the right of all people, especially African-Americans, that they can defend themselves with a firearm. Voters rebuke Bloomberg and tell him to stick his anti-gun policies up his ass.
Image credit: The Palace of Westminster at night as seen from the opposite side of the River Thames. Victoria Tower and the House of Lords is on the left.
The Clock Tower of Big Ben and the House of Commons is on the right. The spire left of centre is the 300ft ventilation chimney above the central
lobby. The twin towers with flagless pole just visible in the background is Westminster Abbey. 3 February 2007. Author: Diliff. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license and per author
you are free to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work. See,_London_-_Feb_2007.jpg
The NRA helped arm Britain in 1940 that resulted in the collection of more than 7,000 firearms for Britain's defense against the potential invasion by Germany (Britain had virtually disarmed itself with a series of gun control laws enacted between World War I and World War II--stupidity on the highest level and it seems Britain did not learn their leason during World War II with its current gun control laws).

Image credit: United States Department of Justice headquarters, August 12, 2006 (Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. See
U.S. Justice Department (2013): Firearms-related Homocides Down 39% from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011
See short TV clip by Ben Swann on Fox's WXIX affliate in Cincinnati, OH on the 2nd Amendment.
A Factual Look at Guns in America
Watch Video on "A History of Gun Control: Exams the True Statistics behind Firearm use"
Reality Check : Ben Swann Destroys Piers Morgan's Anti-Gun Argument against Alex Jones (1/9/13)
Sheriff Mack, Sheriffs, Police Chiefs and State Police say : Hell No to Gun Control!--YouTube (01/19/13)
Lawlessness or Armed Citizens--well researched article by Rabbi David Bendory
Nazi Gun Control Laws: a Familiar Road to Citizen Disarmament
Yes, Hitler and Stalin Did Take Guns--see video and article
Gun Grabbers are Holocaust deniers, claiming Hitler never engaged in gun confiscation
When the Left Liked Guns (1960s and 70s)
Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office
Clarke the People's Sheriff (2014)--the White Fascist Liberals want African-American Sheriff David Clarke Jr. (Democrat) out of office because he actually believes that black people and white people should be able to defend themselves against criminals. Sheriff Clarke refuses to submit to Bloomberg's anti-Constitutional and anti-God positions and rejects the White Liberal KKK Branch of the Democratic Party. This is why Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican (see Politics/Voting Tab for further information). Of course, both parties have sold out to the Globalists. There are a few that have not sold out.
Pat Robertson on DHS Arms Build-Up: Who are they going to Shoot, Us? 03/29/13
What was the intent of the Framers of the Constitution regarding the 2nd Amendment?
Image credit: Moses and the 2nd Amendment Stone. By David Dees.
The term "militia" was always understood to be every individual citizen rather than just an army. George Mason (principal author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, who had a profound influence on the construction of the federal "Bill of Rights", especially the 4th Amendment) described the Militia as "the whole people", that is, every American citizen (the Militia is the citizens). When the United States Congress passed the "Militia Act of 1792", it defined "militia" of the United States as every adult male, not as the Continental Army. The act required each adult to possess a firearm and a minimum supply of ammunition and military equipment--this was the law and enforced into the twentieth century. Section 10 United States Code (USC) 311 reads: "The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17... [and] under 45 years of age who are or have made a declaration to become a citizen of the United States." Additionally, another provision allows for a "reserve militia" (as opposed to the "ready militia" described above), that includes women, children and the elderly. This act was incorporated and used by many States in their constitutions--the State National Guard units were always separate from the militia provision. Can Congress require its able-bodied male citizens to enroll in their State Militia and train?
Yes, under Article I, Sec. 8, clause 16, the Congress may lawfully require citizens to buy guns and ammunition. (See Second Amendment Committee for articles on the Militia and Peaceful Resolutions to get your Gun rights back and Chuck Woorley on Gun Control: 5 Reasons Why We Cannot Ban Firearms in America.)
Also, the Constitution gives the U.S. President the authority to call the Militia into "federal service" even if a state does not have an organized Militia. By the way, Presser v. Illinois decision by the Supreme Court made it quite clear that if a state had no organized Militia it could not disarm the citizens because they constituted the unorganized (reserve) Militia that exists de facto without governmental benefit.
Quotes below from our Founding Fathers & other influential people in our country
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them..." Richard Henry Lee, January 25, 1788, Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican 18.
"The militia is composed of free citizens. Samuel Adams, signer of the Declaration of Independence and father of the American Revolution.
"Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people." George Mason, delegate to the Constitutional Convention and father of the Bill of Rights.
"A free people be armed..." George Washington. A speech given on January 7, 1790 and published in the Boston Independent Chronicle (January 14, 1790).
President Thomas Jefferson (3rd President from 03/04/1801 - 03/04/1809): “The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes….Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. Thomas Jefferson’s “Commonplace Book,” 1774-1776, quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria in Chapter 40 of “ On Crimes and Punishment”, 1764.
Famous Persons who either Believed in the 2nd Amendment or Knew that Firearms in the Hands of Citizens prevented Tyranny (Dictators hate an armed Citizenry)
Image credit: President John F. Kennedy, photograph in the Oval Office. 11 July 1963. By Cecil Stoughton, White House. "Public Domain"
President John F. Kennedy (35th President of the United States: 01/20/61 - 11/22/63). President Kennedy might have been assassinated by his own government on 11/22/63 [JFK Assassination And Coverup: New Evidence and Testimony Emerges (hear the audio of Robert F. Kennedy speaking to President Lyndon B. Johnson, "Why did you have my brother killed?).]
President John F. Kennedy: “By calling attention to ‘a well regulated militia,’ ‘the security of the nation,’ and the right of each citizen ‘to keep and bear arms,’ our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy… The Second Amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic civilian-military relationships in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason I believe the Second Amendment will always be important.” John F. Kennedy, Junior Senator of MA in a 1959 letter to E.B. Mann [From the 1974 Gun Digest, article titled Gun Laws]
President John F. Kennedy (05/29/1917 - 11/22/1963): “Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.”
Israeli Police Inspector General Shlomo Aharonisky: “There’s no question that weapons in the hands of the public have prevented acts of terror or stopped them.”
Facebook suspended the Natural News account on Dec. 28, 2012 after it posted an historical quote from Mohandas Gandhi. The quote reads:
“Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. ” – Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446.
The Whole quote from Gandhi: “Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn.” Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth, Chapter XXVII, Recruiting Campaign, Page 403, Dover paperback edition, 1983.
Professor Akhil Reed Amar: “The ultimate right to keep and bear arms belongs to the ‘the people,’ not the ‘states.’ As the language of the Tenth Amendment shows, these two of course are not identical and when the Constitution means ‘states, ’ it says so. Thus… ‘the people’ at the core of the Second Amendment are the same ‘the people’ at the heart of the Preamble and the First Amendment, namely Citizens…Nowadays, it is quite common to speak loosely of the National Guard as ‘the state militia,’ but…in 1789 , when used without any qualifying adjective, ‘the militia’ referred to all Citizens capable of bearing arms. The militia is identical to ‘the people’ in the core sense described above.”
Alan Dershowitz: “Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it’s not an individual right or that it’s too much of a public safety hazard, don’t see the danger in the big picture. They’re courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don’t like.”
Flag of Japan & Image of Imperial Japan
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (04/04/1884 - 04/18/1943; Japanese Marshal Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the combined fleet in World War II): “You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.” Advising Japan’s military leaders of the futility of an invasion of the mainland United States because of the widespread availability of guns. It has been theorized that this was a major contributing factor in Japan’s decision not to land on North America early in the war when they had vastly superior military strength. This delay gave our industrial infrastructure time to gear up for the conflict and was decisive in our later victory.
Flag of the German Reich (1935 - 1945)
Adolf Hitler (04/20/1889 - 04/30/1945): “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’ s not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country.” Adolf Hitler, dinner talk on April 11, 1942, quoted in Hitler’s Table Talk 1941-44: His Private Conversations, Second Edition (1973), Pg. 425-426. Translated by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens. (See Worldview Tab for further information on what Hitler's true Worldview or belief system consisted of.)
Eyewitness to Hitler Warns: "Keep your Guns and Buy More Guns"
When Katie Worthman, who is 84, (see her powerful video presentation above) was a little girl in Austria, she witnessed firsthand Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and the Soviet communist occupation that followed and how people were forced to register their guns in the name of safety and then they were confiscated.
Flag of People's Republic of China
Mao Tse Tung (12/26/1893 - 09/09/1976): “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” (Problems of War and Strategy, Nov 6 1938, published in “ Selected Works of Mao Zedong,” 1965) Mao's policies and actions lead to the death of 77 million of his countrymen.
Note: More people are killed by their own governments than crime or wars.
Citizens in Arms: The Swiss Experience and Why Nazis Germany would not invade them-- PDF
Democide -- Governments have murdered more human beings in the last 100-plus years than any plague, accident, crime, etc.--250 to 300 million civilians dead excluding military-related deaths.
See just a few countries below that have slaughtered millions in the past century (list taken from Infowars Vol. 1 issue 6, Feb. 2013, page 50):
1. Mao's China [PRC]: 1949 - 1987, 76,702,000 people killed,
2. U.S.S.R.: 1917 - 1987, 61,911,000 people killed,
3. Western Colonialism: Combined, 50,000,000 people killed,
4. Nazi Germany: 1933 - 1945, 20,946,000 people killed,
5. Japan: 1936 - 1945, 5,964,000 people killed,
6. Pol Pot's Camboida: 1975 - 1979, 2,035,000 people killed (Pol Pot was funded by the U.S. Government) .
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao all banned private gun ownership.
Should hunters, sportsmen and peace officers belong to pro 2nd Amendment organizations?
See Death --PDF & FirePower and Faith
If you are a hunter, sportsmen, peace officer, etc. and do not belong to a pro 2nd Amendment organization such as the Gun Owners of America (GAO), Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), National Rifle Association (NRA), etc., you do not deserve to own a gun. The 2nd Amendment is not about sporting and hunting rights--it is about protecting oneself against a tyrannical government, self-defense or an invading army/enemy. The English tyrants had understood an armed citizenry was one of the only guarantee of liberty, which had many laws banning the owning of arms by its peasants--the Redcoats tried to seize the Rebel arms in Colonial America. Of course, if the people reject the true God of the Bible they will loose their freedoms. In other words, to paraphrase Dr. Gordon H. Clark, only Biblical Christian presuppositions justify civil governments of limited rights, whereas humanistic principles imply either anarchy or totalitarianism--since governments are divine institutions and get their authority from God, it follows that totalitarian governments are without authority beyond the limits set by God.
Christians, Jews, Ukrainians, Armenians & many other groups were required to register their guns by corrupt governments and then they were confiscated and then Democide--this has ocurred over and over again in governments around the World, especially in the 20th century
Image credit (left): Kristallnacht, Nov. 1938.
Zerstörte jüdische Geschäfte in Magdeburg. By Unknown Agentur Georg Pahl. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany license.Per license owner you are free:
to share – to copy, distribute, etc.
Kristallnacht, example of physical damage. Joseph Stalin & Viachislav Molotov engineered the Ukraine Famine between 1932 - 1933 (7 million dead--guns confiscated)
NJIAT was good friends with a Polish Jew in NJ, who passed away and was a "holocaust" survival, and he understood the purpose of the 2nd Amendment and how important it is to stop tyranny. When Nazi Germany (November 11, 1938--one day after Kristallnacht) enacted "Regulations against Jews' possession of weapons," it made every Jew register their firearms and then the SS Reichsfuhrer would do a search-and-seizure for any firearms in Jewish homes--it was known as he Reichskristallnacht [Night of the Broken Glass--the prefix Reichs (imperial) was typical of the Nazis adding sardonic titles] that occured in 1938. The policies were promulgated in every country conquered by Hitler--Polish Jews were ordered by the Wehrmach in 1941 to turn in their guns or get the death penalty. (The Warsaw Ghetto uprising against the Nazis was hampered by the fact that imprisoned Jews did not have an adequate amount of firearms.) The highly acclaimed motion picture Schindler's List left out the part when Oskar Schindler obtained guns for his workers at the Brinnlitz factory toward the end of the war.
(The liberal Weimar Republic of Germany in 1928 passed the first comprehensive gun control law and then in 1933 when the Nazis seized power, they confiscated all firearms from their political opponents. On March 18, 1938, Adolf Htitler enacted the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 that made every citizen register their firearms and put ammunition purchases under the control of government bureaucrats. November 8, 1938 of that same year, Hitler used the registration list to disarm all the Jews. It was very easy because they had their addresses and names. Two nights later, Kristallnacht occured. Nazis burned and destroyed Jewish shops and temples. They then led thousands of unarmed German Jews away to death camps. Unfortunately, many of U.S. citizens guns are registered in some way.)
Stalin also murdered between 10 to 20 million peasants--he wanted to exterminate the Ukrainians. The Soviet Union, with its anti-Christian Marxist agenda, used gun registration lists to confiscate weapons in the regions of Georgia, Ukraine, and Lithuania--the Soviet Union, between 1917 and 1953, murdered 36 million peasants and Christians. Christians were not allowed to own firearms in Turkey and this led to the massacre of 1.5 million Christian Armenians in the Ottoman Turkey Empire during 1915-1917. Muslim nations usually will not allow other religious groups in their countries to be armed. In Sudan today the Islamic north imposes firearm control on the south, where the majority of Christians live--the Christians are fighting against the imposition of Islamic (Sharia) law. Over 500,000 Christian Tutsi minority groups were murdered by the Hutu Animist/Humanist government of Rwanda on April 6, 1994--this occurred after enforcing vigorous gun control! Gun licensing and other restrictions, for example, were used to suppress blacks before and after the Civil War.
Czech Republic
Amends Constitution to Protect Right to Keep and Bear Arms (2021) -- The new Czech constitutional amendment seeks to push back against the EU's
encroachment. It overrides a Czech law implementing the EU directive
that the country passed after unsuccessfully challenging the directive at the European Court of Justice. History: The Czech lands
have a history of firearm ownership, stretching back to the Hussite Wars where the proto-Protestant Hussites largely
depended on firearms to defend themselves from the encroaching Catholic forces. Even today, the Czech Republic has relatively lenient
firearm laws, with a quarter of a million people holding concealed-carry permits. Furthermore, Zeman, the Czech president, is a vocal
advocate for firearm ownership.
New York City made everyone register their semi-automatic rifles and then confiscated them (don't register your rifles)-- tell the Nazis to stick it up their "Ass". Tell the Connecticut Nazi politicians to go to hell too.
Image credit ( right): The patch of the New York City Police Department (NYCPD), created in 1971. Author: New York City Police Department (NYCPD). Public domain. See
State licensing laws have been a vehicle for banning firearms for well over a century. For example, New York City made any owner of "assault firearms" to register his/her firearm. During the Dinkins administration, all New York City registered so-called assault firearm owners received threatening letters to turn in their legally purchased "assault firearm". Also, see article entitled Proof: Gun Registration Leads To Confiscation--look at the letter that the NYPD are sending to registered gun owners because of the SAFE ACT (11/27/13) & 'Give "em Your Bullets First!': Texas Activists Show Solidarity With Connecticut Gun Owers (03/03/14)
Historical note: The "Brown Bess" (.75 Caliber), considered on of the most effective muskets, was used by the Continental Army, American Revolutionaries (local militias/citizens) and British (Red Coats)--it had a bayonet and was the equivalent to our M-16. The military M-16 is fully automatic--the guns sold to civilians are not fully automatic.
Open Mic Catches NJ Democratic State Senators' Plot to Confiscate Guns, Diss Owners & Listen to the Recorded Conversations of NJ Senators (May 2013)--Senator Linda R. Greenstein (14th District), Senator Sandra Bolden Cunningham (31st District) and Senator Loretta Weinberg (37th District) disgrace themselves and owe Holocaust victims ,War Veterans, African-Americans, Union members and New Jersey citizens an apology for their support of Nazi Gun Control Bills (see Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership).
Retired Major in the New Jersey State Police says that New Jersey Politicians Lie about the Gun Issue and then order them to Lie to the public
Image credit: User:SGT141. This work has been released into the public domain by its author, SGT141. This applies worldwide. See
This is why the so-called "assault weapons," which are not fully automatic (the rapid-fire assault weapons were banned by the National Firearms Act of 1934), should be allowed in every State and is a 2nd Amendment right--they are semi-automatic firearms (with military cosmetics) and account for less than one-half of 1 percent of violent crime! Many law-enforcement personnel know that the positions taken by their superiors against firearms in general or the so-called "assault weapons" are the result of political pressure and are outright lies. A case in point is a friend of mine--who retired as a "Major" in the New Jersey State Police--told me/alleged that the Colonel/Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police had to take an anti-gun position because the Governor at that time (1980's) told him to take that position. Also, many high ranking New Jersey State Police Officers are afraid to speak up about the gun issue (support the 2nd Amendment that includes the Right-to-Carry and support citizens having semi-automatic weapons) because of retribution even though they know what is being told to the public is a lie.
Note: Switzerland, which has a higher rate of firearms possession than the United States, was the only European country that the Germans were afraid to invade in both world wars. They knew every man was armed. The Swiss male citizens are supplied free of charge by the government a fully automatic rifle! (The Swiss have conscription or civil protection--mandatory military service were they can start being prepared at age 16.) In addition, every Swiss male citizen is required to keep his rifle and ammunition at home, to participate in group training, and to enter shooting matches. The Swiss have maintained their freedom for seven hundred (700) years and they had a profound influence on America's Founding Fathers regarding the Second Amendment. This was the land of William Tell, Ulrich Zwingli, William Farel and John Calvin, who had a deep mistrust of central governments. The State has delegated and limited authority by God in Scripture (Romans 13:1-7). Under the authority of the Bible, tyrannical power is to be resisted. The Law of God establishes the basic right to self-defense (Exodus 22:2).
Image credit: Zürich and lake Zürich. By MadGeographer. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Per author, you are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work. See
View of Zurich, Switzerland and the Lake—
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
(Genesis 1:1, The 1599 Geneva Study Bible—see )
Faith and Firearms by Dr. Peter Hammond—PDF or FirePower and Faith (HMTL)
Citizens in Arms: The Swiss Experience--PDF
Death by Gun Control--PDF
Image credit: a 70 year old print that is free to use under GNU Free Documentation License : 925 Knabenschiessen certificate of participation. Target shooting is one of the most popular sports in Switzerland.
There are usually 4,046 boys/ young adults, ages 13-17, in shooting Contest in Zurich, Switzerland. You will see girls instructors for air pistol, ages 8 and up in Zurich,
The greatest shooting festival in the world where boys and girls shoot military service rifles over three days amid an enormous fair every year in Zurich, Switzerland—it has been held since 1657. Every male is expected to serve in the militia army on reaching age 20 where they take home their fully automatic rifle [SIG Strumgeweher (assault rifle) model 1990 (Stgw 90) with grenade launcher]. Official Fair website:
See "Knabenschiessen" – a Tradition in Zurich (video) -- teenagers target shooting with military rifles in a Switzerland annual fair
Czech Republic Amends Constitution to Protect Right to Keep and Bear Arms (2021)
2nd Amendment Sites and Organizations
The National Rifle Association. It was started in 1871 by two Union Army veterans of the civil war, Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate and is the biggest defender of the 2nd Amendment. A "NRA" Visa Card is offered through Pentagon Federal Credit Union (PennFed) starting in April of 2020. First National Bank/Omaha disgraced themselves & the Country when they stated they would no longer offer or service the NRA Visa Cards--cowards! - Gun Owners of America (GOA)
"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington" (Congressman Dr. Ron Paul (R-Texas). This is the best Second-Amendment organization in the U.S. - Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
Excellent organization that ranks with Gun Owners of America. It has great pamphlets, literature and articles that shows how the U.S. is passing gun laws based on what Nazi Germany did to its citizens. - United States Concealed Carry Association
- The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
- Citizens Committee For The Right to Keep And Bear Arms
- Black Man with a Gun
An African American organization defending their 2nd Amendment rights (the founder and current President Kenn Blanchard was a former federal police officer and served in the U.S. Marines). - The National African American Gun Association (NAAGA)
- EmPOWERed -- women, white, black, etc., promoting concealed carry on college campuses.
- Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) -- an organization that is Pro Second Amendment and will fight injustices on college campuses. Formed in 2012 that came out of the Ron Paul movement.
- 1 Million Moms Against Gun Control (1MMAGC)
- Knife Rights
Knife Rights--protect your right to own knives. - DVD entitled: How a Government Agency uses the Law to Destroy your Rights and Freedoms
DVD entitled: How a Government Agency uses the Law to Destroy your Rights and Freedoms. - Switzerland's Teenage Shooters
Switzerland's Teenage Shooters—see Stephen P. Halbrook's website. - Ted Nugent's Hunting Site
Ted Nugent's Hunting Site--Ted is also on the board of directors for the NRA. Mr. Nugent was never on drugs as a rock star! - Gun Facts
Gun Facts — your guide to debunking gun control myths. - The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, Inc.
- New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society
- Coalition of New Jersey Firearms Ownership (CNJFO)
- (Justifiable Need is a False Term in NJ & is Unconstitutional)
- NRA Foundation
NRA Foundation--it teaches gun safety to our youth. If you are a State employee, you can have automatic deductions from your paycheck to the NRA Foundation. (It should be listed in the "Employees Charitable Campaign" booklet.) - New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen's Club
- Pennsylvania Rifle & Pistol Association
- Pennsylvania Firearms Owner Association
- Firearms Owners Against Crime
- The Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Club
- New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.
- Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Assoc.
- New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, Inc.
- Texas State Rifle Association
- Hawaii Rifle Association
- California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc,
- 2nd Amendment Academy at Montgomery College
- Armed Females of America
- Clayton Cramer's Blog
- Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
- Students for the Second Amendment
International Pro-Gun Sites--Africa & Taiwan
- International Practical Shooting Confederation (I.P.S.C.)
Worldwide chapters in many countries such as Czech Republic, South Africa, Switzerland, France, Ukraine, Russia, etc. (see Regions on IPSC website). - IAPCA -- International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights
- Gun Owners of South Africa
- Ukrainian Gun Owners Association
- Taiwan Defensive Firearms Association
- Africa Christian Action
- Frontline Fellowship
- In Touch Mission International
- World Forum
An international pro-gun watchdog that barks loudly. Article from Guns & Ammo - International Firearms Directory
Worldwide resources promoting the right to keep and bear arms (locate your country). - United Practical Shooting Association (USPSA)
See the USPSA European Annual on PDF.

Recommended Free Articles on the 2nd Amendment and the Right of Self-Defense and recommended magazines & books
- When is it Right to Fight? by Dr. Robert A.
- Memorandum Opinion For the Attorney General on Whether the Second Amendment Secures an Individual Right (August 24, 2004) -- PDF
- Supreme Court of the United States syllabus ET Al. District of Columbia v. Heller (June 6, 2008)
- Self-Defense--A Christian Viewpoint (HTML)
- Should Chrisians Own Firearms? (HTML)
- The History of Gun Control - Parts 1 & 2 (HTML)
- The History of gun control, part 1--PDF
- The History of gun control, part 2--PDF
- Gun Bans & Schindler's List -- PDF
- Arms in the Hands of Jews are a Danger to Public Safety: Nazism, Firearm Registration, and the night of the Broken Glass--PDF
- Citizens in Arms: The Swiss Experience -- PDF
- Original Intent –What the Founders Really Said About Guns by Clayton Cramer [a small booklet at a very low price (50 for $25)]; Call Intermedia Outdoors, 7819 Highland Scenic Rd, Dept. SGN Baxter, MN 56425 at 1-800-260-6397.
The Second Amendment--Preserving the Inalienable Right of Individual Self-Protection by David Barton [a small booklet]. -
JPO [Gun Control Kills Kids and many other great booklets to hand out in College, High School or Middle School on the 2nd Amendment (50 for $17)]. -
JPO [Innocents Betrayed on DVD—170 million have died in the 20th century as a result of gun control.] - A New Film entitled No Guns for Negroes that exposes the Racist Origins of gun control implemented on the Black Community (it features a prominent pro 2nd Amendment Black American activist, who is a member in a respected Black Civil Rights organization and former mayor of a Chicago suburb—he exposes the White Liberals and their “PC Pimps” in the Black Community)— PDF.
- To Keep or Not to Keep--Why Christians should not Give Up their Guns by Timothy Baldwin
- Dave Kopel, Research Director, Independence Institute
- Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense by Charl Van Wyk
- Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense (DVD)
- Faith and Firearms by Dr. Peter Hammond--PDF
- Armed America by Clayton E. Cramer
- Obey? Bible says yes, if government's 'good'/'no civil rulers should be followed if orders inconsistent with God's'
- The Racist Roots of Gun Control--PDF
- Racist Origins of U.S. Gun Control--PDF
- Self-Defense—A Christian Viewpoint--PDF
- Should Christians own Firearms?--PDF
- Gun control precedes genocide--PDF
- Death by Gun Control--PDF
- Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy—“Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide”? by Don Yates, a Yale-educated attorney & Gary Mauser, a Canadian University professor--PDF
- Concealed Weapon Laws of Early Republic--PDF
- Can We Make Our Schools Safer?--PDF
- Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
- Students for the Second Amendment -- Works on college and university campuses to bring them truth about our constitutionally
- The Fifth Amendment, Self-Incrimination and Gun Registration
- Guns, Freedom, and Terrorism by Wayne LaPierre
- The Second Amendment -- Preserving the Inalienable Right of Individual Self-Protection by David Barton
- Keep and Bear Arms Law Library
- See articles by Dr. Stephen P. Halbrook -- See articles by Dr. Stephen P. Halbrook such as Nazism, the Second Amendment, & the NRA. Recommended book: The Swiss & the Nazis: How the Alpine Republic Survived in the Shadow of the Third Reich.
- The Journal of Firearms and Public Policy: An academic journal dedicated to scholarly discussion of firearms and public policy--the journal was started in 1989 and is published annually. (SAF Periodicals, P.O. Box 35, Buffalo, NY 14209 or call: (716) 885-6408, Price: $10).
- The Gottlieb-Tartaro Report: Here's a monthly newsletter that gives you inside information from the desks of active principals in the battle for the right to keep and bear arms. (Click the "ccrkba" link above to subscribe--once on website, it is on the left hand side column under "Recommended Publications".)
- Gun Week: : Frustrated with gun news in the anti-gun mainstream media? You need Gun Week!--it is published three times a month and was started over 30 years ago. (Click the "ccrkba" link above to subscribe--once on website, it is on the left hand side column under "Recommended Publications".)
- Women & Guns: Finally, a magazine just for America's 15 million gun-owing women! Written and edited by women.