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Civic & Religious Organizations

The Physical World

Physical Map of the World (2007)

Introduction & Warnings about some Civic & Religious Organizations

There are a lot of great civic and religious organizations that are honest and worth supporting financially.  Unfortunately, there are dishonest religious and civic organizations that support open borders, fund gun control groups and most of the money does not go to the cause--see Ice Bucket Challenge: ALS Foundation Admits Less Than 27% Of Donations Fund Research & Cures (08/28/14)   & The Truth Behind Social Media--Driven Donation Campaigns (08/24/14) & Gun Grabbers Scam 9/11 Families by Donations going to Fund Left-Wing Causes (09/10/14) --TV commentary in NYC.

NJIAT will attempt to list some reputable organizations that we know of. (NJIAT is not guaranteeing any of the organizations listed below and will not be held liable for any decisions made by individuals donating to such organizations. Do your own research.) Christian and Civic organizations recommended by NJIAT such as the Salvation Army, Farmers and Hunters (feeding the poor), Gun Owners of America (GOA), NRA Foundation, Officers' Christian Fellowship (OTC), Rutherford Institute,etc. can be donated to by payroll deduction through the "Employees Charitable Campaign" for State of New Jersey employees (the federal government--and other States such as PA--might offer a similar program).

Wall Watchers will Alert Donors about Dishonest Religious Organizations

    See recent interview on ABC's 20/20 with John Stossel.
    Foundations of Betrayal-How the Liberal Super-Rich Undermine America
    Charity Navigator—America’s premier independent charity evaluator.
    U.S. Office of Personnel Management--see Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) to locate CFC# for Federal or State employees for automatic payroll deduction and to see if the organization is duly registered 501(c )(3).
    Internal Revenue Service (IRS)—search for charities (Publication 78).
    New Jersey Empolyees Charitable Campaign
    State Employee Combined Appeal --Pennsylvania

Search the Web with and support a charity such
as the NRA Foundation

Recommended Christian Organizations to Support

Defending the Faith and Missionaries

    Faith Defenders--(Dr. Robert A. Morey went to be with the Lord in 2019; however, the Board or close friends are going to pay to have all his lectures posted on the website and made available for free. His books can be purchased through This is one of the most faithful ministries. Faith Defenders has refused to compromise the Gospel and has paid a big price. This has also occurred with great Christian men thru the ages such as Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892), who spoke out against the evangelical church about slavery, during his ministry. (Spurgeon was a political and social activist who protested against the “sunshine tax” and was shunned by the nobility he knew as a result.) The founder--Dr. Robert A. Morey--is considered one of your top theologians & apologists in the world with over 60 books written. [Dr. Morey was also involved in the Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s—he fought for the right of black Americans to enroll in conservative Bible believing Evangelical seminaries (Dr. Morey roomed with the first black American enrolled in a Bible believing Evangelical college--Columbia Bible College in South Carolina, which is now known as Columbia International University--in 1965); Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (01/15/29 to 04/04/68) was denied enrollment in Bible believing Evangelical seminaries].  His ministry has been recommended by Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. John Ankerberg and many other respectable evangelical leaders.  Dr. Morey also worked together on video with Dr. Tony Evans on a Christian Answer to Racism. See: Dr. Bob Answers His Critics--PDF/ Dr. Bob Answers His Critics (HTML) & Dr. Bob's Memorial: Biography & Testimony and Standing on the Cross: An interview with Dr.Robert A. Morey - Dr.Morey was interviewed by B.K.Campbell of The Christian Thinker--PDF
    Austin & Laura Krokos Master Plan Ministries—a Biblically based college ministry in Colorado. They will not compromise the Gospel and Bible.
    Frontline Fellowship (Dr. Peter Hammond, a missionary in Africa)
    Watchman Fellowship--reaches out to cults with the Gospel.
    The Trinity Foundation--challenges and refutes pagan philosophy.
    Edwin L. Hodges Ministries--a Christian literature ministry that donates Free Biblical material worldwide to Bible Schools, Seminaries, etc. He passed away on 03/26/19
    CHANGE Collegian Network which now named Christian Collegian Network (Tiffany Gelpi was the past President and Founder of CCN--Tiffany should be complimented for her hard work over the years and dedication for preaching the Gospel on college campuses.)

Feeding and Clothing the Poor

    Farmers and Hunters—feeding the hungry (CFC) number is #10308.
  2. Mother Keturah Breakfast Club (Harlem, NYC)
    Salvation Army--helps relieve poverty.
    The Salvation Army Flemington Corps

Book Donations (please do not donate books that are severely worn out and poor quality)

BetterWorldBooks -- see locations such as Hellertown Area Library, 409 Constitution Ave, Hellertown, PA 18055. Ph#610-838-8381. Yes, they take text books.

Salvation Army -- will not take text books or magazines.

Money Crashers has a list of other organizations to donate books.

Creation Ministries

    Creation Ministries International-a creation ministry that offers a great technical journal (Journal of Creation).
    Institute for Creation Research (ICR)--a creation ministry.
    Answers in Genesis--a creation ministry

Christian Military Officers

    Officers' Christian Fellowship (OTC)--Christian officers exercising biblical leadership to raise up a godly military—CFC #10531

Christian Legal Help

    Barnabasfund--hope and aid for the persecuted church.
    International Christian Concern-smuggles Bibles & petitions the US. 
  3. Thomas More Law Center
  4. The Rutherford Institute--issues such as free speech, search & seizure, parents rights, etc.
  5. Alliance Defense Fund (ADF)--they will defend a students' right with the Day of Dialogue in High Schools and other legal issues (see the High School tab tab on students' rights being violated at a well known High School in NJ and how to start a Bible Club and what to do).
    Day of Truth/Day of Dialogue
    --The Day of Truth was established to counter the promotion of the homosexual agenda in high schools and express an opposing viewpoint from a Christian perspective.
    American Center for Law & Justice--fights for Christians' rights.

Helping People with Drug Addictions

    Friendship Ministry (John 15:15)--Prison Ministry, Men's PurityMinistry, Correspondence,etc.

Saving Children from Harmful Vaccinations, GMOs, 5G, etc.

1. Vaccination: The Most Important Decision Parents Will Ever Make (Tract) -- You can order the tract in bulk from Weston A. Price Foundation or print off on your computer. Get Tracts on many other topics at The Weston A. Price Foundation. Main website at WAPF

2. Council on Vaccine Safety National Vaccine Information Center

Recommended Civic Organizations to Support

Serving Children and Communities Worldwide

Law Enforcement Associations that Defend the Constitution

Preventing Genocide & Totalitarianism by Defending a Person's Right to Self-Defense with a Firearm--all Totalitarian Governments in History have Confiscated Firearms

    Gun Owners of America
    Gun Owners of America (GOA)--top 2nd Amendment organization; CFC#10042
  • Gun Owners of America
    The NRA Foundation--teaches freedom and safety to our young people. The combined federal campaign (CFC) number is #11872.
    NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund- NRACRDF's combinded federal campaign (CFC) number is #10006
    Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership. It has great pamphlets, literature and articles that shows how the U.S. is passing gun laws based on what Nazi Germany did to its citizens.

Listen to Alex Jones
from 12:00 to 3:00 PM EST (Infowars)

Alex Jones

Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

Join the NRA Today
Second Amendment Foundation

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]