New Jersey Institute For The Advancement of Truth (NJIAT)
New Jersey Institute for the Advancement of Truth (NJIAT) is officially incorporated in the State of New Jersey as an Educational Non-Profit Corporation (NP) with a valid tax ID number. NJIAT was founded in 2004 for the express purpose of promoting the truth in all areas of life. NJIAT is not a tax exempt 501(c)(3) corporation -- the board will have to consider whether to apply for tax exemption status under IRS.
A hundred percent (100%) of all donations will be applied to purchasing books, magazines, tracts, taking ads out, publishing books, other material, etc. in order to donate to individuals and students (especially our college and high school students). The President and board members do not take a salary and are not paid any compensation.
Donations can be made thru Paypal above.
In the Messiah's name,
Didymus, President
P.S. E-Mail: (Questions or Comments). It is easier to send a question or comment via NJIAT's Gab account or NJIAT's Twitter/X account listed above. And mention if you want a private or public reply to a question.