Events (Click For State and Local events)
Many of the news sites listed on this website (see the Internet News Tab) will give you accurate and informed analysis on events affecting the nation and world. For weather and transportation updates, see 511nj for NJ and 511pa for PA. For transportation, see NJ Transit and PA Transit.
"Breaking News" on the Home page. Click Here for Archived "Breaking News" Articles from Home page.
Click to read A. Banner with Gandhi's statement on it at Hunterdon Central High School's cafeteria and about Common Core. B. History Background on Economics & Politics.; C. Special News Alerts; D. Special Tidbits (Internet Protection & Net Neutrality & Trumps Economic Solutions & Voter Guide) & E. Censored News Sites & F. See BLM Protest in Flemington, NJ (06/06/2020)
State and Local Events in NJ (especially Hunterdon County) & PA
Note 2015: It is unfortunate that the Hunterdon County Democrat will exclude web links or not mention organizations it does not agree with from "Letters to the Editor" submitted to them. This policy change was alleged to have taken place by a person--who had their websites posted in every letter submitted up until 5 or 6 years ago (2010)--who spoke with NJIAT and called one of reporters/editors 5 years ago and they alleged that the reporter/editor said "it is not their job to inform the public--let them find the information". In other words, no website links, but censorship! I thought that a newspaper is suppose to inform the public. This seemed to occur when one of the employees (Shirley S.) left the Democrat approx. 5 years ago, who was in charge of the"Letters to the Editor". Shirley would include websites and would not censor the "Letters to Editor"-- this has not been the case with the present Hunterdon County Democrat Editors. (In February 2001, Penn Jersey Advance, Inc., a unit of Advance Publications (Newhouse), bought The Democrat and its sister publications. Based in Somerville, New Jersey, Penn Jersey Advance is the parent company of NJN Publishing, a network of newspapers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania; prior to 2001, it was famiy owned (H. Seely Thomas Jr) .)
State and Local Events
Great American Outdoor Show, Feb. 1-9, 2025 (PA Farm Complex, 2300 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, PA 17110) -- Nine halls of guns, archery, fishing tackle, treestands, boats, RV's and more! 650,000 square feet of exhibit hall space and over 1,000 exhibitors.
Pastor Andrew Paton Passes Away on September 09, 2024.
Pastor Andrew Paton (Video of Funeral) -- Andrew John James Paton, 70, of La Porte, Indiana, passed away 9 September 2024. He was a retired minister who served in South Africa,
as well as New York and Illinois.
He is survived by his wife, Carol Paton. Pastor Andrew was the pastor of the Clinton Nazarene Church in Clinton, NJ for over 21 years--Pastor Andrew left in 2018 from preaching from the Annandale church's pulpit and embraced a new mission to help struggling churches throughout America and Canada to get back on tract Biblically. His first assignment was in Roxana, IL.
Quoting the Bible, the Rev. Paton told his congregation when he left the Nazarene Church, founded in 1970 (started as a Bible study in 1966), "there is a time to plant and a time to uproot''.
Pastor Andrew was very involved in politics (applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life). He was friends with former Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) and did the invocation when Senator Doherty was sworn into office in 2009. Pastor Andrew would take on the federal, state, local government and school system for their anti-God policies.
See Video (Senator Doherty sworn into office, NJIAT copyright @ 11/23/09): NJ State Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) is sworn into office on 11/23/09 at the Capitol. Pastor Andrew Paton, from the Clinton Church of the Nazarene, does the invocation for the Senator located at the "Local Government" Tab.
Great American Outdoor Show , Feb. 3-11, 2024 (PA Farm Complex, 2300 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, PA 17110)
Memorial on December 01, 2022 For Louis C. Reiner (05/09/1963 - 11/12/2022), (Direct Link for Memorial & Obituary of Lou Reiner (11/12/2022))
Left picture: Lou Reiner gets sworn in by Hunterdon County Sheriff Fred Brown for a second term as a Raritan Twp. Committeeman (Jan. 4, 2018). Gary Hazard was also sworn in. Mike Mangin was sworn in as Mayor for 2018. Picture (01/02/2015) of the Swearing-in of Lou Reiner by Senator Mike Doherty- PDF & Picture (01/04/2018) below of the Swearing-in of Lou Reiner by Sheriff Fred Brown - PDF
Lou Reiner Passed Away on November 12, 2022 of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Dinner Memorial for Louis C. Reiner at the Moose Lodge in Flemington, NJ. was Held on Dec. 01, 2022. Many Elected Officials Attended.
Mr. Reiner was a life long resident of Raritan Twp. (Flemington, NJ). Mr. Reiner has one brother that resides with his wife in NC. Mr. Reiner was an elected Raritan Twp. Committeeman and Deputy Mayor (2014-2020 ). Mr. Reiner was a controversial official (he did not hate Muslims and was in agreement with them on the moral issues such a pro-life, against teaching the students the LGBTQ agenda, etc.). Mr. Reiner was condemning the radical elements in the religion and admitted he should have been more clear and not made a general statement. Islam is a religion, not a race or a nationality for the stupid liberals out there. (It should be mentioned that the so-called out cry about what was posted on Mr. Reiner's Facebook came from the God hating Radical Left Democratic liberals and RINOs--those are the people that showed up to protest at a Raritan Twp. 10/01/2019 Meeting.) Mr. Reiner planned on getting together with the local Mosque in Flemington, NJ and protest with them against what they are teaching our kids in the public schools such as transgenderism, pedophilia, LGBTQ agenda, etc. Most of the Muslims reject homsexuality and consider it offensive, sinful and they do not like the radical secular humanists promotion of immorality, especially to young kids in the school. What you do as an adult in your bedroom is your business, but do not touch our children. Yes, there are also homosexuals who are against teaching transgenderism or pushing the LGBTQ agenda on our young kids.
Note: Diagreeing with a religion is not hate--Catholics diagree with Protestants. Christianity diagrees with Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Non-Messianic Judaism, etc. Many of the above groups call the Protestant religion a false religion and hate Calvin, Luther, etc. and do not think the Bible is the Word of God. Mr. Reiner was not afraid to take a stand on issues. He was pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment (an NRA member) and a supporter of President Donald Trump, whom he said won in 2020. See Russia Calls Out "Overthrowing" of "Legitimately Elected President" Trump (03/03/2023).
Image left: Committeeman Reiner (Raritan Twp. NJ), Mortara Brothers and their wives and
a Republican County Committeeman at the Bullfeathers Pub in Washington, D.C. for lunch after attending President Trumps inauguration - PDF. The group was sitting behind an Admiral at Bullfeathers who stated that former President Obama destroyed the military by removing
the "warriors" and replacing them with "bureaucrats." (01/20/17)
Lou Reiner was Pro-American, a Populist and Could Think for Himself & Stood Against His Own Colleagues at Raritan Twp. on Certain Issues
Mr. Reiner opposed the Raritan Twp. "Message Ordinance" (Mr. Reiner alleged that a law enforcement officer who was pushing for the ordinance was getting oral sex at one of the Message Parlors--how ironic) and was also a RTMUA Commissioner--he was sworn in on 02/25/2021 (see Reiner & RTMUA--02-25-2021). Mr. Reiner was also instrumental in not renewing the Raritan Twp. Municipal prosecutor and judge--the former municipal prosecutor had the audacity to accuse Mr. Reiner of running this webiste, which he has nothing to do with it. The former Municipal Prosecutor even complained to the former Hunterdon County Prosecutor about this website (NJIAT) according to Mr. Reiner! (Mr. Reiner stated that the former Municipal Prosecutor had no respect for the 1st Amendment or religious freedom (Lou also said this is typical of Radical Left Democrats and RINOs--look at the censorship on social meda; Lou called them the 21st century Totalitarians & Fascists--see Robert F. Kennedy Jr (RFK Jr). Explains How Democratic Party Is Already "Rigging" 2024 Race).
Image left: Richard Chen and Lou Reiner at a Rotary Club Breakfast fundraiser at Hunterdon Central High School on 11/01/14 - -PDF, (Reiner and Chen won the Raritan Twp. committee by a landslide on Nov. 4, 2014--vote count: Chen 3,615, Reiner 3,546, Rampulla 2,260 and Corfield 2,146. See article in Hunterdon County Democrat entitled Raritan Township Republican victors sharpening their budget axes (11/05/14).
Mr. Reiner was opposed to "Open Space" because the Twp. in coordination with the county would buy worthless property or purchase property from individuals who were politically connected--Mr. Reiner and Mr. Chen (an engineer, military officer) ran against two Raritan Twp. Republican incumbents and beat them on many issues. For example, one issue they brought up in the campaign was one of the Republican incumbents received "Open Space" money for his farm (see "Local Government Tab" and go to the subtitle "Open Space and Farmland Preservation"--road repairs was the main issue and Mr. Reiner and Mr. Chen opposed the incumbents anti-second amendment resolution in Raritan Twp. Mr. Reiner was also against the fraudulent "Green" agenda in Raritan Twp.--Mr. Reiner stated that it takes fossil fuels (natural gas is clean burning) to charge electric cars and is very inefficient and "Carbon Dioxide" is not a pollutant and is needed for vegatation (he learned this in high school). Furthermore, Mr. Reiner stated that "Global Warming" is caused by humans was another lie--see Climate Depot .
Lou Reiner Confronted the "Hunterdon Medical Center" (Why are they not promoting Ivermectin? Click link above to see video on the Story of Ivermectin and Covid-19)
Mr. Reiner also knew that the Covid-19 Vaccine was harmful and deadly and condemned the Hunterdon County Commissioners for suporting this bio-weapon vaccine, wearing masks that do not work and the lockdownsand not promoting Ivermectin that Lou took himself. When Mr. Reiner was sick the first time with Covid, he got a prescription for Hydroxycholoroquine (HCQ), Antibiotics & zinc (it cured him). The second time he got covid (a mild form), Lou took Ivermectin (offered over the counter) that he had at home and refused Remdesivir offered to him at the Hunterdon Medical Center after he called his friend (Remdesivir when combined with dexamethasone and vancomyin causes acute kidney failure in 45% of patients in a span of five days)--Lou Reiner alleged that the Hunterdon Medical Center Board Members are corporate people beholden to the Big Pharma industry and just carry out their harmful agenda (Lou angered one doctor in the hospital room over his position on Ivermectin and the harmful vaccines). See Hospitals became DEATH and MURDER facilities during covid, facts show
Lou Reiner against the Ukraine War & Sending Billions--Republican Party Misled on the Issue
Mr. Reiner was also against the U.S. overthrowing the Ukraine President in 2014 and sending billions to Ukraine to wage War against Russia and U.S. Special Forces fighting there. See Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond (Video Presentation) & HTML Article: Is The War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before The Great Reset? by Dr. Peter Hammond (2022) & Scott Ridder (U.S. Marine Veteran) & Watch Oliver Stone's Bombshell Ukraine Documentary entitled "Ukraine on Fire" that was censored by YouTube (posted to (Oliver Stone is a Vietnam Veteran.)
Pictures above at the Moose Lodge in Flemington, NJ on December 1, 2022. A memoral Dinner held in Lou Reiner's honor. Picture 1 (12/01/2022) of Moose Lodge Dinner on PDF & Picture 2 (12/01/2022) of Family Photos on PDF & Picture 3 (12/01/2022) of Family Photos on PDF.
Pictures above at Lou Reiner's House on December 18th, 2022. Minister from the Clinton Nazarene Church officiated the Ash Memorial. Picture 1 (12/18/2022) Ash Memorial at Lou Reiner's House PDF & Picture 2 (12/18/2022) Ash Memorial at Lou Reiner's House PDF & Picture 3 (12/18/2022) Ash Memorial at Lou Reiner's House PDF.
Lou Reiner's Last Message to the Radical Left-Wing Democrats & Neocon RINOs in NJ (10/14/2022 - PDF)
Lou Reiner's Last Message to the Radical Left Democrats, Neocon RINOs, especially in Hunterdon County, and other Anti-American People in the United States on 10/14/2022. Mr. Reiner did have a good relationship with many honest elected Republican officials in Hunterdon County and he appreciated their friendship. (Note: Mr. Reiner insisted that the picture be posted on the left. (Of course, other media outlets would not publish it.) Mr. Reiner loved drama. For example, Lou would be home one week and then call the ambulance and be back in the Hunterdon Medical Center Hospital. This occurred so many times that the nurse told him he cannot do this anymore--"the Hunterdon Medical Center is not a long-term care facility." So, the one nurse told him, according to Lou, you will have to go home. Lou said "Ok." However, when the Hunterdon Medical Center ambulence took him home, no one was there and the police told the Hunterdon Medical Center ambulence personnel you cannot just leave him here with no one at home according to Lou. They needed the police to open the house. Lou was taken back to the Hunterdon Medical Center and everyone's mouth dropped when they saw him coming back into the hospital--the hospital could not bill the insurance company according to Lou.)
Mr. Reiner did make a public confession to a few friends in the Hunterdon Medical Center a few weeks before he died. Mr. Reiner said he accepted Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMaschiach) as his Personal Lord & Savior and was sorry for his many sins.
(Lou had many conversations with a Roman Catholic priest that would visit him at the hospital and home even though he was Protestant. Lou stated to the priest that the Protestant Biblical position on how one is saved: Justification by faith apart from works--it is not works, but grace (Titus 3:7; Rom 11:6). There is only one way to salvation (Yeshua HaMaschiach). The priest's response at the hospital according to Lou "it is more complicated then that." Lou's friend left Biblical information written by Dr. Robert A. Morey of Faith Defenders and the information was given to the priest who shared it with his superiors in the Roman Catholic Church--see Letter to Roman Catholic Friends & Roman Catholism Today & Audio Series on the Book of Romans & Did Old Testament Saints have the Holy Spirit "in" Them? & Audio on Judaism. Also, the Protestant Biblical position on man's fall has always been "original sin" (man is born into sin from birth--imputed), not the "semi-pelagian" view of the fall of man that Rome teaches, which was considered heretical (see audio on Audio Topic: Augustism vs. Palagianism)).
May 11, 2022 (Lou Reiner has his Last Birthday Party held at His Residence--He turned 59 on May 09, 2022)
Picture 1 (05/11/2022)--Birthday Cake with a Message to Democrats at Lou Reiner's House PDF & Picture 2 (05/11/2022) Outside Gathering at Birthday Party at Lou Reiner's House PDF & Picture 3 (05/11/2022) Birthday Party -- Front of Lou Reiner's House PDF.
November 28, 2022
Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District, NJ) was honored by the Hunterdon County Republican Committee at Beaver Brook Country Club, Annandale, NJ on 11/28/2022.
He resigned at the end of 2022 and was electect Surrogate of Warren County. Note: Heron Glenn Golf Course (a Hunterdon County owned golf course) located in Ringoes, NJ is a beautiful Golf course; however, the Club house is too small. Another screw up by the Hunterdon County Commissioners!
Picture 1 (11/28/2022) of Senator Doherty on PDF & Picture 2 (11/28/2022) of Senator Doherty on PDF
November 3, 2022 Fundraiser Event For Senator Mike Doherty (23rd) at the Draught House, 268 Route 31, Washington, NJ 07882 (Warren County).
Hunterdon County Federated Republican Women (HCFRW) hold annual Breakfast in Asbury, NJ (Mountain Chalet). Guest Speakers: Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District), Assemblyman Erik Peterson (23rd District) and Assemblyman John Dimeo (23rd District) -- (Sept. 24, 2022)
Topics: School Boards and the sexual perversion being taught in our public schools and the Russia & Ukraine War.
Senator Mike Doherty answered the question on what is happening in Russia & Ukraine from a person in the audience. The Senator stated the following points: 1. When he graduated West Point, he was stationed in West Germany and Communism was a real threat; 2. When the Soviet Union collapsed, part of the agreement with the United States was not to expand NATO into the former Warsaw Pact (WP) countries (8 members that included the Soviet Union). The WP was dissolved on July 1, 1991; 3. What happened? NATO has expanded into many of those countries; 4. The U.S. does not belong there and should make a peace agreement. Billions of dollars sent over there for nothing. See Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond (Video presentation)
Raritan Township Community Day (Sept. 17, 2022)
Raritan Twp. (Flemington, NJ) Supervisor of Public Works, Mike Rasile (below), helping to coordinate the community day. The event had a better layout this year. Note: Mr. Mike Rasile has officially retired on March 31, 2023.
It was a team effort by all the Public Works employees, Emergency Responders, Raritan Twp. Committee and so on to make the day successful.
June 07, 2022
(GOP 7th District Congressional NJ Primary Election) Assemblyman Erik Peterson (23rd District, NJ) a total disaster for Erik Peterson, John Flora and John Isemann.
Here are the results: 1. Thomas Kean Jr. -- 23,874 votes, 45.6%, 2. Philip Rizzo, 12,410 votes, 23.7%, 3. Erik Peterson, 8,082 votes, 15.4%, 4. John Flora, 2,895 votes, 5.5% 5. John Iseman, 2,536, 4.8%. How dumb can you be. Why did Erik Peterson , John Flora and John Iseman not withdraw from the race if Philip Rizzo was polling second place? Then it would have been competitive. In other states, if a candidate does not get more than 50%, there is a runoff between the top two. The only good thing that came out of the race is that Assemblyman Erik Peterson did expose the voting record of Tom Kean, Jr. and brought up important topics such as school board elections and the sexual perversion being promoted in our schools.
Assemblyman Erik Peterson (23rd District, NJ) announces his candidacy for NJ Congressman in the 7th Congressional District, a pro-Trump, conservative Republican and for health freedom and against forced vaccinations--Erik Peterson (click to read article entitled Peterson launches congressional bid with promise to be a loyal conservative by is helping to promote prophylactics for Covid-19 treatments that work such as Ivermectin. Unfortunately, his foreign policy is with the neocons. Peterson thinks Ukraine should be in NATO and shows a lack of understanding of the region and history of Russia and Ukraine. Peterson has lost most of his support as a result. Instead of following Senator Mike Doherty on foreign policy, Peterson sides with the war mongers and demonic globalists (Western Europe is Fascist). Senator Doherty in an interview today pointed out that the U.S. overthrow Ukraine. See Erik Peterson postion in the article entitled Peterson opposes Putin (01/24/2022) by and see Senator Doherty's TV interview above.
Former Senator Tom Kean, Jr. (21st District) will be running in the Republican primary against Assemblyman Erik Peterson, Phil Rizzo and businessman John Henry Isemann. Former Congressman Leonard Lance held this seat from 2009 -- 2019 until he was defeated in 2018 because he was anti-Trump and had some terrible votes while in office, especially against working class Americans (see the John Birch Society's "Freedom Index" showing his voting record). It was alleged in the Hunterdon County Republican Party that former Congressman Leonard Lance is blaming conservatives for his loss--what a joke. They are also blaming Bill Spadea for Governor candidate Jack Ciatrelli's loss. A total joke. Bill Spadea stated on the radio Jack lost because Jack did not stand for anything and was a weak candidate--the Trump candidates won in NJ.
Note: It is usually very difficult to win a primary when there are too many people running for the same position. Tom Kean, Jr. does have a lot of backing in the Republican Party and the financial resources for the congressional race.
February 18, 2022
Former Senator Tom Kean, Jr. and Congressional candidate takes a stand for the State Constitution and Votes "No" against the New Jersey redistricting map
We do have to compliment former Senator Tom Kean, Jr. for voting "No" on the unconstitutional district map for NJ with Democratic member Cosmo Cirillo also voting "No." The idiot former judge Philip Carchman, a retired judge who was appointed by the state's Supreme Court chief justice to act as a tie breaker, voted for the Democrat map which violates the State Constitution and further deteriorates Hunterdon County's representation. An 11-member bipartisan redistricting commission voted 9-2 to approve the map Friday afternoon in Trenton as part of an unprecedented compromise (that tells the whole story). Senator Jon Bramnick (21st District) disgraced himself again by voting "yes."
Former NJ Governor Chris Christie, a globalist and God-hater, was responsible for the decline and destruction of the NJ Republican districts, especially in Hunterdon County in 2011. You can add former Governor Christin Todd Whitman, who is a globalist and God-hater. The down side: the Democrats might have gotten their whole original legislative map if no compromise was reached between the Republican and Democrat election members. Former GOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt picked three of the election board members--by tradition, the Senate leader and Assembly leader from both parties are automatically chosen. And, of course, they pick two women. NJ GOP Bob Hugin did not choose the members; however, he is praising the new map (it is not good--see New Jersey Legislative Districts 2022-2030 -- PDF) . They should have fought the idiot judge and went to court if he accepted their original map. See article entitled Veteran N.J. Democrats could be booted under new legislative map just approved in bipartisan by Also, see Redistricting violates the NJ Constitution. See Senator Mike Doherty (Picture right, 23rd District) spoke about what happened with the NJ redistricting at the VFW event in Glenn Garnder on 05/02/19 and handed out Article IV.
New Jersey Senator Tom Kean, Jr. was misled in the Senate Session on 01/11/2021
Senator Tom Kean, Jr. (21st District) did not speak the truth or was misled in the Senate Session on 01/11/2021--click NJ Senate Session - Monday, Jan. 11, 2021 (video--1:08 minutes). He made a statement that President Trump should resign--misled by the media. Watch Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) speaking about what really happened (29 minutes into video) and setting the record straight and not supporting the asinine resolution and then listen to Senator Kean, Jr. (21st District) who was totally misinformed or did not care what the truth is (1:08 minutes into video). Of course, you have many NJ Democratic Senators lying about President Trump not winning the election by a landslide such as Senator Richard J. Codey--did they see 2000 Mules by Dinesh D'Souza? 100% proof of voter fraud & that the election was stolen in 2020.
Stopping Convention of States Made Strange Bedfellows. Sweeney & NJ Democrats Were Right.
NJ Republicans Dead Wrong (Jan. 04, 2022) -- NJ Democrats agree with the John Birch Society on this issue (No to a Con-Con). Click here for link to JBS (John Birch Society) Page on Article V Convention of States (Convention To Propose Amendments To US Constitution).
Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, PA (Feb. 5 - 13, 2022). The Great American Outdoor Show is a nine-day event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania that celebrates hunting, fishing, and outdoor traditions treasured by millions of Americans and their families. Address: Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, 2300 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, Pa 17110. The Sheriff's Office will usually perform the security as they did in previous years. The Sheriff's Office: (Dauphin County, PA Sheriff's Office). Sheriff Nicholas Chimienti Jr. should have a Deputy Reserve program like the Sheriff's Office in Pittsuburgh, PA. and expand its law enforcement functions. See Sheriff's Office Information on Supplemental Coverage & Mergers -- PDF (2017/2020 Tri-fold Tract)
Image: Martin aka Marty Romano (11/23/1938 - 11/26/2021)
Martin Romano, age 83 years, of Erwinna, PA, died Friday, November 26, 2021, at his home.
Born in Elizabeth, NJ, November 23, 1938, son of the late Joseph M. Romano and Alice Burget. Martin had resided Hunterdon County and then Erwinna, PA for the last 25 years. Marty was in the Navy, an NRA member and Trump supporter. For further information, see Martin Romano (2021) .
Irene Verity-Leon (10/04/1927 - 12/02/2021) below
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Irene V. Leon of Frenchtown, New Jersey, born in Baldwin, New York, who passed away on December 2, 2021, at the age of 94, leaving to mourn family and friends. Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family.
She was predeceased by : her parents, Charles Henry Verity and Cora Verity; her daughter Diane Leon; her husband Samuel Leon; and her siblings, Elsie Kocsis and Henry Verity.
She is survived by : her granddaughters, Jamie Wadle (Rudy) and Christine Smith (Chuck); and her great grandchildren, Rudy Wadle, Logan Wadle, Cayden Wadle,
Madison Smith and AJ Smith. For historic movies of Irene Verity-Leon when she was young, Click to see Historic Family Films (Items# 4, 9, 11 & 12)
Hunterdon County Federated Republican Women hold a Legislative Update: Breakfast Buffet Service at the Mountain View Chalet, Asbury, NJ on 10/02/2021
Present from left to right: Bill Spadea, moderator, Assemblyman John DiMaio, Senator Mike Doherty and Assemblyman Erik Peterson.
Panel Discussion & Topics Discussed: Freedom of choice for vaccinations and school taxes.
Senator Mike Doherty discussed how "Ivermectin" is a great therapeutic to treat Covid-19. Senator Doherty gave India as an example for treating Covid-19--big states in India that have over 270 million people are using "Ivermectin" successfully--almost a 100% success rate. Senator Doherty further elaborated on hospitals using "Remdesvir" after a question from the audience about hospital treatments. Do not use it--it causes acute kidney failure and then your lungs fill up and the hospital puts you on a ventilator and then you are dead. Natural immunity is the much better than deadly vaccinations. Assemblyman Eric Peterson commented that hospitals want to use treatments that work, but are under a lot of pressure to tow the line. Assemblyman Eric Peterson rebuked the "Hunterdon County Commissioners" for their approval of forced masks at the Raritan Valley Community College--defund them! Warren County Community College does not require masks, especially when they do not work. (Note: Assemblyman Peterson calls Hunterdon County Commissioner John Lanza a Middlesex Democrat and the Hunterdon County Commissioners also screwed County Clerk Mary Melfi, who deseperately needed to purchase new voting machines; the Commissioners said "No", but they will approve open space.) The panel also talked about the high school taxes--Senator Doherty was the one who came up with "Fair School Funding" that the RINO Republicans and Gov. Chris Christie did nothing with his proposal--Jack Ciaterrelli is on board with Senator Doherty's plan. Bill Spadea rebuked Senator Tom Kean over the Covid vaccinations, who was at the breakfast. Bill is a friend of Senator Kean, but he had to tell the truth. See Is remdesivir increasing people's risk of needing to be hospitalized for covid? and Hunterdon County Federated Women at the Mountain View Chalet Pamphlet--10/02/2021 -- PDF and Covid-19 Legal Help & Covid-19 Medications that Work
Flemington Court House Ceremony honoring the 911 victims--09/11/2021
Senator Mike Doherty, Assemblyman Eric Peterson, Sheriff Fred Brown, Hunterdon County Prosecutor Renee Robeson and many other dignitaries attended the event. See Hunterdon County Court House--911 Ceremony on 09-11-2021 Pamphlet -- PDF
Clinton Church of the Nazarene performed the music at the 911 ceremony
Image: (06/15/2021) Funeral in Rosemont, NJ for Bonnie (aka Besse) Leone-Higgins (03/15/1921 - 01/15/2021)
Rosemont-NJ-06-15-2021-1--PDF;Rosemont-NJ-06-15-2021-2--PDF;Rosemont-NJ-06-15-2021-3--PDF; Rosemont-NJ-06-15-2021-4--PDF; Sedona, AZ-01-24-2021-1--PDF; Sedona, AZ-01-24-2021-2--PDF
Bonnie (aka Besse) Leone-Higgins was a lifelong resident of Flemington, NJ and then moved to Colorado & Idaho. She was 99 years old and a born again/born from above Christian that attended Grace Covenant Baptist Church in Flemington, NJ for many years. Bonnie's husband was Lester Higgins (passed away in 2001) who owned the Higgins Chicken Farm in Sergeantsville, NJ. Bonnie had two sons and one daughter. Bonnie's son, Ron, passed away in November 2020 and the memorial was held in Sedona, AZ on 01/24/2021.
Bonnie Higgins was a born-again Christian, who had opposition to her faith by some family members and friends, but remained steadfast in her faith in Jesus Christ. She would tell people there is no other name in heaven that you can be saved by. Only by repenting of your sins and accepting the Messiah (Yeshua/Jesus, who was God (2nd personality of theTrinity) and man, two natures) will you have eternal life--all other ways will lead to eternal condemnation. She believes her brother Andrew might have accepted Christ as his savior before he died--he was glad that all his sins could be forgiven and that works will not save or justify you! Only the blood of Christ!
Bonnie Higgins long time pastor Alan Dunn could not attend because he was out of town, however, Pastor Christopher R. Bush from Calvary Orthdox Presbyterian Church in Ringoes, NJ , a Bible believing Church, officiated.
Walter J. Van Gilson Obituary (October 8, 1946 - March 8, 2021) & Holcombe-Fisher Funeral Home (see pictures of Walt Van Gilson)
Walt Van Gilson served in the U.S. Marines (a Vietnam Veteran) and was stationed in Okinawa, Japan. While in Japan, he studied under the founder of Isshin-Ryu, Shimabuku Tatso (who combined Shorin-Ryu 90% and Goju-Ryu 10%) and received his black belt. Isshin-Ryu also teaches the uses of Kusarigama. Walt Van Gilson graduated from Hunterdon Central High School in the 1960's and was on the wrestling team. To see movies of Walt Van Gilson in 1977, go to Historic Movies and scroll to Walt Van Gilson--Number#7 and the service on Saturday was video taped--click Walt Van Gilson service.
We are sad to announce that on March 8, 2021 we had to say goodbye to Walter J. Van Gilson (Flemington, New Jersey). You can send your sympathy in the guestbook provided and share it with the family. You may also light a candle in honor of Walter J. Van Gilson or send a beautiful flower arrangement to the funeral service. Note: It was brought to our attention that Walt had a Covid-19 vaccination two days before his death.
He was predeceased by : his parents, John Gilson and Marie Lissy Van Gilson. He is survived by : his children, Damian and Yvonne T.; his children-in-law, David Scott of Milford, NJ and Erynn Brezin of Middlesex, NJ; his grandchildren, Rebecca, Mekayla, Faith, Michael, Connor, Noah and Taylor; his great grandchildren, Bella, Elodie and Landon; his siblings, Kenneth Van Gilson of Ewing Township, David Van Gilson (Judy) of Holland Township, NJ, Jeffrey Van Gilson of Salisbury, MD and Sandra Fenn of Lincroft, NJ; and his aunt Leonora Lombardi Lissy. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews and friends.(His parents were from Belgium.)
Visitation was held on Saturday, March 13th 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Holcombe-Fisher Funeral Home (147 Main St, Flemington, NJ 08822). A funeral service was held on Saturday, March 13th 2021 at 12:00 PM at the same location.
Ronald Higgins (01/24/1945-11/13/2020) of Sedona, Arizona passes away. Ron was a well known artist (metal sculptures). He is preceded by his wife Carol and two sons. He was orignally from Sergeantsville, New Jersey.
His mother was Bonnie (aka Besse) Leone-Higgins (03/15/1921 - 01/15/2021), who just passed away, was a lifelong resident of Flemington, NJ and then moved to Colorado & Idaho. She was 99 years old and a born again/born from above Christian that attended Grace Covenant Baptist Church in Flemington, NJ for many years. Bonnie's husband was Lester Higgins (passed away in 2001) who owned the Higgins Chicken Farm in Sergeantsville, NJ. Bonnie had two sons and one daughter. To see historic movies of Ron and Bonnie Higgins, go to Historic Movies (#9, 10, 11, 12).
Former Raritan Twp. Committeeman Lou Reiner is sworn in as RTMUA Commissioner by Senator Mike Dohery (23rd District) on 02/25/2021--Bible was held by Scott MacDade (Raritan Twp. Committeeman)
Commissioner Reiner voted "No" for the reappointment of C. Gregory Watts (legal counsel).
Commissioner Reiner also mentioned that the State of NJ is purposely targeting conservative areas on environmental issues. Reclassification of streams to C1.
Archived "Breaking News" Articles from Home page
Fattest RINO in the Room" Chris Christie exposes himself as a traitorous NWO globalist and degenerate cultural marxist (06/21/2023) -- he is for transgender procedures for minors and for supporting the Nazi government in Ukraine (former Governor Chris Christie and Congressman Tom Kean, Jr. should send their kids to Ukraine to fight the war). And know the former Governor Christie is running the Republican primary and cursing President Trump in won in 2020 (2% Christie, what a joke).
Note: The New Jersey Apportionment Commission is required by the New Jersey Constitution with redrawing the lines of the State's 40 legislative districts, from which 40 Senators and 80 members of the General Assembly are elected. Unfortunately, the Commission, especially the Republicans according to elected officials, alleged that the whole process was fixed from the beginning under Governor Christie. It was alleged that the Commission violated the State Constitution on how it divided the counties (Hunterdon and Warren Counties were one district; the 23rd before 2012)--the districts are suppose to reflect the counties as close as possible (see Article IV of the NJ Constitution regarding State Redistricting of the Senate and Assembly -- PDF); Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) spoke about what happened with the NJ redistricting at the VFW event in Glenn Garnder on 05/02/19 and handed out Article IV. The Commission broke the two counties up to include a few districts--the Republican plan was even worse then the Deomcrat plan and was a violation of the State Constitution. The Republicans on the Commission under former Governor Chris Christie did not want the Conservative, Constitutionalist and Libertarian areas to have any power and thus struck a deal with the Democrats---they would approve the Democrat State plan that was less harmful then the Republicans' redistricting plan under former Governor Christie!. It was also alleged that Governor Christie did everything in his power to keep Democratic Senator Brian P. Stack (D) in the 33rd District's seat safe. (The whole process was secret.)
January 24, 2022
Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) condemns the demonic globalist warmongers over wanting to start a war with Russia.
Doherty Needs to Hear Where Kean and Peterson Stand on Ukraine(, TV Interview with the Senator) & How a US false flag nuke attack in Ukraine ends up starting World War III
In Senator Doherty's TV interview with "insidernj", the senator stated the following:
Biden himself as said a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine would be "the most consequential thing that's happened in the world in terms of war and peace" since World War Two.
"This is a disaster in the making," said the state senator, whose sons also served in the United States military. "It needs to be stopped. Security is a two-way street." The U.S. needs to "provide assurances to Russia that Ukraine will not be added to NATO -- to take down tension level," he said."The United States has taken specific actions over the last 30 yeas and then when Russia reacts to this then [we overreact]," he added. "Russia is responding to what's happened over the last 30 years. A war would be ridiculous. There is not a strategic interest for an America to die. We are going to send American troops to die for a country in Eastern Europe to protect their borders. It takes two sides to tango it takes two sides to pick a fight. "The people in Washington, D.C. are saying 'Why is Russia being aggressive? American troops are going to have to go die in another stupid foreign war."
Senator Doherty also mentioned in the interview that the United States overthrew Ukraine during the Obama administration and put in their regime. When the Sovient Union broke up and the Warsaw Pact (WP)--a treaty in 1955 with seven Eastern and Central bloc Soviet satellite states--was dissloved, the U.S. promised no NATO troops would be put in the former Soviet satellite states. Furthermore, Senator Doherty stated that the U.S. is worried about Ukraine's border, but leaves our own border wide open.
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year (2021-2022)
John 1:14 (1599 Geneva Bible)
14 And that Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we saw the glory thereoff, as the glory of the only begotten Son of the Father) full of grace and truth. The Messiah/Yeshua fulfilled over 360 prophecies in the Old Testament (Tanakh). Yes, the Messiah/God (1 God, but 3 personalities in the Godhead: Father, Son, Holy Spirit) sat with Abraham & the two (2) Angels (Genesis 18). The true God of the Universe (Yeshua Ha-Maschiah). The birth/incarnation might have occured in September/October, but it does not matter. The "New Covenant" allows us to celebrate any day and we are not bound by certain days as in the "Mosaic Covenant" that only applied to ancient Israel; there were 4 Covenants (see FAQ#31) in the Bible--the New Covenant is everlasting. The "Mosaic Covenant" was Defective & Obsolete and was fullfilled by the Messiah--not the other Covenants such as the Noahic Covenant. The Old & New Testaments (inspired literary texts that should have been named Parts I & II) are not defective, only the Mosaic Covenant! (Covenant is a space/ time event entered in with a specific person.)
Fundraiser For Gary Hazard and Robyn Fatooh for Raritan Twp. Committee at the Moose Lodge, Flemington, NJ on 09/12/2020
Trump Tent at the Moose Lodge, a Hazard & Fatooh Fundraiser (09/12/2020) --Trump vs. Biden (2020) Non-Globalist Presidential Voter Guide -- PDF
Many of the Rino's or neocons in the Hunterdon Republican Party are "never Trumpers" who should not be in the Republican party. Click for enlarged picture: Moose Lodge-Trump Tent (09/12/2020) -- PDF
Hunterdon County Freeholders who would not go by the Trump tent or even look at it:
Freeeholder John Lanza (Committeeman Louis Reiner calls him a Middlesex Democrat (it is alleged that Assemblyman Erik Peterson coined the phrase); however, many Republicans do agree with Lanza's postiton using cash to pay bills, especially when the Raritan Twp. Police arrested him for a DUI last year (John was passed out in his car) and the police found $10,000 dollars in his car in an envelope--see Raritan Twp. Police Dept. report). The Freeholders have also disgraced themselves with not offering the services of the Sheriff's Office for "School Resourse Officers" and "Patrolling" on a contractual basis--Sheriff Fred Brown, who is a staunch supporter of President Trump, got it up the "Buttt" by the Freeholders. Yes, Hunterdon County should have active recreation Lanza and Rich. Contact Freeholder Zach Rich and voice your opposition to the Freeholder (now Commissioners) to using the great services of the Sheriff's Office.
(Note: It has been alleged by some elected officials that Freeholder John Lanza was telling other Republicans that the "extreminists in the Republican Party" are pushing Tom Kean over the cliff. The so-called "Extremists" believe the following: The original intent of the Constitution, end the continuous wars around the world in the name of stopping terror and stop our government from supporting Jihadists that many previous administrations did, bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. (remember NAFTA, 5 million jobs lost), end the draconian drug laws, against forced vaccinations from the big Pharma Drug cartels, support the Constitutional Offices such as the Sheriff's Office that can save the taxpayers a lot of money, seal our border, stop China from destroying this country, stop the LGBTQ from sexualizing are kids, arrest the "deep state" and globalist billionaires who are supporting terrorist organizations (BLM, Antifia), etc. Is this extremist to John Lanza? Call and ask him.
Committeeman Lous Reiner of Raritan Twp. alleged that Freeholder Shaun Van Doren stated to him and many young Republicans at headquarters that he is a "never Trumper. " Lou Reiner also alleged that Freeholder Van Doren told him at the fundraiser that he now supports President Donald Trump, but would not go near the Trump tent. Van Doren better start supporting the Sheriff's Office by offering services to the townships on a contractual basis or he is going to be voted out of office.
Who in the Hell is advising Senator Kean?
Senator Kean did speak at the fundraiser. What was his issue? Congressman Malinowski was against the Pharma Drug cartel. The senator said that Malinowski would bankrupt the pharmacy industry. A losing issue for Kean. Also, NJ Senator Tom Kean would not go near the Trump tent. Allegations in the Republican Party is that Assemblyman Jon M. Bramnick (R, 21st District) is running Kean's campaign. Bramnick is a "never Trumper" and when he was at the Republican Convention to nominate President Trump in 2016, he was cursing President Trump (ask Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District), who witnessed what he did). He pushed for the Gas tax and hurt former Assemblywoman Donna Simon (16th District) from winnning her race with his shithead advice.
Kean's debate with Malinowski on 09/13/2020
See the debate on the link entitiled Malinowski, Kean fight over Trump, Pelosi, health care in hard-hitting debate (TV Debate 09/13/2020).
He admitted in the debate with Congresssman Malinowski (7th District) that he (Kean) has attended BLM rallies (BLM is a terrorist organization being funded by Soros and the Deep State--see Who is Funding BLM?). Senator Kean also stated he disagreed with Senator Mike Doherty's statements on the 9/11 speech during his debate with Malinowski (see Senator Doherty's 9/11 speech at the Court House at NJ Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) says systemic racism doesn't exist, Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization at 9/11 ceremony (09/11/2020) -- (Thumbs-up for NJ Senator Mike Doherty for speaking the truth at a ceremony in Flemington, NJ).
See Democrats with BLM starting Fires in CA and other States with Owen Shroyer (TV) and Will Senator Mike Doherty's anti-Black Lives Matter message pay off for the GOP? | Mulshine
The debate did not go well for Senator Kean. Why? Senator Kean said he was for "red flag" laws (this is an unconstitutional law and is being used to take away your 2nd Amendment). Kean also stated he attended BLM. "Kean said he disagreed with Doherty, pointing to his attendance at Black Lives Matter rallies and saying he believed systemic racist was real..."
Senator Kean's chances went down the toilet after the debate. Senator Kean is a nice person, but does not understand the issues and does not have the fortitude to take tough stances.
(Left image: Committeeman Lou Reiner (a Trump supporter)
Why is former Assemblyman Jack Ciattrarelli running for NJ Governor that is not until next year.
Of course, Jack Ciattarelli, who is running for NJ Governor during the most important Presidential election in history, was not able to attend the fundraiser and is friends with many of the neoncons and never Trumpers in the Republican Party (Jack is a never Trumper). Jack is friends with John Lanza. What are Jack's positions? Jack supported the gas tax increase for two years until he ran for Governor the first time. Jack is pro-abortion and claims he is Catholic. Jack is against the Constitutional Offices, especially the Sheriff's Office that can save millions for taxpayers. Many neocon Republicans in NJ endorsed Joe Biden (former Governors Christine Todd Whitman & John Kasich and former Congressman Dick Zimmer).The other Hunterdon Republican Party wanted Kasich to get the nomination--these people do not belong in the Republican Party.
(Left image: Committeeman Garry Hazard ( a Trump supporter)
Thumbs-up for Freeholder Susan Soloway, Deputy Director for supporting President Trump and went up to the tent and purchased material at the fundraiser.
Note: A businessman in Hunterdon County alleged that he tried to call the "Hunterdon County Republican Committee" and wants donate $8k for four Trump Bill Boards. They never called him back and he called Trenton and then he alleged the Hunterdon Chairman called him and said he would get back to him in 3 weeks--he never got back to him and the businessman called them a bunch of "Rino's. He is going to complain to the Trump campaign. Update: The Hunterdon County Republican Party is in contact with this business person, but the businessman was happy and let them know.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) held a protest in Flemington, NJ on 06/06/2020
Picture (NJIAT, 06-06-2020): Black Lives Matter Protest at the Hunterdon County Court House in Flemington, NJ [Flemington Court House, Black Lives Matter Protest -- 06-06-2020 (PDF)]
The 99.99% white protestors were chanting "Black Lives Matter" and "No Justice, No Peace" (this is race-based virtue signaling by Democrats). The protestors showed their support by kneeling for nine minutes and 42 seconds to memorialize the amount of time that Officer Dereck Chauvin held his knee on the back of George Floyd (see Black DC Resident Scolds BLM Protestors). The event was a farce and is not a black movement, but old white men billionaire globalists funding and running the operations of these groups (including ANTIFA that has been designated as a terrorist organization) that includes manufacturing a race war to overthrow the U.S. government. The height of the hypocricy at the protest was when a woman sang "Amazing Grace." Most of the protestors hate Biblical Christianity and support abortion and homosexuality, which is condemned in the Bible. It also became a political rally for the Democratic Party (see Hunterdon County Democrats & MONEY LAUNDERING: GLOBAL DONATIONS TO BLACKLIVESMATTER.COM FUNNELED TO DNC -- Democrats openly conducting illegal money laundering operation in the name of saving black lives & DEMOCRATS AND CHINESE COMMUNISTS LAUNCH COORDINATED ATTACK ON AMERICA: WATCH LIVE). The speakers spoke about mail-in ballots,which increase the risk of voter fraud, and how people should vote. A complaint should be filed with the U.S. Attorney's Office against the State of New Jersey and Governor Murphy--where is the NJGOP or the Hunterdon County Republican Committee? It is an insurrection against this country that includes the Covid-19 lockdown. And Black Bishop Larry Gaiters Exposes the 'Black Skull and Bones' Behind BLM Organizations and Condems the Democratic Party Leadership (Video-2020)
Note: 2013 FBI CRIME STATS -- Murder of blacks and whites in the US per 1,000,000 members of the murder's race: Whites killed by blacks (9.83); Blacks killed by whites (.77); Whites killed by whites (10.22); Blacks killed by blacks (53.94). Interracial Violent Crime Incidents 2018: Black on White (547,948); Black on Hispanic (112,365); White on Black (59,778); White on Hispanic (207,104); Hispanic on White (365,299); Hispanic on Black (44,551).The black community was targeted by the globalist/deep state Democrats for years by aborting black babies, breaking up their families and shipping in drugs. Also see Latino Gangs Go to War With 'Looters' in Cicero Suburb of Chicago (Looters & rioters are criminals) & BLACK GUN OWNERSHIP SOARS AS NATION'S INNER CITIES BURN -- Firearms sales exploding amid violent riots, moves to 'defund police' (As radical leftists attempt to create a utopian "police-free future" society and defund law enforcement across the country, terrified African Americans interested in buying guns have soared in the age of social unrest--The National African American Gun Association (NAAGA).)
Are there problems with the police? Yes. See Police Training Needs Reform: Prejudice is learned and can be unlearned. (Part 1) by Former Sheriff Richard Mack, Graham County, Arizona and Rick Dalton, former Arizona Police Department Officer.
Picture (NJIAT, 06-06-2020): Black Lives Matter Protest speaker and one of the organizers at the Hunterdon County Court House in Flemington, NJ [Flemington Court House, Black Lives Matter Protest Organizer-- 06-06-2020 (PDF)]
EXPOSED: SOROS AND THE SECRET ORIGINS OF BLACK LIVES MATTER -- Globalists pushing America into a manufactured race war. An old white man oversees the largest African American movement in the country, what happened to the real leaders? Barnes breaks down how MLK and Malcolm X were actually promoting peaceful protests, which is why they were deemed threatening enough to be assassinated, and why their peaceful message is lost today. Larry Pinkney, a former member of the Black Panther Party, is interviewed by the David Knight Show (06/03/20) -- 24 minutes into the interview Mr. Pinkney condemned Joe Biden and called him a Jim Crow, KKK, piece of scum. Mr. Pinkney's website: Black Activist Writers Guild
Video: The Inconvenient Truth of the Democratic Party by Professor Carol Swain (African-American) -- Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.
Alois M. Batz, from Flemington, NJ passed away on April 30, 2020
Alois M. Batz (May 21, 1939 - April 30, 2020) -- Mr. Batz was a physics teacher at Hunterdon Central High School in Flemington, NJ and passed away on April 30, 2020. He was a very nice man and will be greatly missed. He has a daughter that was on the cross-country team. See the High School tab.
Is Your Water Killing You?
Hydrate Energize Revitalize. Presentation by Ronnie Webb, Executive Vice President at Xooma Worldwide and Tom Washington, National Manager & Tope Leader
Location: Panera Bread, 325 US 202, Flemington, NJ 08822 (6:00 PM, 03/08/20)
Sponsored by Jim Hrubesh (retired NJ State Trooper)
Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, PA (Feb. 1-9, 2020) Hopefully, the Sheriff's Office will perform the security as they did last year and did a great job. The Sheriff's Office: (Dauphin County, PA Sheriff's Office). Sheriff Chimienti should have a Deputy Reserve program like the Sheriff's Office in Pittsuburgh, PA. and expand its law enforcement functions. See Allegheny County Sheriff's Office in Pennsylvania located in Pittsburgh, PA. They have a "Sheriff Reserve" program and are fully certified under ACT 2 or 120 MPOETC. Also, see Police/Sportsmen Tab on the Sheriff's Office and how important the office is for Civil Rights and reducing law enforcement costs. Harrisburg elected officials: Here is a fully functional Sheriff's Office: Pima County Sheriff's Department, AZ & Broward County Sheriff's Office in Florida.
Vincent N. Mitterando was born on July 28, 1930 (Newark, NJ) and passed away on Friday, November 29, 2019. Memorial Service will be held at BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH, 1890 WASHINGTON VALLEY RD , MARTINSVILLE, NJ 08836. Date: 12/14/19, 10:00 AM. Link: Directions (near the Bridgewater Mall). A short History of Vince Mitterando (Memorial, 12/14/19) -- PDF
Picture Left: Vince, Paul & friend who took picture at Cabelas, Hamburg, PA on 05/26/18. Vincent was the son of Italian immigrants and was poor growing up; however, he was able to attend a top high school (Central High School, Newark, NJ) in Newark, NJ (very few students were accepted) and got an excellent background in all subjects (mainly engineering). Vince was also on the high school rifle club. Vincent graduated in 1948. Vincent went into the "Merchant Marines" after high school and traveled the world and got paid very well. Vince also met a top official in Japan who was responsible for the protection of the Emperor of Japan--the official was a professional martial arts fighter (Vince said he never saw someone so fast).
After working for Esso as a Merchant Marine, he went into his own business--Vince could built anything and was an expert Electrician (his uncle was a master mason). Vince got married and had three daughters and eventually built a house in Bedminister, NJ (close to Steve Forbes Estate). Vince also flew airplanes and the airport was across from his house in Bedminister. Vince owned a landscaping business and had contracts with major corporations. Vince also did contract work for Herby Vollers (Construction and Excavating) in Branchburgh, NJ, who he highly respected as an honest man.
Vince was a Life time member of the NRA and a member of the John Birch Society, who publishes "The New American magazine". Vince would take yearly trips to Paraguay to hunt (he said the women were all thin and very beautiful). Vince was a strong supporter of President Donald Trump. Also, Vince told his daughters that they should be more educated on politics and world events.
Note: Vince was introduced to a top chemist (who holds multiple patents) in the U.S. that was in charge of the research on "Statin" drugs for a major pharmeucetical company--he was told to stay away from them because they will cause great harm such as "weakness and muscle wasting," "memory loss and brain fog," "difficulty walking," etc., which happened to Vince. He told Vince they were studying the effects of "Statins" on migrane headheaches and that inflammation causes most heart attacks, not cholestrol. Vince threw out his medication and took a baby asprin (Niacin is something to take and it reduces the bad cholestrol naturally and boosts HDL levels). And Vince had an adverse reaction to the "Flu" vaccination. A quote from Natural News article, "They admit it right on the vaccine insert and warning label, that nobody seems to ever read": 'There have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination.' Huh? For more information, see Myths & Truth about Cholesterol. (The pharmaceutical industry controls the medical profession.) Vince realized that many "family practioners" have been bought out by their regional hospital in their area and thus are now employees of the hospital and can be fired, especially if they do not follow the mandates Pharma-narco cartels (Pharmaceutical companies). VIDEO: America collapses into a pharma state; just like a "narco state" but run by prescription drug cartels (12/02/19)
The last nine years of his life he lived in Readington Twp. and attended a Protestant Bible study every Sunday at his son-in-law's house in Flemington, NJ. See more pictures below.
Left: Tom, Vince and Mike at the Great American Outdoor Show (Farm Show Complex) in Harrisburg, PA (02/07/15)
Left: Vince and Mike at the Philadelphia Car Show (02/02/17)
Above: Vince at the Great American Outdoor Show (02/07/15)
Left: Tom, Vince & Steve at the Philadelphia Car Show (01/30/16) and Below: Vince, Mike & Tom at the Great American Outdoor Show, Harrisburg, PA (02/12/16)
League of Women Voters (LWV) Sponsors Debate at Stangl Factory Between Hunterdon County Sheriff Candidates Fred Brown & Dominick Puzio on October 21, 2019 (See Sheriff's Candidates Agree to Debate (10/20/19))
Fred Brown for Sheriff and Dominick Puzio for Sheriff
They are both two honorable men running for Sheriff; however, Mr. Puzio was correct that the Sheriff's Office in Hunterdon County is not offering services. An Example from Mr. Puzio's website, "As Sheriff, you would see my officers, patrolling our neighborhoods and supporting local law enforcement while providing community confidence. By providing the services that a Sheriff and his officers should provide means relief to local budgets from expensive overtime charges related to emergencies. That’s our COUNTY taxes at work." Mr. Puzio also brought up the same points in his debate that the Sheriff's Office is not offering services to municipalities to lower costs.
Endorsements for Dominick Puzio: 1. The largest New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association (“PBA”) local in the state of New Jersey for his candidacy for sheriff of Hunterdon County and 2. PBA 105 has over 5,000 members strong, consisting of Correctional Police Officers from New Jersey Department Of Corrections (“NJDOC”) and Juvenile Justice Commission along with State Parole Officers.
This is not the fault of Sheriff Brown, but the ignorant Hunterdon County Freeholders. The Freeholders such as John Lanza has refused to allow Sherff Fred Brown to offer services to the municipalities and schools thus disgracing themselves--however, we have one Freeholder, Mattt Holt, who is in favor of offering Sheriff's Services on a "contractual basis" and thus saving the taxpayers a lot of money directly. Seems like Freeholder Matt Holt is the only Freeholder that has any sense. Also, Emergency Services, Communications, Parks (the Rangers carry no firearms), etc. should be under the Sheriff's Office, not DPS. For further information see Sheriff's Office Information on Supplemental Coverage & Mergers -- PDF (2017/2019 Tri-fold Tract).
October 12, 2019
Hunterdon County Federated Republican Women,5th Annual Legislative Update Breakfast at the Farmhouse at the Grand Colonial, 86 NJ-173, Hampton, NJ (8:15 am to 10:30am, $40, or Facebook
Speakers: State Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District), Assemblyman John DMaio (23rd) and Assemblyman Erik Peterson (23rd). Bill Spadea (101.5 FM) was the moderator. Senator Doherty stated that the Republican Party does not have a unifying message for both parties. Senator Doherty gave his "Fair School Funding" proposal as an example of a message that NJ residents agreed (Democrats and Republicans), but could not get former Governor Chris Christie and the GOP on board. What did they do? Passed the gas tax, which the Senator and Assemblymen from the 23rd voted against. HCRFW on 10/12/19--PDF
Topics: 1. Republicans in NJ who do not support President Trump should change political parties (the deep state globalists, neocons in the NJ party) & 2. How the Neocon Republicans screwed their own party with redistricting in NJ (especially the 23rd District & vilolated the State Constitution) & 3. Why are the Hunterdon County Freeholders against the Sheriff's Office by denying Sheriff Brown from offerring services to the municipalities and saving them thousands or perhaps millions of dollars? They have no problem contracting out with Somerset County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff's Office Information on Supplemental Coverage & Mergers -- PDF (2017/2019 Tri-fold Tract). You are either an Americanist or a Globalist (who promote a socialist deep state international government).
Note: It was alleged by the Republican women that Hunterdon County Freeholder John E. Lanza was not invited because of his DUI arrrest--he did not show up. There was also the allegation that a wine tasting fundraiser for a canadate in Holland Twp. that was cancelled because she did not know until it hit the press that Mr. Lanza was arrrested on a DUI. See TAPinto Sues Raritan Twp. Over Hunterdon County Freeholder John Lanza DUI Secrecy (10/16/19)
(August 12, 2019 Flemington Council Meeting): Al Brewer (Retired Law Enforcement Officer) Speaks out against the High Cost Flemington Borough Police Dept. and that they Should Consider Using the Sheriff's Office --- Officer Al Will ask the Resignation of any Hunterdon County Freeholders who refuse the offer the services of the Sheriff's Office such as a School Resource Officer
Lebanon Twp. 4th of July, 2019 Parade
Left: Mayor Jeff Kuhl, Raritan Twp. and Deputy Mayor Lou Reiner representing the Republican Party
Above & below: Former Hunterdon County Freeholder George Melick (R) with his logo on his bus "Keep America Great"-- George supports President Trump and has "" on the front of his bus that is a patriotic, Pro-USA and anti-globlist website and radio/TV program.
Board of Health Meeting in Raritan Twp., Flemington, NJ (June 20, 2019) over Vap-Shops that sell "Electronic Tobacco Delivery Systems"
The Board of Health in Raritan Twp. wants to shut down Vap-Shops? They stated that the following towns or townships (West Windsor, Town of Morristown and South Brunswick) have passed ordinances restricting these devices or outright close the Vap-Shops such as West Windsor. One female member of the Board claimed they were autonomous and could pass the ordinance without the committee's permission. Well, the Twp. could dissolve the Board of Health.
"Oh" the FDA is worried about the 3.62 million middle and high school students using electronic smoking devices (seeSpecial Report: E-cigarettes double success of smokers trying to quit). The corrupt FDA & CDC should be more concerned about the anti-depressent drugs and the harmful vaccines admininstered to our young people--number of studies linking vaccines to neurological and autoimmune issues common to autism: 130. Number of students showing to vaccine-autism: 14. Rate of autism in the 1980s: 1 in 10,0000, rate of autism today: 1 in 59. The CDC in 1972 only recommended 2 doses of vaccines by age six (6), but today the CDC recommends 50.
You had one dissent over the proposed ordinance on grounds there are more important matters such as our young people being adminstered dangerous pyschotropic drugs, Fluoride in our drinking water that lowers their IQ, dangerous vaccines (such as HPV vaccine), teen suicide, 5G, GMOs, Sexualizing our children and so on. Note: We were told that there is only two members who are conservative, Constutionalists and Pro-Trump on the Board.
See the following articles: 1. Dangerous Vaccines, 2. HPV Vaccine (Gardasil), 3. What is the Big Deal about GMOs?, 4. Fluoride in the Water is Harmful to Kids (Harvard Study), 5. Herd Immunity Debunked: Dispelling the Myth (2019), 6. 30 Million Americans On Antidepressants And 21 Other Facts About America's Endless Pharmaceutical Nightmare, 7. Fluoride is a neurtoxin that damages your brain 8. The Ugly Truth about 5G , 9. Special Report: E-cigarettes double success of smokers trying to quit and 10 .Shocking Number of Drag Queen Story Hour Events Announced -- Far-left push to sexualize and culturally corrupt children goes global
Special Commentary on the War on Drugs
A Brief History of the Drug War (video) --It was the UN in 1961 that came up with the so-called "War of Drugs." In 1971, President Nixon implemented the "War on Drugs" based on the UN and other former Presidents such as Bush, Clinton, Obama continued the policy. What did this do? It packed our prisons, oppressed the poor and middle class in America, especially the African-American community. It increased police misconduct, and the cost of law enforcement, etc. (See the Police Sportsmen Tab and read about Retired DEA Special Agent Robert Stutman, who was recruited in college by the CIA, has this to say about America's war on drugs in the World of Firepower, DEC/JAN 2013 issue, page 27,
"Unfortunately, the biggest source of supply is not foreign countries, it is prescription drugs ... Prescription drugs kill more people than heroin, crack and methamphetamine combined. It's not the drug cartels in Mexico, it's the physicians overwriting prescriptions that kids get a hold of, use and die from. The problem is no longer the traditional dope dealer."
Mr. Stutman retired in 1990 and founded the The Stutman Group, a management consulting firm that designs and implements comprehensive and practical substance abuse preventive programs for corporations and school systems across the country.
Paul Hoffman wins the "People's Award" for best art on June 08, 2019 at the Hunterdon County Library. Note: A woman art contestant had won that award for 15 years until Mr. Hoffman entered the race.
Retired Law Enforcement Officer for the State of NJ and Former Marine Al Brewer (A.K.A. Officer Al) Filed a Potential $1 Million Dollar Claim Against the Flemington Borough Police Dept.
A quote from an Article entitled "Flemington Notified of Possible $1 Million Claim Involving Police" by Tap Into Raritan/Flemington (April 25, 2019):
"The claim states than in addition to numerous violations of his rights, police filed an "inaccurate and fraudulent" crash report, engaged in "civil conspiracy" and committed dozens of other illegal acts in connection with the crash, of which Brewer says he was not aware." The so-called witness never saw Mr. Brewer back up and hit the claimant's car. Nor did the bartender state that Mr. Brewer had too much to drink. She never said this--false statement in the report. Also, the claimant never submitted a claim to his insurance company--he withdrew his claim. For police to issue multiple summons before investigating the matter fully is not proper procedure--Mr. Brewer had valid car insurance and a valid registration and he was issued a summons for this and was never pulled over--he was not in his vehicle and plus the police ran his license plate that showed Mr. Brewer had a valid license and valid insurance and a valid registration.
Richard E. Smith passed away on February 04, 2019 (Huntsville, TX)
Sam Houston Memorial Funderal Home (information on Richard E. Smith's memorial date)
Mr. Richard E. Smith grew up in Flemington, NJ and graduated from Flemington High School in 1955. He moved to Texas in the early 1960s. He served in the Air Force and was a Korean Veteran and worked for Eastern Airlines--he leaves behind 3 daughters and one son and 3 grandchilderen. Mr. Smith attended a Baptist Church. His wife, Allene Kay Jenkins--Smith passed away on June 27, 2017 -- Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home. Richard E Smith (large picture-PDF) -- Air Force.
Former Hunterdon County Sheriff Warren "Pete" Peterson passes away on January 31, 2019
Warren Eilif "Pete" Peterson (November 25, 1933 -- January 31, 2019) -- Warren Peterson was the son of Norweigian immigrant parents and Warren spoke fluent Norweigian and Danish. He was a long time resident of Delaware Twp., NJ (Chief of Police and then Sheriff) and good friends with Tom Smith, who worked part-time for the Delaware Twp. Police Dept. and was a full-time Sergeant at the Sheriff's Dept. Warren Peterson appointed Tom Smith as Undersheriff in the 1980s. Andrew Leon (World War II Navy Seabee veteran and Mayor of Delaware Twp.) recommended and appointed Warren as Chief of Police in Delaware Twp. Warren Peterson was also a long time Mason. Memorial will be held at Wright & Ford Family Funeral Home on 02/07/19 (4:00 to 6:00 PM)
Eileen G. Martin Passes away on January 05, 2019
Eileen G. Martin (February 29, 1932 -- January 5, 2019) passes away-- Holcombe-Fisher Funeral Home in Fleminton, NJ. A dedicated Christian and soldier for Christ.
Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, PA (Feb. 2-10, 2019) Hopefully, the Sheriff's Office will perform the security as they did last year and did a great job. The Sheriff's Office: (Dauphin County, PA Sheriff's Office). Sheriff Chimienti should have a Deputy Reserve program like the Sheriff's Office in Pittsuburgh, PA. and expand its law enforcement functions. See Allegheny County Sheriff's Office in Pennsylvania located in Pittsburgh, PA. They have a "Sheriff Reserve" program and are fully certified under ACT 2 and 120 MPOETC. Also, see Police/Sportsmen Tab on the Sheriff's Office and how important the office is for Civil Rights and reducing law enforcement costs. Harrisburg elected officials: Here is a fully functional Sheriff's Office: Pima County Sheriff's Department, AZ & Broward County Sheriff's Office in Florida.
In Honor of the Real Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (01/15/29--04/04/68) -- Jan. 21, 2019 -- MLK Was a Republican -- Leftists Hijack Civi-Rights Leader to Support Idealogy Antithetical To His Beliefs (01/21/19) -- King's niece speaks out on his behalf
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (01/15/29--04/04/68)--he was assassinated in TN (a trial was held in 1999 to determine if anyone else was involved) & Friend of MLK, Jr.: Government Conspiracy Killed Dr. King (TV interview) & University of California: MLK Jr a Racist (03/19/18) -- Liberal colleges are a disgrace.
Obama was one of your most Anti-Biblical & Anti-Gun presidents we ever had--see FirePower and Faith & White Liberals and their "PC Pimps" in the Black Community -- PDF ( to download free DVD film, exposing discrimination against the black community from owning firearms--the hidden secret is that many Civil Rights heroes actively exercised their 2nd Amendement rights during the 60s & 70s--click No Guns for Negroes). Citizens (both white and black) who voted for Obama based on his skin color is racism on the highest level. What happened to what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (who was a registered Republican because the Klan was used as a military force for the Democratic Party against blacks) taught that a man should be judged on his character, not skin color. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was not a perfect person and he had his sins and indiscretions, but he never promoted sin and wickedness. Dr. King would have condemned homosexual marriage, abortion and Obama for promoting it. Ask Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She is pro-life and promotes marriage between a man and a woman and states that gay marriage is not a Civil Right. Dr. Alveda King has stated that her uncle did not die to legitimize and promote homosexuality. This is an offense to the African-Americans.
In Memory of Dr. Morey. The Memorial Service for Dr. Robert A. Morey was held Saturday, 11:00AM (01/12/19),Trinity Reformed Church, 2760 Lake Sahara Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89117. To sign memory book: Nevada Obituaries (Memory Book) For PDF Profile, click Memorial Profile for Dr. Bob Morey (01/12/19) -- PDF or Click the Bible ResourcesTab and scroll to bottom to see profile on web for translation. Taken from a lecture by Dr. Robert A. Morey orginally presented at KCEA's 20th Annual Christian Education Conference entitled Are We Losing Our Children?
Dr. Robert A. Morey (11/13/1946--01/05/2019) passed away on Saturday at age 72 and went to be with the Lord. He was residing in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Morey was considered your top apologist and theologian in the world--he was a Hebrew and Greek scholar and had an IQ of 185 and was selected by Yale University in the tenth grade of high school to become part of the School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG). Dr. Robert A. Morey was the author over 65 books and received his seminary degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary in PA.
Kuhl and Reiner sworn in as Mayor and Deputy Mayor in Raritan Twp, Hunterdon County (01/03/19)
Township Committeeman-elect Jeff Kuhl was worn to his first term on the Committee by state Sen. Christopher "Kip" Bateman (NJ-16th District) and then promptly chosen to serve as mayor.
Committeeman Lou Reiner was chosen to serve as Deputy Mayor after being nominated by Committeeman Gary Hazard. Reiner was sworn to the office by state Sen. Michael Doherty (NJ-23rd District) with Lebanon Twp. Committeewoman Beverly Koehler holding the bible.
This is considered one of your best committee ever elected to Raritan Twp--for the first time more than 2/3rds of the Raritan Twp. police force showed up to the reorganization. It was alleged by an elected official in Raritan Twp. that the former police chief would not allow them to attend reorganization meetings. The Reorganization Dinner was held at Chimney Rock Inn (Flemington, NJ)
See article by Tap into Flemington/Raritan entitled Kuhl Chosen as Raritan Township's Mayor
Hunterdon County Republican Committee holds Fundraiser in Pittstown, NJ on October 26, 2018 to support Senatorial Candidate Bob Hugin--Senator Mike Doherty introduces Bob Hugin
Left: Senator Mike Doherty (NJ-23rd District) introduces U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin. Picture below: Bob Hugin and party members.
Left: Mr. Rob Mortara shows his French Socata TB 30 Epislon plane used for training fighter pilots at the Republican event
Lt. Alfred C. Payne, III, was sworn to the post of Acting Chief of Police in Raritan Twp. (10/02/18)
-- Lt. Alfred C. Payne,III, who served in the U.S. Marines, was sworn to the post of Acting Chief of Police in Raritan Twp. last night. He replaces Glenn Tabasko, who was pressured to retire in July of 2018. Many in the Police Dept. are filled with joy that they have a new Police Chief that has a different philosophy for law enforcement--that is, "serve and protect", not generate revenue by just giving out needless tickets, harrassing the community and bar establishments (Bushwacking) according to allegations make by the bar establishments and citizens over the years in Raritan Twp.
Raritan Twp Community Day (09/29/18) -- 12:00 to 5:00 PM
Picture left: Bud behind the stove with other family members (10/02/05).
Allison L. Etchells a.k.a "Bud" of Hopewell, NJ passed away yesterday (1937 -- 08/31/18). Bud was 81. Mr. Etchells has two daughters (Dawn, who passed away 2015 and Christie) and one son (Keith) and his wife (Francine). Mr. Etchells was raised in Pennington, NJ. He served in the United States Navy and was on the Aircraft Carrier Intrepid (1955-1958). He was a commercial real estate broker. See Item#1. Movie with Bud and family & Etchells House 10/02/2005 (PDF) & Bud Etchells Memorial Flyer (1937-2018)--PDF
Hunterdon 4-H & Agricultural Fair (2018)
Hunterdon County 4H & Agricultural Fair 08/22/18 -- 08/26/18
Pictures Below: 1. Hunterdon County Republicans; 2. Hunterdon County Republicans with Rob Vollers and Sue Soloway, who is running for Freeholder.
Picture Left on 08/25/18 at the Fair: Mr. Henry Kuhl, CEO of Kuhl Corp, and longtime resident of Flemington Paul Hoffman, Artist. Showing his Flemington Speedway painting. Very impressive.Flemington Speedway Collage by Paul Hoffman (Copyright©2018) -- PDF
Hunterdon 4-H & Agricultural Fair Opens Today (08/22/18) -- Click link to see Artist Paul Hoffman (left) and Raritan Township Committeeman Lou Reiner at yesterday's Committee meeting (08/21/18)
Warren County Farmers Fair in NJ -- July 31st thru August 4th, 2018
2018, July 27th--29th Solberg Airport, Readington Twp. NJ (36 years)
69th Annual Kutztown Folk Festival in PA (June 30 -- July 08, 2018)
Colebrookdale Railroad --An expedition on the Colebrookdale Railroad is your ticket to create memories to last a lifetime.
Chief at Raritan Twp., Police department in Flemington, NJ retires (07/24/18) -- police officers and other elected offficials alleged that the whole department is ecstatic over the chief's retirement (one officer even hugged a committeeman in the municipal court room because she was so happy about the chief's retirement). It was alleged by Raritan Twp. Police Officers and other government officials, who wanted to be anonymous, that the PBA and the Raritan Twp Police Officers were ready to put in a complaint to the Hunterdon County Prosecutor's Office and they told the Raritan Twp. Committee members that the chief should retire. Chief retired, no complaint filed. The retired chief was living and working in the South since April. It was also alleged that all municipal judges and prosecutors appointed by the committee needed the blessing of the retired chief--the current judge William G. Mennen IV (an honest and very intelligent person) did not get the blessing of the retired chief and the committee did not listen to him (the current Municipal Prosecutor,an ex-chief pick, will most likely not have her contract renewed at the end of the year according to sources inside Raritan Twp.). The committee actually did their job and chose an excellent judge (Will G. Mennen IV)--it was alleged the former judge had to resign because he got caught with a PA residence and was always late (see Supreme Court Committee Issues Report on Municipal Court Reform (July 17, 2018) & Municipal courts need radical reform to stop 'never-ending' fines, suspensions, report says (07/17/2018) -- judges should be elected like PA and NY). Note: Also, under NJ Statute a Police Chief or any other government official cannot sit with a municipal judge before the trial or hearing to predetermine who gets convicted for DUI--no predetermined percentages like 95% conviction and 5% dismissed. Please no tears from the Raritan Twp Committee; they need to issue an apology to the residents of Raritan Twp. No response from any of the Committee members.
Joan K. Harrison Passes away at her home Monday, June 18, 2018
Joan K. Harrison passes away on June 18, 2018 -- Delaware Twp. NJ: Joan Kleppinger Harrison, 75, died at her home Monday, June 18 following a short illness.
Born in Bethlehem Pa., Joan moved to Delaware Twp in 1990. She graduated from University of Pennsylvania with a Masters Degree in English. For a number of years she had been a feature writer for the Suburban and Wayne Times in Wayne Pa. A devoted Christian, Joan was a member of the New Hope Community Church.
Daughter of the late Lewis and Julia Kleppinger, she is survived by her husband of 49 years Charles W. Harrison, her only child Scott Harrison, his wife Viktoria and their children Jackson and Emma.
Memorial Service
Saturday, June 30, 2018
11:00 AM
Central: A Christ-Centered Church
2015 Pennington Rd
Ewing, New Jersey 08618
St. Patrick's Day Celebration (March 13th, 2018) at Stanton Ridge Country Club
Hunterdon County Republican Chairman, Patrick Torpey Cordially invites you and your guests to a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, Tuesday March 13th, 2018, 5:30 – 8:00pm, Stanton Ridge Country Club, 25 Club House Drive, White House Station, NJ 08889
$90 per person ( $75 County Committee/Elected Officials/HCFRW)
Sponsorships (two tickets included), Pot O’ Gold - $750, Luck of the Irish - $500, Emerald Isle - $250
Please make checks payable to any of the following committees: HCRC; Committee to Elect Holt;Lance for Congress. Send your contribution to:
HCRC, 1 State Highway 12, Suite 105, Flemington, NJ 08822
Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, PA (Feb. 3-11, 2018) Hopefully, the Sheriff's Office will perform the security as they did last year and did a great job. The Sheriff's Office: (Dauphin County, PA Sheriff's Office). Sheriff Chimienti should have a Deputy Reserve program like the Sheriff's Office in Pittsuburgh, PA. and expand its law enforcement functions. See Allegheny County Sheriff's Office in Pennsylvania located in Pittsburgh, PA. They have a "Sheriff Reserve" program and are fully certified under ACT 2 and 120 MPOETC. Also, see Police/Sportsmen Tab on the Sheriff's Office and how important the office is for Civil Rights and reducing law enforcement costs. Harrisburg elected officials: Here is a fully functional Sheriff's Office: Pima County Sheriff's Department, AZ & Broward County Sheriff's Office in Florida.
Former School Board Member, Marine Corp Veteran, Retired Law Enforcement Officer, Alan Brewer, gets $10,000 reimbursement from the Flemington-Raritan School District because of their False Ethic Charges against him in 2015 -- (Feb. 01, 2018)
Flemington-Rar School District pays $10K in Ethics Issue to Mr. Alan Brewer , Questions Remain (02/01/18) & School Board Members were 'Sleeping WatchDogs' (Board President Anna Fallon was replaced by Tim Bart) by Mr. Alan Brewer (02/02/18)
January 4, 2018 Raritan Township Reorganization Dinner at Three Bridges Fire House and the Swearing-in took place at the Raritan Twp. Municipal Builidng
Left picture: Lou Reiner gets sworn in by Hunterdon County Sheriff Fred Brown for a second term as a Raritan Twp. Committeeman. Gary Hazard was also sworn in. Mike Mangin was sworn in as Mayor for 2018.
Note: Committeeman Lou Reiner was the only committee person to vote against the Massage Ordinance A.K.A Fornication Ordinance. (Dec. 05, 2017)--see below for further information.
GOP Calls for Purge of "Deep State" Cronies in the FBI and Congressman Leonard Lance Votes Against the GOP Tax Bill
GOP calls for Purge of 'Deep State" cronies in the FBI (12/28/17) -- Most Congressman such as Congressman Leonard Lance (Republican, 7th District, NJ) are afraid of the Deep State. Congressman Lance votes against the tax cut. It appears Congressman Lance likes having the big corporations setting up shop in China and paying very little taxes or no taxes and billionaires having tax free foundations in the U.S. and the U.S. citizens loosing their jobs. Suicide nets for some American Companies in China? So, Lance does not like the repeal of the Obama healthcare mandate? What about drilling for oil in ANWAR? Lance does not like lowering the State and Local tax deduction to $10,000? --(see Should the rest of the country pay for this scam for a few blue states such as NYC? The rich real estate owners will be taxed. Now NJ and NYC will have to lower property taxes. Of course, these states are corrupt. However, Congressman Lance does not want President Trump to build a wall on our border and he promotes transgender soldiers in the military. He listens to left wing, fascist groups such as "Action Together", who protested his office in December 2017. Lance invited them into his office and agreed with them. See article entitled Tax Bill Protesters at Congressman Lance's Office and Find Him in Agreement & Watch: Trump Celebrates Tax Reform (12/20/17)
Raritan Twp. (Hunterdon County) Proposes a Massage Ordinance (#17-41) on December 05, 2017. Committeeman Louis C. Reiner wrote a two-page Rebuttal to the Ordinance -- see Letter from Committeeman Lou Reiner dated 12/14/17--PDF. (The name should be changed to the Banging or Fornication Ordinance.)
It is unfortunate that 4 Raritan Twp. Committee members voted for a modified version of the Ordinance on 12/19/17. Only Committeeman Lou Reiner voted against it. One commiteeman was worried about "Bestiality"?
Note: What the Raritan Twp. committee members should be doing is having a uniform sick time and vacation policy for all municipal employees. Why do the police have more vacation time then the other municipal employees? Why are the police allowed to accumulate unlimited sick time and then take off a year before retirement and get paid?-- it is called terminal leave. It might be too obvious to cash in huge sick time payments in Raritan Twp.; however, retiring Jersey City Police Chief took his sick time payout of $512,620. New Jersey employees are capped at $15,000.
It is a total invasion of privacy. It is unfortunate that the Police Chief in Raritan Twp. and Hunterdon County Prosecutor's Office is dictating law to the municipality. Committeeman Lou Reiner opposes the ordinance and stated in his letter above that N.J.S.A. 45:11-53 et seq. 45:11-78 and N.J.S.A. 45: 11-53 et seq. prohibits any local ordinance from collecting names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Law Enforcement is worried about someone having sex at a massage parlor? Stupidity! What about law enforcement personnel or elected officials committing the acts below--fornication, adultery, homosexuality, etc. Should they be terminated from their job? Worry about "Serve and Protect". They should then pass the following ordinances: Fornication Ordinance (Corinthians 7:1-2 & Hebrews 13:4; enter a citizens' house to make sure they are not having sex outside marriage); 2. Adultery Ordinance (Matthew 5:27, 28; make sure no one is having sex with a married person or he or she is married); and 3. Sodomy Ordinance (Leviticus 18:22, Matthew 19:4-6, Rev., etc.; It is ironic that a few Committeemen/women think there is nothing wrong Biblically with Sodomy, but have a problem with someone having sex outside of marriage or by means of prostitution.) The Bible does not give authority to governments to regulate what you do in the bedroom unless it involves children. We are not electing a pastor or an elder (a different sphere: Church). See proposals, 17-41 Massage Therapy Ordinance & Massage Therapy Ordinance Summary. If a citizen gets drunk in his/her home, do we arrest that person even though the Bible condemns drunkenness? Even under the "Mosaic Covenant", the citizens were not arrested. Only ancient Israel was allowed a theocracy. Yes, all people will be judged by God. This is a different topic.
A summary extracted from The Encyclopedia of Practical Christianity, page 504 and A Christian Student's Survival Guide (the chapter entitled A Biblical Political Science, page 212), by Dr. Robert A. Morey about the State’s authority over citizens:
- All authority resides in God (Dan. 4:28-37; Matt. 28-18).
- All human authority is delegated authority, which means God will hold the person or institution accountable to Him for how they used their authority (Rev. 20:11-5).
- No person or institution has absolute or intrinsic authority by God (John 19:10-11).
- God’s delegated authority is only valid to leaders according to Scriptural guidelines and functions within Scriptural limits.
- The Scriptures recognize four (4) sovereign spheres of authority
- Church (1Thess. 5:12-13; Heb. 13:17, 24 etc.)
- State (Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-17 etc.)
- Family (Eph. 5:22-29; Eph. 6:1-4, etc.)
- Business (Eph. 6:5-9; 1 Pet. 2:18-19, etc.)
The state has no Scriptural authority from the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to intrude into the sphere of religion, family (trying to make illegal the father's headship, disciplining your children (spanking), education, etc. Children are not wards of the state and the state cannot choice the religion of its citizens or tell students that they have to believe in the homosexual movement and there are no moral absolutes.
The spheres might interact with each other, but should never invade each other in order to take authority which God delegated to the different spheres. One example, the State should not be dictating to the church what it can preach or believe in—the State has delegated and limited authority by God in Scripture (Rom. 13:1-7).
Lt. Kim Guadagno (running for Governor in NJ) and Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District, NJ) hold a rally at the Hawkpoint Golf Club in Washington, NJ on October 30, 2017.
Lt. Kim Guadagno (R) said Phil Murphy (D) wants sanctuary cities in New Jersey that will bankrupt our state and is against the 2nd Amendment. Phil also wants to put tolls on our major highways such as Rt. 78 and is a former Goldman Sachs boy. See Kim Guadagno for Governor 2017.
Mr. Al Brewer (former board member, Military Veteran & Retired Law Enforcement Officer) has filed a lawsuit against the Flemington-Raritan School Board (K-8). The Flemington School Board gets its "Butt" Spanked again (10/09/17)
See Flemington School Board Member Sues Flemington-Raritan School District (10/09/17).
School boards will usually indemnify their board members against charges or lawsuits. For example, Flemington-Raritan school board president Ann Fallon is being represented by Comegno Law Firm in an ethics complaint filed by Mitchell Druis. Mr. Brewer did not receive any paid counsel (it cost him $10,000) to defend himself against ethics violations from the Board of Education that was dropped. Mr. Brewer alleges that the charges were bogus--he was exercising his freedom of speech.
Mr. Brewer alleges discrimination from the school board for not covering his legal costs, but would cover the legal expenses for Ms. Fallon.
Raritan Township Committeeman Craig O'Brien Accused of $5 Bribe Over 9-11 Clock Flap (10/06/17)
See Raritan Township Committeeman Accused of $5 Bribe Over 9-11 Clock Flap (10/06/17).
Croton Rod & Gun Club (31 Rake Road, Flemington, NJ 08822)
September 16th, 2017
Veteran's Rock & Blues Festival, 3 Bands, Mustangs, Food and Trucks
Croton Rod & Gun Club Facebook
Raritan Twp. Committeeman Craig O'Brien gets into an Altercation with Committeeman Lou Reiner at the Republicans' Booth at the 4-H Fair (Ringoes, NJ) on Sunday (08/27/17) over a Constitution booklet (Citizens Rule Book)
Hunterdon County Republicans' Booth at the 4-H Fair in Ringoes, NJ (08/27/17)
Picture: Citizens Rule Book. People at the fair loved the Citizens Rule Book; the booklet has been at the Republican Booth for 7 years.
Raritan Twp. Committeeman Craig O'Brien marched up to the booth and started yelling at Committeeman Lou Reiner about the "Citizens Rule Book" (See Citizens Rule Book about Jury Nullification) and the "ANTIFA" brochure ( Exposing the ANTIFA by (a PDF Flyer) ) that exposes it as a terrorist organization. It was alleged that O'Brien disagreed with "Jury Nullification" and said it was anarchy. This shows O'Brien's lack of understanding of our Constitution (he disagrees with John Jay, 1st Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1789 that stated "The jury has a right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy"). He insisted that the Hunterdon County Republican Chairman remove the booklet. There are allegations from the elected Republican officials that Committeeman O'Brien does not support President Trump and dislikes him. Committeeman O'Brien also seems to hate the Protestant Reformation that gave Western Civilization its freedoms and denies the Catholic Inquisition (YouTube) occurred against Bible believers.
Note: The Neocons/Globalists in the Republican party such as Paul Ryan, who refused to condemn ANTIFA, need to be voted out--they are wicked. State Chairman for NJ State Republican Committee Michael B. Lavery did not condemn the ANTIFA as a radical left hate group in Charlottesville, VA that started the violence. You had some nasty people that represented various left wing militant groups affliated with the Democratic Party come over to the Republican booth and vent.
2017, July 28th--30th Solberg Airport, Readington Twp. NJ (35 years)
Support the Solberg Airport, located at 39 Thor Solberg Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 (see
07/22/17 --- Recall Anna Fallon
Former Flemington-Raritan School Board Member Al Brewer (retired police officer & Military Veteran) was right about the school board -- A Petition on was started by the residents of Raritan Twp. and Flemington Borough to remove 3 Flemington-Raritan School Board Members. See We Demand Anna Fallon's Resignation from the FRSD Board of Education (05/20/17)
Mr. Al Brewer's response on "Anna Fallon is a failed leader who cares more about promoting her own self-interests than providing quality representation to us. You need to look no further than when the FRSD highlighted her daughter's movie making ability and used it as an example of a school's achievement. Out of all the children attending school with her kid, why was her child picked and Anna Fallon's family promoted above others? At the time, Anna was VP of the BOE. This was a shameful display of Caulfield and Fallon using their positions for self-promotion." (05/16/17)
Left Picture: Wedding in 1960 (Richard and Allene)
Funeral Memorial Pamphlet for Allene Smith -- 07/01/2017 (PDF)
Allene Kay Smith: Allene Kay Smith, 77 of Huntsville, Texas passed away June 27, 2017 in Huntsville, Texas. She was born in Hays County Wimberly, Texas Mar 1, 1940. Services will be at 2:00pm Saturday, July 1, 2017 at Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home with visitation 12:00pm to 2:00pm Saturday, July 1, 2017 before services. Burial will be at Houston National Cemetery on July 3, 2017.
Full obituary may be viewed and memorial condolences made to the family at Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home. Picture of Family at Houston National Cemetery, a Veterans Cemetery in Houston, TX -- 07/03/2017 (PDF)
1. Richard and Allene's Wedding -- Jan1960 (PDF); 2. Allene and friends' Wedding--Jan 1960 (PDF); 3. Richard and Allene in San Antonio -- 1968 (PDF); 4. Richard and Allene and Grama Helen in San Antonio -- 1968 (PDF); 5. Richard Oct. -- 1954 (PDF)
69th Annual Kutztown Folk Festival in PA (June 30 -- July 08, 2017)
News Flash for Christians at Hunterdon Central High School (2017)
Allegations of discrimination made by Christian students at Hunterdon Central High School (HCRHS) Flemington, NJ who are trying to start a club called Youth Alive. Since there are over 40 students who want to start a chapter of Youth Alive, the school is obligated by law to accomadate. Students should contact the following law firm/firms: Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) or American Center For Law and Justice (ACLJ). The Day of Dialogue will occur April 28th, 2017 to stand for marriage. For further details, click Students Standing up for Marriage & 2017 Day of Dialogue Flyer Hand Out --PDF. Note: To see the long history of allegations of discrimination against Christians at HCRHS, click High School Tab to read articles written to the "Hunterdon County Democrat".
Left: Assemblyman Eric Peterson (23rd District, NJ), Committeeman Lou Reiner (Raritan Twp.) and Senator Mike Doherty (23rd Distric, NJ) attend The Hunterdon Polo Classic Fieldview Farm, Pittstown, NJ on Saturday, June 10, 2017.
The Next Meeting of the Seton Men’s Club
Thursday -- April 20, 2017 at 7:30 pm , In the HOLY FAMILY ROOM
105 Summer Rd, Three Bridges, Wives and guests are invited to this event
Guest Speaker: Pastor Andrew Paton
Clinton Church of the Nazarene
Topic: “ Is the Judeo/ Christian tradition at the root of American Values?”
Open Space for Bow Hunting in Raritan Twp. Bids from 03/24/17 to 04/12/17
10 Raritan Twp. Open Space Parcels for Bow Hunting. Committeeman Richard Chen, an engineer, did an excellent presentation at the Raritan Twp. Republican Club on 03/15/17. He discussed the need to reduce the deer population in Rartian Twp. because of car accidents and the epidemic of Lym disease being transmitted by the deers.
Click to see the Deer Flyer on Raritan Twp. Open Space Parcels 2017-2018.
Who's Behind the Protest Movement? Enemies Within. George Soros?
Tuesday, April 10, 2017, 7:00 PM
The Old Egg Auction (1st floor by Dale Winget's Office, Attorney at Law)
84 Park Ave, Flemington, NJ . Admission: Free Showing ( a video). For More Information call Kip Webster 973-934-1775 or e-mail Sponsored by the Flemington Chapter of The John Birch Society.
See flyer at Who's Behind the Protest Movement? Enemies Within Video - PDF.
Two Locals in Flemington, NJ Attend Philadelphia Car Show (Feb. 02, 2017) Right picture: "Philadelphia Auto Show" at the Philadelphia Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (Jan. 28 -- Feb. 5, 2017)
Left: Vince Mitterando, Readington Twp., and Mike Rasile, Pittstown, NJ (Hunterdon County) attend the Philadelphia Car show in Philadelphia, PA on February 02, 2017.
Mr. Mitterando, 86, enjoyed the show, especially seeing the beautiful ladies presenting the cars. Vince also mentioned that it only costs a $1 to take the train into Jefferson Station for seniors.
Donald J. Trumps 45th Inauguration on January 20th, 2017
President Donald J. Trump (Jan. 20, 2017). The media said it was a low turnout?
Left: Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District, NJ) with his wife Linda (at President Trumps inauguration (01/20/17) & Right: Committeeman Reiner (Raritan Twp. NJ), Mortara Brothers and their wives and a former Republican County Committeeman at the Bullfeathers Pub in Washington, D.C. for lunch after attending President Trumps inauguration. The group was sitting behind an Admiral at Bullfeathers who stated that former President Obama destroyed the military by removing the "warriors" and replacing them with "bureaucrats." Committeeman Reiner and the Mortara brothers visited Congressman Leonard Lance's office (7th District, NJ) in the Rayburn House Office Building and then proceeded to Bullfeathers. Special thanks to Congressman Lance for getting Senator Doherty an upgraded ticket--the NJ State Republican Party screwed Senator Doherty , who was chairman of Trumps's campaign in NJ and the first Senator in NJ to endorse Trump, by giving him the lowest level ticket.
Committeeman Lou Reiner of Raritan Twp. and Tom Smith II interviewed on News12 NJ on Jan. 19th, 2017, who both atttended the inauguration of President Donald Trump. A group of friends and their wives met in Washington, D.C. that all had tickets for the event (see pictures above). See Inauguration Ticket - PDF. Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Bulletin Presidential Voter Guide - PDF and Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Presidential Voter Guide - PDF.
News12 NJ Video: Raritan Twp. Councilman to attend inauguration (01/19/17)
Note: Of course, many of the topics discussed by Mr. Smith were not reported on News12 NJ. For example, the Free Trade agreeements such as TPP, Common Core, Vaccinations, etc. that President Trump was against. No mention of the non-profit who put the voter guide out.
Raritan Twp Mayor Karen Gilbert (left) and Deputy Mayor Mike Mangin (right) sworn in on Jan. 5th, 2017. Committeeman Craig O'Brien voiced his opposition to Mayor Karen Gilbert's reappointment at the Committee meeting and Craig has no problem scrutnizing 150 items for the Raritan Twp. Road Department, but would never scrutnize the Raritan Twp. Police Dept.--this was alleged by sources inside the township. Sources also allege that Commiteeman O'Brien cries to the police chief because he is not Mayor anymore. See Raritan Twp. Reorganization flyer 01/05/17--PDF.
Raritan Twp. Republican Club Breakfast at Applebees's in Flemington, NJ on Saturday, 10/15/16 (8:00 am to 10:00 am). A Flapjack Fundraiser: cost $10. For more information, go to (HCRC). Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Bulletin Presidential Voter Guide - PDF and Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Presidential Voter Guide - PDF.
Senator Mike Senator Mike Doherty (23rd, District, NJ) told the audience at a Hunterdon County Republican Committee (HCRC) Annual Family Picnic (10/02/16) at the Clinton Elks in Pittstown, NJ that any GOP elected officials and former GOP officials should be ashamed of themselves for not supporting Donald Trump. Senator Doherty pointed out that Dick Zimmer (former Congressman in NJ) is supporting Gary Johnson (a Democratic operative working for Hillary Clinton and a Globalist) instead of Donald Trump. These GOP people are false Republicans, Globalists and anti-God. They need to be kicked out of the Republican Party. See Senator Mike Doherty Laces into Lt. Governor Guadagno (10/10/16).
Left: Paul Hoffman & Committeeman Lou Reiner and on right: Suzanne Legay, Director Freeholder & Mike Mangin, Deputy Mayor stand in front of a Presidential Voter Guide bulletin (put out by a non-profit corporation) at the Republican Booth at the Raritan Twp. Community Day on 09/17/16. The photographer/reporter for The Hunterdon County Democrat refused to take a picture of the Voter Guide Bulletin stating she could not take it -- censorship. So the Democrat photographer took a picture of Congressman Leonard Lance and group. Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Bulletin Presidential Voter Guide - PDF and Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Presidential Voter Guide - PDF. (See another Globalist, Neocon Republican named Dick Zimmer, a former Congressman (12th District) in article by NJ Advanced Media for Another NJ Republican. Dick Zimmer was never considered a real Republican because of his votes in Congress and many members of the Hunterdon Country Republican Committee reject him as a Republican; his support of Gary Johnson is a farse--Johnson is a Democratic operative, a false Libertarian, a Globalist, Neocon and agrees with Hillary Clinton on almost every issue.) Forget polls. Here is the lastest Rasmussen: Trump Leads Clinton by 5 Nationwide (09/23/16).
Hunterdon County Republicans' Booth at the 4H Fair in Ringoes, NJ (08/26/16) -- See picture of Presidential Voter Guide Bulletin at Fair-- PDF.
Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Presidential Voter Guide - PDF. This is a two-sided 8.5 x 11 non-Globalist voter guide that can be placed at non-profits such as churches. It does not endorse any candidate and is therefore legal. If you are making a 24 x 36 bulletin, then use this one page voter guide: Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Bulletin Presidential Voter Guide - PDF.
They had more people take Donald Trump signs & stickers, especially the high school students, then in any other presidential race. Also, a one of a kind Presidential Voter Guide Bulletin (Trump vs. Clinton) was displayed. Many young people (high school students) never really understood the differences between the candidates. Now they understand and were suprised on that they agreed on many of the positions of Trump and how Donald Trump agrees on many of the issues that Bernies Sanders took. People at the fair loved the Citizens Rule Book --- click picture on left to order.
67th Annual Kutztown Folk Festival in PA (July 2 -- July 10, 2016)
Raritan Twp. Police Helicopter? Deputy Mayor Mike Mangin stands with the people and opposes it.
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Deputy Mayor Mike Mangin opposes the push for a “Police Helicopter” for the Raritan Twp. Police Department by two members of the Committee, who are nice guys, and a few Freeholders. This was alleged by a few reputable elected officials. It should be noted that Deputy Mayor Mike Mangin, Mayor Karen Gilbert and Committeeman Lou Reiner oppose a “Raritan Twp. Police Helicopter”; I applaud them for rejecting this nonsense. However, the two Committee Members supporting the “Police Helicopter” are also supporting the other Republican Committee Candidate (who allegedly supports the purchase of the Police Helicopter) that is running against Deputy Mayor Mike Mangin). “Police Helicopters” are for major cities (New York City has millions of people (over 2.6 million in the Borough of Brooklyn alone)) or the County Sheriffs’ Offices, not a small Twp. (see
One Freeholder thinks that Flemington Borough and Raritan Twp. are cities—sad. It is unfortunate that many Hunterdon County Freeholders are trying to make deals with a few Raritan Twp. Committeemen (who have a cult worship of the Twp. Police, but despise the Sheriff’s Office) to take work away from Sheriff Fred Brown and give it to the Raritan Twp. Police Department in order to undermine the Sheriff’s Office; a Constitutional Office. Taxpayers can save a lot of money by using the services the Hunterdon County Sheriff’s Office ( such as supplemental coverage to individual townships saving thousands or perhaps millions of dollars. Essex County Sheriff’s Office has a program where PTC fully certified Deputy Sheriff’s Officers will donate at least 20 hours of law enforcement duties a month (no cost to the taxpayers). They have over 80 Deputy Sheriff’s Officers in addition to their full-time Sheriff’s Officers.
Also, the Sheriff’s Office should be used at Hunterdon Central High School instead of the high cost Raritan Twp. Police Officer. It is less costly using the Sheriff’s Office and they have jurisdiction in the whole county (see
Jack Zaifman, 94, of PENNINGTON, NJ, passed away peacefully on May, 25, 2016, with his loving family by his side. Having lived through the nightmare of the Nazi Holocaust, he was liberated from the Dachau concentration camp in Germany where he re-entered life in a displaced persons camp, where he met his beloved wife, Gizella. Mr. Zaifman did speak at Hunterdon Central High School on March 26th, 2014--see Mr. Zaifman at Hunterdon Central High School.
Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District and Trump NJ Surrogate) gave a speech for Donald Trump at the Hunterdon County Committee meeting held at the Elks Club in Flemington, NJ on March 31, 2016. Sheriff Fred Brown also endorsed Mr. Donald Trump. Trump was given the line.
Trump received 77 votes, Ohio Governor Kasich received 39 votes, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz received 11 votes.
Former U.S. Rep. Dick Zimmer spoke for Kasich (a globalist, voted for NAFTA), former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan spoke for Cruz (lying Ted, who is a globalist, Bush operative and his wife is a CFR member who worked for the Bushes and praised the so-called destructive free trade agreeements), and Doherty represented Trump (a patriot). Senator Doherty called out Dick Zimmer about how John Kasich as a Congressman in the 1990s voted for NAFTA. Kasich also worked for Lehman Brothers (managing director in 2001) that went bankrupt (2008).
(Read more at Trump Roars Back in Hunterdon County | New Jersey News, Politics, Opinion, and Analysis)
Hunterdon County Division of Public Health is promoting "Help Celebrate National Infant Immuniztion Week" on April 16-23, 2016 (we need "Save our Children: Anti-Vaccination Week"). This is unfortunate that the public Health Division in Hunterdon County is promoting the pharmceutical industry's position on harmful childhood vaccinations that is also linked to Autism. The Hunterdon County Freeholders should take a stand against vaccinations--many MDs in Hunterdon County (many MDs in Hunterdon County are part of the "Hunterdon Health Care System" (comprised of the Hunterdon Medical Center, Hunterdon Medical Center Foundation, Hunterdon Regional Community Health, Hunterdon Healthcare Partners LLC, and the Midjersey Health Corporation) and are really employees of the hospital) do not believe in Vaccinations, but are pressured by the hospital, medical establishment and pharmacies to keep quite or be fired--this was alleged by medical doctors who do not want to be named (see Whole Health Tab). Ask the hospital if a medical doctor affliated with them can have a website against vaccinations (see 50 Signs that the U.S. Health Care System is a Gigantic Money Making Scam)--the health care industry is dominated by government bureaucrats, health insurance companies and pharmaceutical coporations; look at the dangerous antidepressant drugs pushed on children and adults. Aso, the DPS should be under the Sheriff's Office.
Senator Mike Doherty: Republican Attacks on Governor Christie a Feint for Trump Opposition (03/03/16) --
Senator Mike Doherty (R-23) rebukes fellow Republicans for criticizing Governor Chris Christie for endorsing Trump and says many of the Republicans in NJ should be ashamed of themselves. Senators Jennifer Beck and Jack Ciattarelli (16th District Assemblyman and Fascist) calling for Governor Christie's resignation and former Republican Governor Christine Todd Whitman saying that she would sooner vote for Hillary Clinton is absurd and a disgrace. They are Globalists, One Worlders and Fascist in their ideology (oppress the poor and the middle class) and need to be kicked out of the Republican Party. The big turn out in the Republican primaries is a result of a "wholesale rejection of trade policies that have lead to a lower standard of living for American people and middle class working families” according to Senator Doherty. Senator Mike Doherty (R-23) described Clinton as only a shade bluer than Republicans’ ideal candidate. Governor Christie and Senator Doherty keep up the good fight and keep coming out stronger for Donald Trump.
The Al Brewer Fund (2016) --The Brewer (a Flemington-Raritan School Board member) needs financial help to defend himself against the ethics violation charges filed by the Board members to the NJ Department of Education. Mr. Brewer alleges these are false charges because he will not rubber stamp their decisions. Note: Mr. Al Brewer is a former U.S. Marine and a retired law enforcement officer and a Lions Club member.
Note: Mr. Al Brewer has recently been appointed to the Flemington Borough Council and as a result had to resign from the Flemington-Raritan School Board. Mr. Brewer still has his legal fees to pay. The people really do not have any say about how their schools are run according to Mr. Brewer.
Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, PA (Feb. 6-14, 2016) The mayor of Harrisburg, PA wanted an exorbitant price to police the area ($250,0000)--NRA said "No". They should contact the Sheriff's Office (Dauphin County, PA Sheriff's Office--the Sheriff is Nicholas Chimienti, Jr.). and Sheriff Chimienti should have a Deputy Reserve program like the Pittsuburgh, PA Sheriff--see Allegheny County Sheriff's Office in Pennsylvania located in Pittsburgh, PA. They have a volunteer Uniform Reserve program or Deputy Reserve Program and are authorized under Title 18 with full arresting power in addition to their full-time Sheriff's Officers. Also, see Police/Sportsmen Tab on the Sheriff's Office and how important the office is for Civil Rights and reducing law enforcement costs.
Auto Show, Philadelphia, PA Jan. 30 -- Feb. 7, 2016
Raritan Twp. Committeman vows to continue as BOE Liason (12/02/15--see article by --
Mayor Craig O'Brien did not have the votes to carry the resoultion to de-designate Committeeman Lou Reiner as liason to the Flemington-Raritan school board. Another ass slapper to the mayor and the school board. Mr. Al Brewer (school board member) commented to the committee that Raritan Twp. should not allow the school board to dictate to the township who should be the liason. Mr. Brewer also asked the mayor who on the board did he discuss this with; Mr. Brewer was never informed by the school board about this discussion of removing Lou and being political--the mayor would not give Mr. Brewer an answer.
Mayor Craig O'Brien conspires with the Flemington-Raritan Board of Education to remove Raritan Twp. Committeeman Lou Reiner as liason to the Board--see article on NJ. com entitled "Raritan Committee mulls replacing school board liason (11/25/15). Raritan Twp. Committemen/Women Karen Gilbert, Michael Mangin and Richard Chen have a moral obligation to tell the Flemington-Raritan Board of Education to shove it and support Lou Reiner. Now the school board runs the Raritan Twp. Committee?
It is unfortnate as alleged previously by Committeeman Lou Reiner and School Board Member Mr. Al Brewer (who won by a landslide in Nov. 2015 and is being attacked by the Board) that the Superintendent dictates to the Board of Education. So, any member who wants transperancy is told to shut up. It is disgraceful that Mayor O'Brien is working with the Board of Education to do their bidding and is mad over the defeat of the merger (see below) and a third mayoral term according to Committeeman Lou Reiner. The school boards are partisan and New Jersey should allow the board members to run under a political party--this is the method in Pennsylvania.
The Hunterdon County Democrat still has not published a Letter to the Editor on the topic of
Common Core submitted to them by a resident in Raritan Twp.--see letter entitled Common Core and How it Affects School Students (PDF- Flyer) .
Lou Reiner, Committeman for Raritan Twp., mails Flyer Against Merger of Raritan Twp. and Flemington Boro (11/03/15) -- PDF
Lou Reiner's Flyer defeats ballot initiative (11/04/15) for a merger study of Flemington Borough and Raritan Twp. Voters say "No" to absorbing Flemington Boro's debt and Police Dept. Also, there is no reason to change the form of government because of a merger--Raritan Twp. should keep its 5 member committee, not make it a 7 member committee with an elected mayor.
(It was also rumored that you had some Hunterdon County Freeholders and a few business people in Flemington who wanted to set up districts in Raritan Twp. and Flemington Borough like New York City--so Flemington Borough might be District C and only those people could vote for a committee person to represent them on the Raritan Twp. Committee. What brains and stupidity. New York City has 5 Districts/ Boroughs that do not have functioning county governments like the 62 counties in the state--the boroughs are considered divisions of New York City. These boroughs elect the mayor with each District/Borough having a population of over a million and some have over 2 million.)
The Rockefeller Republicans and Democrats wanted to alienate the real Republicans in Raritan Twp.--in other words, take their power away. Princeton is not Raritan Twp.--they have many more people traveling through Princeton plus they have the University of Princeton. Raritan Twp. and Flemington Borough are not a city.
There was no transparency for this discussion and Courage to Connect ,who gave a presentation in Flemington (the old Stangl Pottery) on August 29th, 2015 (Gina Genovese and Wendy McCahill), admitted it was not about reducing taxes, but it was about efficiency. (The question was asked by a person in the audience, who was the only person asking intelligent questions.) Of course, the two ladies would not address using the Sheriff's Office to reduce police costs. Nor would they condemn the "duplication of services" in Camden County when they formed another county police force when they already had an existing county police called the Sheriff's Office--Bergen County merged its separate county police into the Bergen County Sheriff's Office this year--see Bergen freedholders make it official: County police folded into the Bergen County Sheriff's Office.
Courage to Connect is talking out of both sides of their mouths. It seems like the promotion of consolidation is not about reducing taxes, but it is about consolidation of power to create an Oligarchy. Many people might consider merging their Borough with a township if they consolidated their police department into the Sheriff's Office--they can still keep their township police dept.; it would be smaller. The Flemington Borough's police budget is 35% (it has about 17 officers for 1.077 square miles) and Raritan Twp. has around 32 officers for 37.690 square miles. The violent crime index is 0.2%--based on number of offenses per 1,000 residents; see 2008 Uniform Crime Report). The violent crime index has been the same for last 40 years when the Twp. had only 5 officers. The school system was already merged and the costs keep rising---60 million dollar budget for Raritan Twp. and the Common Core is dumbing down our students. Why did Courage to Connect not bring up the Fair School Funding proposed by Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District)?
It is unfortunate according to a few elected officials that the merger was not based on an open discussion or honesty. The Freeholders, some Raritan Twp. and Flemington Borough committee members did many things behind closed doors. It was about making business deals. Why did Raritan Twp. and Flemington Borough continue hiring police officers after a few officers retired if they were planning a merger? Why did they not approach Sheriff Brown about using the services of the Sheriff's Office? You had a stupid statement made by two Flemingon Borough counsilpersons about using the Sheriff's Office: "the Sheriffs' Officers would not know Flemington Borough as well as the Flemington Borough police do". Brains! This was alleged by a well known Republican Committee member.
Hunterdon County Democrat Censors "Letter to Editor" for Flemington - Raritan Board of Education Candidate because it exposes Common Core (November 2015) -- PDF. If this candidate mailed this out to the residents of Raritan Twp., there would have been a different outcome. A family death and work prevented this from happening. Common Core: Dangers & Threats by Dr. Duke Pesta who speaks in Florida on (05/03/14)--see video presentation.
Al Brewer wins big in Flemington Borough for the Flemington-Raritan School Board (11/04/15) --
Mr. Brewer will continue to fight the good fight against a board that has abdicated its responsibility and has given all control to the Superintendent and Administrator.
Flemington-Raritan School Board Member Al Brewer: Rights Trampled at School Board Meeting--Brewer Alleges that "Fallon put a made-up $10,000 price tag on that lawyering-up." (09/21/15
Letter to Editor Submitted to NJIAT and to the Hunterdon County Democrat. Hunterdon County Democrat posted letter entitled Flemington-Raritan school Board member: Fixes needed (09/28/15).
Years ago, the Flemington-Raritan school board abandoned its responsibility to students and taxpayers by giving all its power and authority to the superintendent and business administrator. And those administrators have been running the school system, relying on bobble-head board members to nod in approval.
For example, last year when the food-service contract was up for renewal, I asked to see it. This request was denied as inappropriate and a break from past practice. We were expected to rubber-stamp a deal made by Business Administrator Stephanie Voorhees without knowing what it said! Unbelievable, but typical of the status quo.
There has been plenty of fallout and there will be more as I push for more open, transparent and responsible management of our schools, and while the board leadership and the administrators push back.
On Sept. 21 a police officer was dispatched to the school board meeting. The problem: Over the board president's objection, I was giving board members copies of a letter suggesting ways to improve mail delivery.
Although most people send emails, all means of communication between residents and board members must be protected. The board president said mail-handling is covered by a “policy,” it isn't.
It's done by informal practice: Mail is opened and logged-in by the business administrator, who then passes it to the superintendent and the board leadership to see if it contains anything they'd like to know. Then, usually weeks later at the next board meeting, it is given to its rightful recipient.
According to's report: At the Sept. 21 meeting, board vice president Anna Fallon “reported that local and federal complaints filed by school board member Alan Brewer over alleged mishandling of mail were closed in favor of the district, with local and federal agencies confirming that procedures the district has been following are appropriate. The district spent $10,000 on the issue, she said.”
Here's what actually happened: Because my mail was being opened and withheld, I phoned the U.S. Postal Service's 800 number. I was advised to call the police, who then called the Postal Service. Flemington Patrolman Brian McNally, postal inspector Michael Kozlowski, the new superintendent of schools Maryrose Caulfield and a board attorney met on Sept. 17.
The patrolman reports that the postal inspector advised that Brewer should have “no expectation of privacy,” but that “Brewer should be given his mail... within 2-3 business days after delivery. Also he expressed that while not legally required to, that the board should provide mailboxes, or a pick up system for members' mail outside of the standard monthly meeting hand delivery.”
The postal inspector tried to resolve the problem, but the school district lawyered-up. Fallon put a made-up $10,000 price tag on that lawyering-up.
She, along with the board president, are trying to protect a system that shuts out the public and their elected representatives, where policies go unquestioned, and contracts and expenditures go unscrutinized. That's wrong, and I'm trying to fix it.
Flemington representative,
Flemington-Raritan Board of Education
Hunterdon County to send Prisoners to Somerset County jail (which is under the Sheriff's control) under 2-year contract (08/26/15) --
Most of the Correction Officers will now be under Sheriff Fred Brown's authority (Corrections Officers are law enforcement and existing Hunterdon County corrections officers will stay correction officers unless they get new job descriptions at a later time, which would require additional training hours to become a Sheriff's Officer (790 hours to be certified by the PTC for a Sheriff's Officer; a Correction Officer has approx. 500 hrs or a 14-week training program) -- the current jail will stay open to service the existing prisioners and process new prisioners, which will be transferred to Somerset). The jail was built on an outdated design that was the fault and stupidity of previous ex-Freeholders in Hunterdon County. Thumbs up for Sheriff Fred Brown and the current Freeholders (J. Matt Holt, John King ( of course, John King bloated the Raritan Twp. Police Dept. and cost the taxpayers a lot of money when he was a Raritan Twp. Committeeman--he should have been using the Sheriff's Office to supplement the police dept.), John E. Lanza, Suzanne Lagay, and Robert G. Walton) for putting the correction officers under the authority of the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office in Hunterdon County can offer more services to the residents in the county if the DPS and the Park System were be put under Sheriff Fred Brown (the Park Rangers in Hunterdon County are not law enforcement per se or have very limited law enforcement authority (the required NJ PTC training is 5 weeks ( approx. 175 hours) for County Park Rangers -- Sheriff's Officers and Municipal Police Officers in NJ (790 hours), Correction Officers 14-week training (approx. 500 hours), Class II Specials (600 hours) and Class I Specials (80 hours). The Hunterdon County Park Rangers do not carry guns (they should be approved to carry firearms by the Hunterdon County Freeholders), but wear bullet proof vests. The Park Rangers should further their training at the police academy and become part of the Sheriff's Office like Essex County Sheriff's Office--this is a serious public safety issue.
Note: Merger talks in Raritan Twp. and Flemington-Boro; it would have to merge the police departments into the Sheriff's Office in order to save any money for the residents. The school system is already consolidated (saved very little money) and is the largest tax item on residents' property bill.
Debate on Common Core Standards and PARRC test slated for Hunterdon County on June 17, 2015 located at 43 Park Ave, Flemington, NJ (Woman's Club at 7:30 PM)--see Hunterdon County Democrat)--
Former Congressman Dick Zimmer will moderate the debate between Michael Petrilli, President of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute (in favor) and Bob Bowdon, Executive Director of Choice Media (against it). Governor Chris Christie came out against Common Core, but is behind the PARCC test. This makes no sense--PARCC is part of Common Core. See video presentation Common Core: Dangers & Threats by Dr. Duke Pesta who speaks in Florida on (05/03/14).
Note: It is inexcusable for the Hunterdon Central Regional High School Board of Education with the encouragement of the Superintendent Christina Steffner (with her $25k bonus) to change the current scheduling to an A/ B block scheduling system. Now the students cannot double up or take Algebra I and II in the same year. The Partnership for Assessment and Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) mandated by the State is a joke and takes away more time from the teachers from actually teaching because they have to attempt to prepare them for a bogus test that will turn out to be a disaster with many students failing. The schools had to order Chrome books in order to administer the test--a nice little contract. Governor Christie should abolish "Common Core" and "PARCC". The students are very upset over the change. See PARCC Pilot Program a Disaster & With Common Core, States Face Problem of Which Tests To Give Students.
Kiwanis Club of Hopewell Valley -- Pennington holding a Pancake fundraiser at the Hopewell United Methodist Church in Pennington, NJ in early 2000s. Second person from left: Nick Tatler.
Edgar Tatler Sr. (also known as Nick) passes away on Friday, May 08, 2015 --Nick was a Mason (Masonic Lodge F&AM), Kiwanis member, a Navy military veteran (belonged to the American Legion) and was also a member of The John Birch Society years ago. Nick will be missed and was a great person and had a strong faith in Yeshua/Christ the Messiah.
Edgar Nicholas 'Nick' Tatler Sr. HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP Edgar Nicholas "Nick" Tatler Sr., 83, of Hopewell Township passed away peacefully at home on Friday, May 8, 2015. Born in Trenton, he was the heir to W.H. Tatler pottery, and was a lifelong area resident. Nick was in the residential/ commercial interior decorating business his whole life and was part of the Regent floorcovering family in Pennington for many years.
He was a graduate of Blair Academy and a proud Navy veteran. Nick is survived by his wife, Josette Tomaszewski Tatler; his son, Nick Tatler Jr. of New Hope, PA; daughters and sons-in-laws, Cheryl Tatler-Pedersen and Mark Pedersen of Ewing and Chandra Tatler Long and Bob Long of Pennington; four grandchildren, Shannon and Shelby Pedersen and Brett and Kirsten Long; close family friend, Dan Campbell, and his beloved dog, Buddy. Nick was the son of the late Philip H. and Emily Barry Tatler and father of the late Scott Tatler. Nick loved to spend time with his family, boating, fishing, and skiing, and was a devoted NASCAR fan. He was active in his community as a member of St. James R.C. Church, Kiwanis Club, the Masonic Lodge F&AM, and the American Legion.
Friends may call Thursday, May 14, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Wilson-Apple Funeral Home, 2560 Pennington Rd., Pennington. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Friday, May 15, at 11 a.m. at St. James R.C. Church, 115 E. Delaware Ave., Pennington, NJ 08534. Interment will follow in Washington Crossing National Cemetery, Newtown, PA. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to St. James R.C. Church, Meditation Garden Preservation. Condolences are welcome at Wilson-Apple Funeral Home, LLC 2560 Pennington Road Pennington, NJ 08534 (609) 737-1498 - See more at:
High School Students Standing up for Marriage between a Man & a Woman (a Creation Ordinance in the Book of Genesis 2:23-24) -- April 16, 2016. Will the Christian Clubs at Hunterdon Central High School and other high schools stand up for righteousness? Most of the so-called Evangelicals and Pastors are cowards in the U.S. Most will not even announce it from their pulpits.
The Day of Dialogue--high school students can take a stand for marriage (a creation ordinance; Gen. 2:23-24); students can legally counter the promotion of the homosexual agenda in their high schools by "The Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network" (GLSEN)--the Day of Silence is held every year at many high schools across this nation such as Hunterdon Central High School thru sponsoring clubs such as PULSE. The purpose of The Day of Silence is to legitimize homosexuality--GLSEN encourages students celebrating this event to lobby for legislation supported by homosexual-advocacy groups and pressure school officials to implement things such as "queer friendly" prom. (Recommended Bible Tract to hand out: How Should Christians Respond to "Gay" Marriage?)
The recent speech given by homosexual activist Dan Savage in April 2012, who was invited to be keynote speaker at a high school anti-bullying conference in Seattle, Wash., used his podium to bash Christians and the Bible and some students walked out in protest--see YouTube and article on his hate speech against Christians and people who believe in the Bible.
Muslims also condemn homosexuality as sin and we will see if Dan the coward will condemn Muslims and the Qur'an. Here is a quote from the Qur'an: "For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81. Yes, to their credit the Islamic Society of North America calls homosexual relationships a "deviation" from the law of Allah on its website.
Unfortunately, many so-called High School Christian Clubs have been infected by political correctness because they do not want to offend other people should get their "head out of the sand." Gay pride protests sport drag queens simulating gay sex while wearing thongs in public, but that is not considered offensive by the establishment because it is "politically correct" to support grown men in thongs. The Cross is an offense. You either take a stand for God or Satan--make your choice. The Book of Revelation is very clear: If you are going along with Babylon (Satan's system, the Beast and the worship of the anti-Christ) and receive the Mark of the Beast (666), you will be removed from planet Earth by Yeshua Ha-Maschiah at His second coming and placed on another planet called "Hell" and will be in torment for ever and ever (see Worldview tab for further information).
Note: The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams points out how the Nazi SS was made up primarily of sadistic homosexuals and how homosexuality was so ingrained in the Nazi Party and how the Gay and Lesbian "Youth School Clubs" is nothing more than a" Hitler Youth Spin Off"--a downloadable version is available; click The Pink Swastika on PDF. Also, see the Militant Lifestyles tab for information on how Homosexuality and Fascism have always gone hand in hand.
Now Order a NJIAT Marriage Shirt
You can wear this shirt proudly and defend marriage and glorify Christ (the wording is on the back of the Shirt and the smaller emblem is on the front). Also, a great witnessing tool. You can order the shirts from E-MAC--Signs & Graphics; located in Sergeantsville, NJ (Delaware Twp.). Their phone number is 908-806-4555 or e-mail Eileen at The shirt design and emblem is copyrighted by NJIAT. (E-Mac is not affliated with NJIAT, but is an authorized vendor to sell the shirts in bulk or will take a minimun order.)
Freeholder Director of Warren County Ed Smith issues Letter to the New Jersey Highlands Council (02/25/15)
Ed Smith issues a letter to the New Jersey Highlands Council on February 25, 2015 about the Highlands Regional Master Plan. Here are a few comments from the Freeholder Director Ed Smith's letter:
1. If all watersheds in the County of Warren flow into the Delaware River, which is the Western border of the State of New Jersey, then how is the statutorily "protected" water going to be transported from Warren County to water intakes that facilitate delivery to millions of users in NJ?
2. All watersheds in the County of Warren flow into the Delaware River and is 15 or more miles to the water intakes for the New Jersey Water Authority.
3. Any contribution, improvement, or protection by the County of Warren to the quality of the drinking water to used by millions of the citizens of the State of New Jersey is not feasibly measurable and thereby non-existent as a matter of fact.
4. The Photcong Valley Superfund Site is situated upon the Highlands Aquifer and the contamination has only moved 10 miles westward toward the Delaware River after decades and the groundwater is still contaminated.
For further details, see letter from Freeholder Director Ed Smith to New Jersey Highlands Council (02/25/15)--PDF
Pennsylvania Farm Complex (February 7 -- 15, 2015)
Great American Outdoor Show at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex (Feb. 7-15, 2015)
New Bergen County Executive Signs Deal Merging Bergen County Police Dept. Into the Bergen County Sheriff's Department (01/01/15) & Bergen County begins Merger of its Police Force into the Sheriff's Office on would like to congratulate Bergen County Executive James Tedesco for merging the Bergen County Police Dept. into the Sheriff's Office, which is an existing county police Dept. (this was duplication of services). Bergen County Executive James Tedesco did the right thing. We also would like to congratulate Sheriff Michael Saudino for agreeing with this merger and his hard work to make it happen.
The Sheriff's Office has some of the most qualified people in the nation--former Assistant Director of the FBI New York Office was a former Deputy Sheriff.
Note: The Merger is official as of Feb. 25, 2015. Bergen freedholders make it official: County police folded into the Bergen County Sheriff's Office. It is disgraceful that Republican Freeholder Maura DeNicola opposed the move. Freeholder DeNicola should read the Constitution and have a concern for citizens' Civil Rights--yes, the Sheriff is directly accountable to the people. It is also a cost factor and a duplication of services. Shameful behavior from a Republican.
State Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District)
Senator Doherty's district covers a huge area than consists of half of Hunterdon County, half of Warren County and parts of Somerset County that includes the Bridgewater Mall.
Republican N.J. Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) ) criticizes Christie over State of the State speech (01/14/15) --see article on
A quote from the article Republican N.J. Senator rips Christie over State of the State speech (01/14/15) from,
"Doherty was particularly angry that Hoboken— once impoverished but now a wealthy New York City bedroom community — is still considered an “Abbott district” and has state-funded universal pre-K. (One town in Doherty’s district, Phillipsburg, is also an Abbott district)."
Note: the State income tax was implemented in order to reduce taxes for all NJ residents--you have poor and the middle class in every county. They are getting penalized because the Supreme Court ruled that the so-called Abbot districts receive most of the funding.
Senator Doherty had drafted legislation that would give all students in New Jersey an equal amount of aid no matter where they reside in the state, not the current formula where 150 towns get back only 5 cents or less back on every dollar of their State income tax sent to Trenton. 20% of the students are receiving 60% of the educational funds—these towns receive $20, $30 or $40 back for every $1 sent to Trenton. The bill is consistent with the State Constitution, Article VIII, Section IV, Paragraph 2. This does not mean the State cannot provide more help in certain areas such as our inner cities that need more funds--it should come out of other revenue sources. And there is a lot of wasted money that has not improved the educational system or test scores.
Governor Christie should abolish "Common Core" and "PARCC". Teachers and students are very upset over this test and Common Core. See PARCC Pilot Program a Disaster & With Common Core, States Face Problem of Which Tests To Give Students. The PARCC test is the result of Common Core.See Common Core: Dangers & Threats by Dr. Duke Pesta who speaks in Florida on (05/03/14)--see video presentation.
Senator Doherty has also supported great men such as former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul and Senator Dr. Rand Paul. Hopefully, the Senator will address the disenfranchisement of African-Americans. Spanish and Whites (all citizens) that resulted in Camden County starting a county police force separate from an existing county police force called the Sheriff's Office. Citizens can vote for the Sheriff and would be more sensitive to citizens Civil Rights. Yes, this is a cost and Civil Rights issue.
Lou Reiner and Richard Chen are Sworn in by Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) for the Raritan Twp. Committee in Flemington, New Jersey on 01/02/15.
Lou Reiner with Janet Gasper & Senator and Richard Chen with family & Senator
Their first order of business was to approve appointments. Judge Novak was a "No" vote by Committeeman Reiner. Committeeman Chen voted "yes" even though he initially wanted a different judge. He should of at least abstained. (People should be more concerned about doing what is right, not what people might think. If you brought forth Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts as a nominee, 3 of the Republicans on the Raritan Twp. Committee--who many were appointed to the Raritan Twp. Committee and then ran in the election--would most likely have said he does not have enough experience because he was not a Municipal judge.) The Environmental Commission is made up of 6 Democrats and 3 Republicans--everyone voted "yes" except Committeeman Reiner, who "abstained". Committeeman Reiner stated that "We needed a little diversity on this Commission." The Committee would not separate the 3 Commission members so they could vote for the individuals (2 Republicans and 1 Democrat). Why are there more Democrats on the Committee when the elected Committeemen/women are Republicans (or maybe many are Rockefeller Republicans)?--at least make it half Republicans and half Democrats. Note: Committeeman Reiner does not have a problem with Democrats serving on the Commission or working with Democrats, but he does have a problem with the Commission being totally one-sided and Republicans being underrepresented.
What about the vote for Mayor?
Maybe Committeeman Mike Mangin could have harnassed another vote to be Mayor instead of Craig O'Brian if he voted for another judge? Maybe he could have been the liason again to the Police Department, which he was removed?
Raritan Twp. Committee doing Business as Usual, not the Change People Wanted?
It seems you have three existing committee persons who do not want to change the way business is being conducted in this township. There should have been a new judge. The reason Raritan Twp. Road Dept. has broken-down trucks (there are allegations made by a former Raritan Road Dept. employees that when they ordered some trucks 10 or more years ago the Supervisor had the air conditioner units removed, which cost more money to do so) is because the existing committee and former committee kept reducing their budget and then would increase the police budget. Raritan Twp. has too many police officers and this is one of the biggest expenses for the Raritan Twp. budget that has multiple complaints and lawsuites against it (the buck stops with the Committee and Chief).
It is alleged by other Twp. police officers that the Raritan Twp police officers have to ask the Raritan Police Chief to go to the bathroom when on duty--they will radio in and ask, "Can I come in"? This is the code they use. Some of the responses to the officers are "wait." Also, many people in the Raritan and surrounding townships would like the removal of the Raritan Twp. police officer from Hunterdon Central High School--they could use a Sheriff's Officer for half the cost. (See Supplement Twp Police by using the Sheriff's Office to Reduce Costs.)
Health Benefits for Employees of Raritan Twp. were Obtained thru a Broker?
Why did Raritan Twp. go with a broker to purchase health insurance? The employees have to pay $20 co-pay compared to $5 co-pay if they went directly with the State (this is how they got the cost reduced to probably pay for the broker fee--raise the co-pay on employees). Also, retired employees on Medicare should pay much less (this is how it is at the Sewer Authority because they were smart enough to go directly through the State.) This is not the case with Raritan Twp. retired employees on Medicare--they pay the full amount even though it is only 20% that needs to paid for a retired employee on Medicare.
School Budgets
The school budgets (Hunterdon Central High School and Flemington-Raritan Schools) are not controlled by the townships or voted on except if the budget goes beyond the 2% cap--then the Twp. has to vote on the school budget. This was not case before New Jersey legislature recently changed the law that included moving the date of elections for board members to November. Changing the election date was a good thing, but denying the Twp. committeee to vote on the budget was a bad thing. Also, there are many loopholes in the 2% cap such as paying on bond debt, etc. So the school budget can increase more than the 2% per year--this is why the taxpayers can see an 8% increase in the budget.
Saving Taxpayers Money on the School Part of Tax Bill
Saving the taxpayers money on the school part of the tax bill is more challenging. Although merging school districts will save some money, you will not see any substantial reduction in your tax bill because eliminating a few Superintendants and Principals might save a million or more--this will be negligible on your tax bill. Why?
Because the budget is $104 million (between Hunterdon Central High School and the Flemington-Raritan Middle Schools--Flemington Boro and Raritan Twp. are already consolidated) for Raritan Twp. You will see very little decrease in your tax bill. This is not implying that some consolidation is not needed in the school system for efficiency (there should be one board of education for K-12 like other counties in NJ such as Mercer County (Hopewell Regional School District, etc.), that is, not sperate middle school boards and a separate high school board when the students from the middle schools will attend the high school). However, a lot of the so-called consolidation proposal plans for all the high schools in the county to be consolidated coming out the Hunterdon County Freeholders Office has more to do with a power grab, not reducing costs--you will loose local control (one Board for the whole county). Hunterdon County Freeholder Rob Walton already got caught with a misleading township police merger plan--police mergers should only occur through the Sheriff's Office (see Police/Sportsmen & Local Government Tabs for further details).
The solution: Implement Senator Mike Doherty's Fair School Funding legislation. Your tax bill would decrease thousands of dollars per household on your property taxes--no tax increase and no budget cuts. Some counties in PA implement a 1% or 2% school tax on earned income--do we need another tax? See Breakdown of Budget below.
Raritan Twps Budget and a Breakdown of where your Money is going
Raritan Twps budget is $17,183,051.95 (2014). The school budgets are around 104 million--the biggest item on a resident of Raritan Twp. tax bill is the middle schools( 6 schools for Raritan & Flemington Boro with a budget of $53,925,621 million for 2013-2014). Whereas the High School is the next largest cost item $51,489,154, but the cost is spread out amoung 5 townships. (see Hunterdon County's School Directory.) You also have the county budget, which is $88,787,312.03 (2014)--however, this cost is allocated amoung the 26 municipalities in Hunterdon County. So it is the lowest part of your tax bill--however, the same allocation method would not be used for the consolidation of schools, but by population of students per township as the current method of the Middle Schools and High Schools.
Category | Budgets |
Raritan Twp. Tax Bill |
Cost allocation--# of Twps. |
Category 1 | $ 17,183,051.00 | Raritan Twp |
1 |
Category 2 | $ 53,925,621.00 | Flemington-Raritan Middle Schools |
2 |
Category 3 | $ 51,489,154.00 | Hunterdon Central High School |
5 |
Category 4 | $ 88,787,312.00 | Hunterdon County |
26 |
Total | $ 211,385,138.00 |
Do not Merge Twp. Police Departments or Townships. You have the Sheriff's Office
It is totally unnecessary to merge townships or police departments when you have the Sheriff's Office. Shared Services can be offerred through the Sheriff's Office. It is stupidy to merge police departments and then the county would have to take them over. If you want to merge police departments, then merge them into an existing county police force called the Sheriff's Office. This is a Civil Rights issue, a cost issue, duplication of services issue and local soverignty issue. You can elect the Sheriff.
The reception was held at the Copper Hill Country Club.
Board Member Al Brewer vindicated by the Hunterdon County Democrat over the False allegation made by the Flemington-Raritan School Board accusing him of leaking sensitive security information and putting Students' Lives in Jeopardy--12/02/14 & Board Meeting on 12/15/14 below
Here is a quote from the Hunterdon County Democrat's article entitled Flemington-Raritan teachers' union pressing for apology over leak of nonsecret security plan (12/02/14):
But an examination of the document itself, a Security Action Plan, which was not provided by Brewer, shows no sensitive information that you can’t find in the school security audit by Safe Havens International that was posted in November 2013 on the school district’s website...When asked via email on Monday afternoon what is the basis of her ongoing demands for an apology, and whether it has anything to do with party politics, Corfield responded, “I forwarded your email to Sue Vala, the FREA president. She's the one you should speak to.
Read the so-called secret security Action Plan: Flemington--Raritan Regional District Security Action Plan (March 10, 2014)--PDF. Compare it to the Safe Havens International report posted.
Note: Mr. Alan Brewer is a U.S. Marine Veteran, retired Law Enforcement Officer and is a member of Lions Club International and President of the New Jersey Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center.
Flemington-Raritan Regional School District Board of Education Meeting on 12/15/14 (see the so-called Secret Security Action Plan (03/10/14) that is not so secret below).
The Flemington-Raritan Regional School District Board of Education met on 12/15/14. Ms. Anna Fallon (Board Member) alleged to the other Board Members at the meeting that the Hunterdon County Democrat will retract or should retract most of the information in the article (that vindicated Mr. Brewer) that was published on the front page of the Hunterdon County Democrat on 12/04/14 --the same article was published in on 12/02/14. We have heard from various individuals who allege that the reporter at the Hunterdon Democrat will not issue a retraction to the article and stands by his story.
Some of the Board members still think the Flemington--Raritan Regional District Security Action Plan (March 10, 2014)--PDF is confidential and secret. The plan was OPRAed by 3 individuals and is now public information and on the website. Many people now possess this report including the Hunterdon County Democrat reporter who wrote the story. Robbin Behn (Board Member--last day for her as Board Member was on Dec. 15, 2014) stated at the meeting that the unpublished opinion of a County Superior Court Judge on the issue of Board information and confidentiality was binding on Mr. Brewer and applied this to the release of the Security Action plan via e-mail by Mr. Brewer to a few people. However, unpublished opinions by a Superior Court judge hold no binding legal authority--this was admitted by the Board's attorney that night. It has to be a published decision by the Appellate Court in NJ. This is not the NSA.
Flemington-Raritan School Security Plan on Website & Relocated
It was also discovered that the "Detailed School Security Plan" was removed from the School's current location on the website in the first week of September and then relocated under 2012-2013 Budget. It is very difficult to find it.
See snapshot of the school's website showing the Flemington-Raritan School's Detailed Security Plan as of 08/22/14 and the PDF detailed security plan Flemington-Raritan Security Plan--PDF.
See article entitled How secret was Flemington-Raritan school-security plan that was shared? (08/26/14) by the Hunterdon County Democrat & Letter: False and Malicious Statements by The Flemington-Raritan Board against Mr. Brewer about School Security (09/10/14) & Setting the Record Straight: Flemington Rartian School District - School Security Plan Spring 2013 by Alan Brewer posted on Advocates for Honest Government (09/12/14)
Retired Lieutenant in the New Jersey State Police and Former Sheriff of Hunterdon County passes away on Oct. 31, 2014 at age 71. Bill was one of your best Sheriff's Hunterdon County ever had and wanted the DPS under the Sheriff's Office and implemented and ran the county police shooting range . Bill was a man of integrity and will be missed. See article in the Hunterdon Demcrat entitled Former Sheriff William Doyle dead at 71; handled many big cases as a State Trooper (11/04/14).
Richard Chen and Lou Reiner at a Rotary Club Breakfast fundraiser at Hunterdon Central High School on 11/01/14
(Reiner and Chen won the Raritan Twp. committee by a landslide on Nov. 4, 2014--vote count: Chen 3,615, Reiner 3,546, Rampulla 2,260 and Corfield 2,146. See article in Hunterdon County Democrat entitled Raritan Township Republican victors sharpening their budget axes (11/05/14).
A False, Misleading and Malicious Letter mailed on 10/28/14 against Lou Reiner about the Raritan Township Municipal Utilities Authority (the Sewer Authority)--Reiner's Reponse that was also published in the Sunday Hunterdon Democrat (11/02/14) Refuting the False Statements:
Raritan Township
Note: Lou Reiner is now an elected Raritan Twp. Committeeman (2015) and has always advocated to keep the Sewer Authority an independent entity.
Broten and Tropello & Broten and Tropello Facebook
John Broten and Sam Tropello win the Republican Primary (June 2014) for Readington Township Commitee in Hunterdon County (general election date is Nov. 4, 2014) by defeating the incumbents Julia Allen and Frank Gatti.
(Broten and Tropello declared the winners on Nov. 5, 2014--vote count: Broten 2,885, Tropello 2,793, Mayor Allen 2,386 and Gatti 2,372; see article entitled Tropello & Broten beat Allen & Gatti in Readington Township (11/05/14).
According to John Broten and Sam Tropello, the exploding Municipal Debt is almost $60 MILLION! Since 2000, long term debt has increased 400% and the Municipal budget has increased by 67%. Debt service is the largest single budget item at $3.34M It's time for change!
Boten and Tropello support:
- The reduction of our municipal debt, already the highest in Hunterdon County.
- The reduction of our municipal tax rate that has increased 7% each year for the last 7 years.
- Stopping the misuse of the eminent domain law.
- The reduction of huge legal bills to fight a losing legal battle that we should never have commenced.
- Open and truthful dialog with taxpayers and a willingness to listen.
- A municipal government that is not controlled by one person but where every Township Committee representative brings value and balance to the process.
The question to ask Julia Allen: Who did you vote for in the 2008 Presidential election? There are allegations being made that she told an elected official that she voted for President Barack Obama (Democrat). Julia Allen and Frank Gatti are doing write-in campaign because they lost in the Republican primary. A few Constitutional/Libertarian elected Republicans allege that there are many radical left semi-fascist Democrats in the Hunterdon County Republican Party. They run as Republicans because they cannot get elected as Democrats.
Image Credit: Wikipedia
The Nymphenburg Palace, Munich, Germany
Glen Gardner Inn
161 Main Street
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826
[5 ½ miles north of Rt. 78 on Rt. 31]
Glen Gardner Inn
Note: Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture, having been held since 1810. The world’s largest funfair is held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
The German Buffet includes grill-roasted pig, sauerbraten, smoked Kassler pork loin, knockwurst, bratwurst, bockwurst and roast chicken plus all the Bavarian trimmings. Beers on draft include Spaten, Hacker Pschorr, Ramstein, Hofbrau, Ayinger, Climax & Sly Fox. Wine is available for those who prefer grape over malt.
Rich Jordan will be here again with his live oompah music, we will be singing the Schnitzelbank song and we will be ceremoniously tapping the wood barrel. Also, there will be prizes for competition for the best dressed "herr & frau", yodeling and stein hoisting. The festivities run from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm. The price is $65.00 per person which includes everything, i.e., entry, food, beverage, tax and gratuity.
A maximum of 150 guests will be admitted because space is limited.
*Reservations and prepayment are required*. Call 908 537-7272 with your credit card or stop in with cash, check or credit card to reserve your spot. We look forward to seeing you at this great event so don't delay - *sign up now!*
Accusation made by the Flemington-Raritan School Board against Board
Member Al Brewer that he put Students' Lives in Jeopardy by E-mailing an "Action Plan" to Elected Officials Exposed as False and Politically Motivated (09/10/14)
A Partial "Detailed School Security Plan" was already posted on the Flemington-Raritan School's website since 2013.
Why was Ms. Anna Fallon and Mr. Nolan upset with an “Action Plan” being released to a few elected officials such as the mayor and the county clerk (who is highly respected in the community) when you can go to the Flemington-Raritan School District’s website and see a posted detailed “Security Plan?” Mr. Brewer responded to a few of the accusations made against him regarding school security as follows:
- The OPRA documents referenced in the Hunterdon County Democrat’s article entitled Flemington-Raritan Board member Accused of Leaking Secrets on August 21, 2014 were not classified "Confidential" nor did the attachments remotely come close to being either classified or a detailed Comprehensive School Security Plan (known as a School Emergency Operation Plan);
- By law, a Comprehensive School Security Plan contains almost 91 elements involving how children will be protected based on specific scenarios? It is like a “Standard Operations Procedure” used in the Department of Corrections (DOC). According to Mr. Brewer, everything is included in the plan such as “how people will be moved to where they will go and seek shelter”; This is often referred to as "Hide and Cover." This information does not even remotely come close; and
- The article mentioned above might have inadvertently left the impression that the information was released to the "BAD GUYS."
Mr. Brewer, a retired law enforcement officer and former U.S. Marine, was troubled by the school security schematics being posted on the school's website.
Mr. Alan Brewer stated that he did not release the detailed "School Security" plan, but only e-mailed a "district advisory" or "action plan" to a few elected officials. It was recently discovered that the Flemington-Rartian School's security plan was posted to their website as of 2013 and has detailed schematics for the world to see. Brains! This was just politics and what was done to Mr. Alan Brewer is a disgrace. The board even removed Mr. Brewer as a liason for school secuirty, who is a retired law enforcement officer and a former U.S. Marine.
Flemington-Raritan School Security Plan on Website and Then Removed & Relocated
It was also discovered that the "Detailed School Security Plan" was just removed from the School's website in the first week of September and then relocated under 2012-2013 Budget. See snapshot of the school's website showing the Flemington-Raritan School's Detailed Security Plan as of 08/22/14 and the PDF detailed security plan Flemington-Raritan Security Plan--PDF.
See article entitled How secret was Flemington-Raritan school-security plan that was shared? (08/26/14) by the Hunterdon County Democrat & Letter: False and Malicious Statements by The Flemington-Raritan Board against Mr. Brewer about School Security (09/10/14) & Setting the Record Straight: Flemington Rartian School District - School Security Plan Spring 2013 by Alan Brewer posted on Advocates for Honest Government (09/12/14)
Brian Swingle, Flemington Borough Council President and Police Commissioner and Lead on School Security, Defends Alan Brewer and Condemns the Raritan-Flemington Administration and School Board Members in the HC News (09/13/14)
Sandy Hook Investigation by former U.S. Customs Special Agent
[It is unfortunate that the Sandy Hook incident is being used by these anti-gun organizations--see Former Educator, US Customs Agent and School Safety Expert Wolfgang Halbig, who has been investigating Sandy Hook (05/13/14) --16 Unanswered questions in article such as: 1. Why would the FBI classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (SHES) when the Columbine shooting was an Active Shooter Mass Casualty Incidents (AS/MCI) and not classified?; 2. Why was there no Life Star Trauma helicopters or paramedics requested? 3. Why were the paramedics and EMTs not allowed to go inside SHES?, 4. Why does an off-duty lieutenant from the Newtown Police Department (NPD) refuse to leave his off-duty work assignment at a construction site when hearing that shots have been fired at SHES?,5. Why would a police officer by the name of Lt. Vangehle, at 9:45:21 a.m. on 12/14/2012, from the NPD, after finding a female kindergartener in the hallway, make her go into room eight (8) and leave her there? Room eight was supposedly the gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff. etc.]
Federal Lawsuite that Claims Raritan Township Police (Hunterdon County) used Excessive Force is moving through Federal Court (08/14/14)
See Article in Hunterdon County Democrat on Federal Lawsuite against Raritan Twp. Police (08/14/14) & see Video of Raritan Twp. Brutality according to Mr. Shuman (08/05/12)
Former Hunterdon County resident, Dennis Shuman filed the excessive force suite in Federal Court in June of 2014. Shuman claims his civil rights were violated when he was thrown to the pavement violently. Shuman was visiting his daughter, Alexa Shuman. Alexa Shman was stopped by the Raritan Twp. police for allegedly not using her turn signal and Dennis Shuman witnessed this and came to the aid of his daughters, which resulted in a broken elbow. Dennis Shuman wanted to speak with the Police Chief Tabasko about the pattern of "harassing and intimidating" behavior by the officers, who were unfairly targeting his daughter weeks before.
Named as defendants are the township, the police department; police officers D.S. Carson, Aaron Roth, Lt. Nicklas Buck, Sgt. Scott Lessig, Chief Glen Tabasko and any unknown entities responsible for their training or supervision.
It should be noted that former Raritan Twp. Chief Fred Brown, who is now the Sheriff of Hunterdon County, would have never have tolerated the behavior of current Raritan Twp. Police Department. He believed in the old philosophy of "Serve and Protect"--community based policing.
The current Raritan Twp. Committee will probably give the police a raise. Hopefully, a Police Commissioner will be appointed when the police chief retires and the two committemen (Tom Antosiewicz and Oliver Elbert) leave office in January 2015 because they were defeated in the Republican primary and maybe the committee will supplement the police department by using the Sheriff's Office and save taxpayers money.
Mayor Craig O'Brian, Tom Antosiewicz and Oliver Elbert voted "yes" last year to hire an additional 7 Police Officers, which the township does not need, that will receive $7,000 raises every year for 9 years and 6 weeks vacation time. Starting salary $40,0000. In order to keep sick time payment out of the paper, the retiring police officers will take off a year or more and get paid. Raritan Twp. has an almost zero violent crime index. (Violent crime index is 0.2%--based on number of offenses per 1,000 residents; see 2008 Uniform Crime Report. The Raritan Twp. committemen mentioned above should really work for the police department.)
Festival of Ballooning sponsored by QuickCheck will be held at the Solberg Airport (July 25th through 27th)--many vendors and great bands will be there such as Joan Jett & the Blackhearts.
July 25th--27th Solberg Airport, Readington Twp. NJ
Support the Solberg Airport, located at 39 Thor Solberg Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 (see
Lou Reiner and Richard Chen win Republican Primary for the Raritan Twp. Committee (06/03/14) by a wide margin: Richard Chen received 781 votes; Louis Carl Reiner, 774; Tom Antosiewicz, 510; and Oliver Elbert, 506.
Mr. Reiner (a business man) and Mr. Chen (former Army Captain and Engineer) will clean up and eliminate any unethical or illegal activities at Raritan Twp., especially the abuse of open space funds (see Open Space and Farm Land Preservation) , if elected in the General Election on November 4, 2014. Raritan Twp. roads need to be repaired and property taxes are too high and there is a lot of inappropriate spending in certain areas at the sacrifice of other areas in the Twp. where it is really needed. This is screwing the taxpayers and bloating the budget.
Article in the Hunterdon County Democrat entitled Raritan Township's Reiner and Chen Win GOP Nomination (06/04/14) by Rick Epstein
Many students are not happy with having a Rartian Twp. Police Officer At Hunterdon Central High School. Another burden on taxpayers in Hunterdon. A Sheriff's Officer could have been used for half the cost. You can thank Mayor Craig O'Brian for this high cost Officer at the school.
(See articles entitled A Sheriff's Officer should be posted at Hunterdon Central High School (The HC News--08/06/13) & Sheriff's Office Should be used at Schools (Hunterdon County Democrat--08/12/13) written by a resident in Flemington--also, see Protecting Our Students and Teachers--POST.)
Florida man alleges brutality in lawsuit against Raritan Township Police (06/11/14)
See article on Lehigh Valley Live News. A 57-year-old Florida man (Dennis Schuman) has filed a federal lawsuit against Raritan Township, its police department and several officers, claiming he was the victim of excessive force when he came to the aid of his daughter during a traffic stop. Mr. Dennis Shuman alleges his civil rights were violated and he was violently thrown to the ground which resulted in a fractured elbow--he was visting his family in Hunterdon County.
Raritan Township Committeemen Oliver Elber and Tom Antosiewicz support Sustainable Developement. It will eventually eliminate private property rights.
The UN's Agenda 21 is being implemented by Non-governmental organizations (NGO's) with a political agenda and go by such names as Sustainable Developement, Smart Growth, Historic Preservation, Open Space, etc. See. How is Agenda 21 is being Implemented at the Local Government Level?
Hunterdon Central High School Key Club in Flemington, NJ hosted a Holocaust Survivor, Mr. Jack Zaifman, at the Little Theater on March 26th, 2014 at 2:00 PM, who shared his story about surviving in a Nazi concentration camp.
Image taken by Friends (03/26/14). From left to right: Ms. Lindsay Warren, Ms. Melissa Mongi, (Mr. Jack Zaifman) & Ms. Meg Donhauser in the Little Theater at Hunterdon Central High School & image on right: Tom & Mr. Jack Zaifman at Hunterdon Central High School---Jack Zaifman's Holocaust Profile Flyer--PDF (there were over a "100" plus students who attended the event and over 75 "Jack Zaifman's Holocaust Profile Flyer's" were handed out).
(Mr. Zaifman was introduced by a younger Gentile friend, Tom, who he has known for many years--who graduated from Hunterdon Central High School--and gave a brief background on the true worldview of Nazis Germany that academia and the media censors--see the two articles entitled Americans -- Like Nazi Germans -- Don't Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away & 25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany. The Gentile friend, whose 3 great uncles in Hunterdon County fought in World War II, also stated that a lot of teenagers could not say Hitler was wrong because they do not believe in Moral Absolutes, but would not do what Hitler did. If there is no God, then there can be no Absolutes--see article entitled Atheism and Absolutes. Mr. Zaifman and his friend are members of Kiwanis International. Because Mr. Zaifman (born in Poland) has such a nice personality, he got along with all nationalities from around the world. He was even invited to have some tea with a Prince from Saudi Arabia in Texas.
Note: Mr. Zaifman has stated to his friends privately that many liberal (secular humanist) Jews and so-called liberal (secular humanist) Christians in America are supporting the same anti-God policies and worldview as Nazi Germany--see Liberal Jews are Clueless & Christianity and Humanism--PDF & Christianity and Culture & Rabbi David Bendory (Rabbinic Director of the JPFO) rebukes the Liberal Jews in America for their Anti-gun position that Nazi Germany implemented and made the Holocaust easier & Judaism. This is why Mr. Zaifman emphasized to the students that he loved the Constitution of the United States--the historic understanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is now being overthrown. Modern humanists do not believe in the historic meaning of the freedom of religion. Also, see Holocaust Survivor Anita Dittman.
Jack after World War II in Germany & (Available at
Jack Zaifman, who is a retired tailor and resides in Pennington, NJ, was incarcerated in Dachau and Auschwitz. Jack Zaifman had never wanted to tell his children about his wartime experiences while they were growing up in Trenton in the 1960s and ’70s. Jack Zaifman was born on March 2, 1925 in Radom, Poland. The beginning of Mr. Zaifman’s life was enjoyable and he was able to play with his cousins and have a normal childhood, but this changed when he turned 14. His cousin died as a result of a Nazi bombing and then he had to register as a “Jew” and came close to being taken to a concentration camp that same day.
Jack owes his gratitude and life to people who helped him, which he calls “beautiful people.” Jack makes special mention of two “beautiful people” who happened to be Nazis, one a civilian, the other a sergeant in the German army. When Zaifman was ill with typhoid and could barely move from his bunk in Auschwitz, the two men secreted him away to a village, where a Polish farmer hid him in a closet while he recuperated.
The many miracles Jack encountered during his ordeal are the result of God’s/Yahweh’s sovereignty—Jack gives the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the glory and praise during his long journey.
Background to Nazism
What was Hitler's worldview? Nazism was based upon mystical Hinduism that included other religious worldviews such as Nietzsche (10/15/1844 to 8/25/1900), Darwinism, Social Darwinism (late 19th century ideologies predicated on the survival of the fittest), the Occult, Paganism, Norse Revivalism, etc. This is why the Nazis used the Swastika. It was actually an ancient Hindu symbol (it was the Hindu symbol of unity, good luck, etc.). The Third Reich was thus built upon Hinduism--that traces its origins to a mysterious tribe of Europeans called the Aryans, who invaded Northern India from 1500 BC to 500 BC--as its religious base. And this created the context of the Holocaust in which millions of men, women, and children were brutally murdered. (Politically the Nazis were Left- Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists.) Endnotes: (
Hitler and the Nazis Hated Biblical Protestant Christianity
Hitler and the Nazis in Germany hated Biblical Protestant Christianity (see European Institute of Protestant Studies). In March of 1935 seven hundred Protestant priests were arrested by the Gestapo in Prussia "for issuing condemnations of neo-paganism from the pulpit"; the Nazis also confiscated Protestant seminaries in Wuerttemberg. The schools were targeted in a strategy to deChristianize the students and mandatory prayer in schools was stopped in 1935. The Nazis Teachers Association did not want its members to have religious instruction, but inculcated neo-paganism.
Homosexuality was prevalent in the Nazi Party. To quote Knickerbocker: “It remains characteristic of the Germans, that they, outwardly the most brutally masculine of all European peoples, are the most homosexual nation on earth.” (H.R. Knickerbocker, Is Tomorrow Hitler’s?, 1941:34.) Self-defined "boy-lovers" have formed so-called "children's rights" organizations such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the United States, and who formed the Gemeinschaft der Eigenen in Nazi Germany in order to promote pederasty and pedophilia. You had two competing homosexual groups in Nazi Germany: the "Fems" and the "Butches". Many of the Nazis were "Butches"--the masculine homosexual. The "Butches" despised the "Fems", which is still the case in the United States where the "Butches" call the "Fems" sissies, weak and effeminate.
The so-called "pink triangle" identified specific classes of prisoners including homosexuals; however, many of those convicted under Paragraph 175 were not homosexuals, but leaders of youth groups who perjured themselves, street hustlers from Berlin, who were caught up in a police dragnet. 6,000 of the approximately 10,000 "pink triangles" died in work camps and very few were ever gassed in the death camps---some of those who did die met their deaths at the hands of homosexual Kapos ("trustees") and guards of the SS. [See The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality In The Nazi Party by Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams for further information.]
"As a Jewish scholar who lost hundreds of her family in the Holocaust, I welcome The Pink Swastika as courageous and timely... Lively and Abrams reveal the reigning "gay history" as revisionist and expose the supermale German homosexuals for what they were--Nazi brutes, not Nazi victims." Dr. Judith Reisman, Institute for Media Education. Endnotes: (
Nazi Germany made everyone register their Guns and then Confiscated them
When Nazi Germany enacted "Regulations against Jews' possession of weapons," it made every Jew register their firearms and then the SS Reichsfuhrer would do a search-and-seizure for any firearms in Jewish homes--it was known as the Reichskristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) that occurred in 1938. The policies were promulgated in every country conquered by Hitler--Polish Jews were ordered by the Wehrmach in 1941 to turn in their guns or get the death penalty. The Nazi Weapon Law of 1938 made every citizen register their firearms--it was signed by Adolph Hitler. (The highly acclaimed motion picture Schindler's List left out the part when Oskar Schindler obtained guns for his workers at the Brinnlitz factory toward the end of the war.) Stalin also murdered between 10 to 20 million peasants--he wanted to exterminate the Ukrainians. The Soviet Union, with its anti-Christian Marxist agenda, used gun registration lists to confiscate weapons in the regions of Georgia, Ukraine, and Lithuania--the Soviet Union, between 1917 and 1953, murdered 36 million peasants and Christians. (Russia, under President Vladimir Putin, is giving its citizens more economic and religious freedom and standing up for Godly principles in its country such as marriage--the United States on the other hand is persecuting Bible believing Christians, Jews, Muslims (especially those Muslims who stand up for marriage between a man and woman only), etc. that believe that God determines right and wrong. See A Warning to America from Russia by Dr. Peter Hammond (Missionary in South Africa)--the U.S. is now the anti-Christian/Evil Empire, not Russia.) Christians were not allowed to own firearms in Turkey and this led to the massacre of 1.5 million Christian Armenians in the Ottoman Turkey Empire during 1915-1917. Over 500,000 Christian Tutsi minority groups were murdered by the Hutu Animist/Humanist government of Rwanda on April 6, 1994--this occurred after enforcing vigorous gun control! Gun licensing and other restrictions, for example, were used to suppress blacks before and after the Civil War.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)—signed into law December of 2011 by President Obama--was based on the Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz) passed by the German Reichstag in 1933 and many anti-Second Amendment laws such as the Gun Control Act of 1968 were based on the Nazi 1938 firearms law [see Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)].
Note: Switzerland, which has a higher rate of firearms possession than the United States, was the only European country that the Germans were afraid to invade in both world wars. They knew every man was armed. The Swiss male citizens are supplied free of charge by the government a fully automatic rifle! (The Swiss have conscription or civil protection--mandatory military service were they can start being prepared at age 16.) In addition, every Swiss male citizen is required to keep his rifle and ammunition at home, to participate in group training, and to enter shooting matches. The Swiss have maintained their freedom for seven hundred (700) years and they had a profound influence on America's Founding Fathers regarding the Second Amendment. This was the land of William Tell, Ulrich Zwingli, William Farel and John Calvin, who had a deep mistrust of central governments. Endnotes: (
Jack Zaifman's Holocaust Profile Flyer--PDF
New Jersey's Anti-Gun Bills (2014) angers Union members, sportsmen, NJ Citizens of all Races and Police
Senator Steve Sweeney (D) & Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) from 2002 to 2013
A Republican Assemblyman in the State of New Jersey alleges that the Democrats tried to keep him off the Law and Public Safety committee this term. This Assemblyman stopped Senator Sweeney’s bill last year that would have effectively gutted the 2nd Amendment in New Jersey. The Assemblyman alleges that the only purpose of this anti-gun bill is for Steve Sweeney (D) to obtain money from Billionaire Mike Bloomberg (see Bloomberg Caught In Secret Gun Confiscation Plan (02/10/14) who has funded an anti-gun pack. See Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs.
Many union members in the State of New Jersey are Pro-family, Pro-Life and Pro-second Amendment. They reject gay marriage and Senator Sweeney's false argument that he does not bring his religion into politics. He did bring his religion of "Secular Humanism" into politics when he decided that there is nothing wrong with Sodomy or Gay Marriage--many laws legislated are the result of the elected official's worldview/religious view. (Many African-Americans are very upset with the New Jersey State Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage--many citizens from of all races in NJ are against gay marriage.) Yes, "Secular Humanism" is a religion--the secular and sacred dichotomy is a false concept from Greek philosophy; all of life is religious according the Bible). In 1961, the U.S. Supreme Court cited Secular Humanism as a religion--see Torcaso vs. Watchins (367 U.S. 488). See article entitled Is Secular Humanism a Religion? - PDF.
Governor Chris Christie (NJ) will not Defend Marriage
Governor Chris Christie (NJ)--Surrenders to the Sodomites on 10/22/13. By not appealing the lower court decision, the Governor has abandoned doing what is right in God's eyes. Marriage is a Creation Ordinance (Genesis 2:23-24). Governor Christie is guilty of 'Dereliction of Duty' according to Liberty Counsel Chairman Mathew Staver (see video entitled Christie guility of Dereliction of Duty). Homosexuality is condemned in both the Old & New Testament and is an abomination to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe (see Militant Lifestyle tab for further details). Why did Governor Christie in 2012 nominate a militant gay black justice (Bruce A. Harris) to the State Supreme Court? And why did Governor Christie sign the anti-reparative-therapy law that bans youth and their parents from seeking explicitly pro-heterosexual therapy even from minors who were sexually molested by a homosexual predator?--the Governor does not have authority to tell parents what they can teach their children by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe and it is unconstitutional. (It was still signed in NJ after an LGBT activist who testified in support of the bill was exposed for telling lies about the abusive ex-gay conversion camps in Ohio.) Many New Jersey African-Americans, Spanish, Indian, Arabic, White, etc. (who are from different faiths such as Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, etc.) are very upset over this illegal ruling by an out of control NJ State Supreme Court. Governor Christie should not enforce the illegal ruling and appeal the decision. Yes, Governor Christie homosexuality is a sin like drunkedness as stated by Governor Rick Perry of Texas--maybe Governor Perry can explain to you that God determines right and wrong, not you.
- Note: Many in the homosexual & bisexual movement are also pioneers in child-sex (pedophilia). Judith Levine wrote a book entitled Harmful to Minors (sold at Amazon) ... "believes Christian sexual taboos are the real culprits that cause harm to children--she pioneers child-sex"... according to the SCP Journal, (Life Under The Lidless Eye), vol. 37:1-37:2, 2013, Strange Fire, The Invasion of Pagan Sexuality, page 61. Also, " Dennis Cooper, a homosexual pedophile, has made pedophilia and other debased lusts, including necrophilia, an accepted literary genre among haute couture" according to the SCP Journal, (Life Under The Lidless Eye), vol. 37:1-37:2, 2013, Strange Fire, The Invasion of Pagan Sexuality, page 59. Germany wants to legalize bestiality. No fear of God!
New Jersey Assemblywoman Donna Simon (16th District)
Assemblywoman Donna Simon (16th District) does believe women should be able to defend themselves (especially against a rapist) & her family by using a firearm and stands for marriage between a man and a woman. She also supports public schools and a strong academic curriculum, not "Common Core" that dumbs down the students, strips parents of local and state control and will teach perverted sexuality to 2nd grade students. Assemblywoman Donna Simon cares about our children and wants to lower taxes. Marie Corfield, who is running for the NJ 16th District Assembly seat against Assemblywoman Donna Simon, is a pro-Sodomite, Pro-Abortion, Anti-God and Anti-Second Amendment 2013 candidate (cannot citizens defend themselves & their children, especially women who might be raped by using a firearm?) Where does Marie Corfield stand on "Common Core"? (See Stop Common Core in Your State (reject "Race to the Top"--dumbing down English & Math standards) & Transforming America's Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance--obtain a brochure to hand out to parents & teachers titled Common Core: A Scheme to Rewrite Education.)
Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-7th District--see his voting record) Lance voted no to the Amash Amendment which would curtail spying on innocent American people. Congressman Lance also voted for H.R. 992 the Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act, authored primarily by Citibank lobbyists, will allow predatory Wall Street financial institutions to once again engage in high-risk derivatives trading. Losses will be socialized and paid for by the American taxpayer through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)--see article entitled House Voted to Get Banksters Back in the Derivatives Business (11/12/13) . Congressman Lance voted for the NDAA., a treasonous bill signed into law in 2011 by President Obama, against this country and the American citizens. The Patriot Act and NDAA are not about preventing terrorism--this is the lie being told to Congressmen by the intelligence community. See NDAA Part I & The Crime of the Patriot Act, 9/11 & a CIA Whistleblower's Truth and the Personal Finance/Economics Issues Tab to learn how many Republicans and Democrats are Fascists. Congressman Lance has voted for all the so-called Free Trade agreements.
Mr. Henry Kuhl, GOP Chairman since 1970, Challenged by Mr. Guy DeSapio for Hunterdon County Republican Chairmanship (06/12/12)--an attempted Coup d'Etat by some of Henry's so-called Friends
Mr. Guy DeSapio challenged Mr. Henry Kuhl (who has over 60 patents to his credit) for the Hunterdon County Republican Party Chairman on June 12, 2012 and lost. Dick Zimmer (a libral lobbyist according to Dr. Murray Sabrin), who supports partial-birth abortion and voted for an assualt rifle ban in a major crime bill under President Clinton according to On the Issues (his son thinks that man evolved from an animal; this is a major disagreement with Yahweh who stated in the Book of Genesis that man was made in the image of God--see the Scientific American Blog), nominated Mr. Guy DeSapio and the other Rockefeller/Fascist Republicans were dealt another loss--the whole entourage of officers (Chris Yates, 1st Vice Chair, Mayor Gabe Plumer, 2nd Vice Chair, Holly Locandro, Secretary, except for William Meglaughlin, Treasurer--who stayed loyal to Henry) that were under Mr. Henry Kuhl jumped ship and went with Mr. Guy DeSapio on the slate and now they are out on their sorry Asses.
Allegations were being made by county committee persons that the real reason for the challenge was to try to take away the line from State Senator Mike Doherty (23 District)--the Rockefeller/Fascist Republicans do not want honest, God fearing and constitutional State Senators and Assemblymen. There was also an anonymous letter sent to Hunterdon County Republican committee persons and other public and law enforcement officials alleging criminal activity with many of our Rockefeller/Fascist Republicans behind the coup d'etat to try to take Mr. Henry Kuhl out. There was also a second letter sent by a County Committee person. There are also allegations that the opposing group to Henry tried to make a behind the scenes deal with Assemblyman John DiMaio (23rd) and he refused to go against Senator Mike Doherty and Assemblyman Erik Peterson. Republican insiders allege that Assemblyman Erik Peterson does not seem to take a public stand on anything unless it benefits him-- he has to be pressured to do the right thing, but at least he will do it. One retired law enforcement Hunterdon County Republican Committee person stated regarding the anonymous letter, "The letter was a real "Ass" slapper and I think that a lot of the allegations made might be true."
Many Hunterdon County Republican Committee members are pleased with the newly elected slate of officers under Mr. Henry Kuhl (William Bischoff, 1st Vice Chair, Stephanie Pierce, 2d Vice Chair, William Meglaughlin, Treasurer and Frank White, Secretary)--they have outstanding credentials and actually stand for true Republican values such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, righteousness, etc.
Note: There are allegations made that Macia A. Karrow, who was mentioned in the anonymous letter, was going to run for Chairman of the Hunterdon County Republican party against long time friend Mr. Henry Kuhl, but was told by the Governor's Office not to run. Marcia A. Karrow is Executive Director of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission. Marcia A. Karrow was an appointed State Senator by a special election made up of Republican County Committee Members from Hunterdon and Warren counties on 01/24/09 when Congressman Leonard Lance (who was the sitting State Senator in the 23rd District from 01/08/02 through 01/03/09) won the Congressional seat in the 7th District and vacated his State Senate seat (Ms. Karrow was never elected by the people for the position) and then she was defeated in a hotley contested Republican Senate primary that occured in June of 2009 by State Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District).
It should also be mentioned that Mr. Charles Crown (who passed away in 2008 and served in the Army and was an employee of Raritan Twp. Road Department in Flemington, NJ) wrote a letter on May 27, 1998 that made allegations about a land purchase by Raritan Twp. from Renay Solomon and Erich Development, Inc.--see Letter from Mr. Charles Crown (May 27, 1998)--PDF that was widely distributed in Hunterdon County, especially Raritan Twp. and Flemington.
- Congratulations to Lanza and Lagay--we hope they will do the right thing in office & they do not try to get the former Hunterdon County attorney back into his old position as a political favor. See The High Cost of our Hunterdon County Attorney.
- Lanza and Lagay win GOP Hunterdon County Freeholder Race on 06/04/2013 against incumbent Freeholder Will Mennen and Tom Borkowski
- Political update (10 bullets below about the campaign):
- John Lanza of Ringoes, NJ donates to Democrat Senator Torricelli in 2002 & Andrews for Senate (Democrat) in 2008 according to (2002) and (2008). William G. Mennen IV of Oldwich, NJ donates to Florio for Senate Committee Inc.- Democrat according to (1999).
- Vote count: Lanza 4,432 votes, Lagay 4,197 votes, Mennen 3,762 votes and Borkowski 3,569 votes.
- The unity breakfast at the Mountainview Chalet, Asbury, NJ on 03/06/13 was anything but a unity breakfast according to Republican insiders who attended. Tom Borkowski and Will Mennen were complaining about the negative campaign against them--why did they not fight back? They had their heads in the sand? It was alleged that Tom Borkowski was apologizing again on matters unrelated to the campaign--he cannot distinguish between showing and pointing out the differences between what he stands for and what the opponents stand for (Borkowski did the same thing when he can against Rob Walton for the special election for Freeholder a few years back--he apologized for an anonymous flyer mailed to county committee members that showed the differences between the two candidates. What brains!).
- One Republican insider stated that he has never seen such a poor campaign run before--Mennen and Borkowski would not take any positions and place them on their campaign flyers and refused to listen to wise advise; a retard could have ran a better campaign. Mennen and Borkowski stood for nothing and, as a result, Lanza and Lagay shoved it right up their "Rectum".
- Borkowski should apology to the conservatives (we do not like to use the word conservative since the word has been abused, but rather describe the movement as someone who follows the Constitution and has a fear of God, who determines right and wrong) for wasting their time because he had no backbone or no convictions to state on his website and flyers the following postitions: Pro-Life, Pro-Second Amendment, Against the Highlands and for Private Property, the removal of the former county attorney (he did mention the legal fees saved), for Fair School Funding (, using the Sheriff's Office (see Local Government Tab) to save Township money (also consolidating DPS under the Sheriff's Office), what Lanza and Lagay really stood for, etc.
- Mennen and Borkowski lost some big endorsements because they had their heads in the sand (We would like to use a different word, but restrained ourselves). They listened to the Secular Humanists in the party that those issues do not win elections--really? Lanza won, Governor Chris Christie won, State Senators, State Assemblymen and women won on those issues and so on. The race might have brought out the true Worldview of the candidates--Fascism (many of the Republicans and Democrats in office are Fascists (Fascism is Corporatism; in other words, it is the merging of State and Corporate power according to Mussolini--see Personal Finance/Economics Issues Tab). Also, many in elected office are doing work for the government such as legal work for counties and townships in NJ.
- It should be noted that Freeholder Will Mennen has voted conservatively on fiscal matters since he has been in office, but had problems with the Constitutional Officers (more so with George Melick). Also, most of the Freeholders go after the little guy (a case in point is the custodians at the Court House in Hunterdon County--see Local Government Tab) and think this is conservatism and do think long term.
- It has also been alleged by members in the Hunterdon County Republican Party that Suzanne Legay is a social liberal (a disgreement with the Supreme Ruler of the Universe); in other words, she would take a Pro-Choice and Pro-Gay marriage position. E-mail Lagay on her Facebook and ask her. It is interesting that many ultra left-wing so-called Republican party members backed Lanza and Legay and attended their victory party--look who attended the party. Of course, this could be the same worldview as the other candidates.]
- Freeholder Will Mennen and Tom Borkowski, CPA are running for 2013 Hunterdon County Freeholders who saved the county in 2012 $700,000 in legal fees--see Local Government Tab. (Tom Borkowski has been endorsed by the New Jersey Right to Life_PAC as the 2013 Republican Freeholder Candidate in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, but refused to put he was pro-life on his flyer.)
Retired Police Chief Jim Paganessi (a nice guy) of Readington Twp. NJ passes away from a Snowmobile accident in NY State--Hamilton County Sheriff's Office in Lake Pleasant, NY is handling the investigation (01/22/13). New York State Association of Sheriff's
D. Background History
Background History, especially the current Syrian and Russian crisis. What are the Issues President Donald J. Trump Stands for? Why are the Globalists a.k.a. One-Worlders, One-World Government, New World Order, God-Haters, Mad? A Warning to America from Russia--how America has become the New Evil Empire. Is Globalism the Mark of the Beast -- 666? A. See Globalism Is "Demonic," Theologians Say (2016) & B. What Is a Neocon? & C. How the New World Order is Hijacking Civilisation & D. What is Going On In Russia Today? & E. Faith & Firearms & F. COG Deep State Attacks Trump (TV) & G. Pedophile Crackdown -- Trump fulfills promise to go after Pedophiles (Globalists Part of Ring) & H. YouTube Censorship -- Social Media is now a Monoply & Working with Totalitarian Govs.; Justice Dept. Needs to Step In & I. Google, Soros Behind "Fake News" On "Internet Privacy" by Dr. Corsi (03/31/17)-- Another Hoax in the war on the First Amendment. Democratic Moles Inside White House Identified --Susan Rice unmasking U.S. citizens criminally Video: David Rockefeller Visits Hell. J. CIA case officer and author Robert Baer was interviewed on 90.9 FM (NJ;; 03/22/17) and stated the "deep state" propaganda/lies against Trump, Roger Stone, Breibart, etc. Baer stated on 90.9 FM that Roger Stone colluded with Guccifer 2.0, who may or may not have been a Russian agent. Response to this misinformation: There was no communication between Stone and Guccifer until 6 weeks after the Wikileaks -- no collusion is possible! What a jackass. See Roger Stone's Response.
President Trump: You have been doing a great job in the first 100 days (04/28/17) of your administration. The following are some of your accomplishments: 1. Signed more executive orders than any other President; 2. Approved the Dakota Pipeline; 3. Forcing companies to stay in the USA; 4. Plans to build the wall on the Mexican border; 5.Instituted Immigration polices that have brought illegal immigration to a 17- year low ; 6. Removed job killing regulations (savings: 18 billion annually; 7. Tough laws to stop Washington lobbyists; 8. Protecting the 2nd Amendment (attended the 2017 NRA Convention in Atlanta, Georgia -- great!); 9. The appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court; 10. Withdrawing as a signatory to the Transpacific Trade Partnership (TPP), etc. Also, see Trump's First 100 Days.
Problems in your Administration and Problems with your Foreign Policy
Image credit: Picture of Daniel's Beast by Gary Sanchez © 2016
Trump Administration has too many CFR people: Click CFR members appointed by President Trump.
However, you are filling your administration with Globalists, Neocons and God-haters that will destroy you and the country. Don't go along with the One--World Order and follow the Neocons, Globalists, and God-haters in your administration.
(The EU & the US could be the Beast in Revelation; Babylon the Great -- the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth. Babylon and all who received the Mark of the Beast (666) will be judged in the near future -- see "Revelation 17:1-15 & 18:1-24" and "Daniel 7-8" that correctly predicted the future rise and fall of Babylon (the Lion) , Medo-Persia (the Bear), Greece (Leopard), and Rome (Diverse Beast)--all have been fulfilled except the last part of Rome.)
The real God (Yeshua Ha-Mashiah (the Messiah/Christ)), prophecised in the Tanak & Messianic prophecies supported by many Targums comes before your wife, sons, daughters (Ivanka, a nice lady, but does not have a Biblical Worldview nor does she understand true Judaism (see Dr. Morey's radio interview on Judaism & Jews) & believes the Necons)), son-in-law (Jared Kushner, a nice guy, but has the wrong worldview; he is a liberal Democrat/Secular humanist, Globalist; see Atheism and Absolutes) & friends. We will pray for the whole family. Truth and righteousness is what God wants! See The Trinity: Evidence & Issue, by Dr. Morey who is a Hebrew & Greek scholar & The End of the World According to Jesus. Unfortunately, Paul Ryan is a Neocon that promotes the New World Order and opposes anything that is good & is against God.
Left Picture: Russo--Turkish War (1768 - 1774) by Stefano Torelli (1712 - 1784); Russia defeats Turkey and is known as Catherine's victory. On Sept. 11/12, 1683 the Muslim Turks invade Vienna and were defeated.
Foreign policy: If Russia was on the Mexican border, how would you feel? Crimea and Ukraine (annexed by Russia in 1783 and Ukraine in the 17th and 18th centuries was split between Russia and Poland) are part of Russia. NATO should not have a partnership with the Ukraine and some of the former Eastern block countries -- this will start a war. The U.S. and NATO's military and the armies of Planet Earth are like a pimple on a dinosaur's Ass compared to the army of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. Now, removing the leader from North Korea might be justified because he is very evil. Julian Assange should be pardoned--President Trump encouraged him (Assange) to release data on croked Hillary and the illegal activity by the U.S. government. His CIA director should keep his mouth shut.
Special Update on the Syrian Crisis -- the Truth
Note: Now if this was a planned deal between Russia & the U.S. to take pressure off of President Trump maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel (see The Secrets Behind Trump's Syria Strike (TV commentary) -- Alex analyzes the multiple angles behind Trump strikes & General Mattis had high level negotiations with Russia and the Syrians at an undisclosed location and gave them advance notice that an air strike would take place under the false flag event. This could be a trick from the administration -- see Exclusive: Massive US Invasion of Syria Has Already Begun (04/09/17) -- High level sources tell Infowars Trump administration set for full-scale Syria Invastion (the Neocons, Globalists will be eternally condemned by almighty God .) Also, the U.S. does not have a Democracy--it is a Republic. We should not be promoting Democracy in the Middle East--most Muslims will vote for an Islamic State with Sharia law. (See books entitled Winning the War Against Radical Islam, (Enlarged Front and Back Cover with Russian FSB Officer--PDF) and The Islamic Invasion, (Enlarged Front and Back Cover of Islamic Invasion with Picture of Vienna in 1683 (Muslim Turks)--PDF) and DVD enitled Jihad According to the Qur'an and Hadith by Dr. Robert A. Morey.) And this is the way for the Globalists to undermine Russia. Why are the Globalists not suporting Democracy in Saudia Arabia? What should we promote? A Constitution and/or Bill of Rights in those Middle Eastern governments that guarantees freedom of religion, press, freedom for women and the right to bear arms. Not wickedness such as immoral lifestyles supported by EU, England, Canada & United States. Syria can stay under Russian control with a Constitution or Bill of Rights or Magna Carta as mentioned above.
Image: David Rockefeller (a Globalist) in Hell & wants to start a New Underworld Order.
Exclusive: Michael Savage Begs Trump to Stop WWIII (TV Interview on Alex Jones -- 04/11/17) --"All the never-Trumpers are now saluting him." Smell the coffee President Trump! You are too smart to fall for this false flag attack.
Ann Coulter: "I'm Tired of Regime Change (Radio, 04/13/17) -- "When have we ever turned a Third World dictatorship into a paradise?" Trump is not telling the truth. Take care of this country.
U.S. Intelligence Source: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Launched From Saudi Base (04/13/17 --Award winning journalist Robert Parry says incident was likely a false flag
Assad: US 'Fabricated' Chemical Weapons Attack (04/13/17)-- videos staged.'[The west] fabricated the whole story in order to have a pretext for the attack'
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard faces backlash from fellow Democrats after her comments on Syria -- congratulations Representative Gabbard (Democrat), a Iraqi veteran, for standing against the Syrian attacks. Brief Listing of articles below:
Warning: There are justified wars and unjustified wars per Bible; false flag operations are an abomination to the Lord such as the recent Syrian Gas attack & trying to install a radical Islamic government in Syria is wickedness & against the Supreme Ruler of the Universe.
State Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District)
-- West Point Grad condemns this attack. Senator Mike Doherty still supports President Trump.
Trump's 2016 NJ State Director Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District), Says the 'Neocons Got to Trump' (04/07/17) & Conservative GOP Flashpoint Fight of the Week: Doherty Versus Rogers on the Syria Strike (04/07/17) -- Steve Rogers is nothing more than a Neocon, Globalist and One-Worlder & False Flag Attack Started Syria/US Conflict: Alex Jones Reports (TV, 04/07/17) -- Will fate of humanity be decided in the next few weeks?
Epic History: The Return Of The Republic (01/21/17) -- This is a return of God to America
President Donald Trumps' Official Site 2016 (purchase signs, hats, shirts, etc. or make a donation).
Pope Francis Compares President Donald J. Trump to Hitler (01/22/17) -- Pope Francis is a false prophet like so many leaders in the Protestant and Evangelical community. Being in an organization, getting baptized or doing good works will not save you. Pope Franics is promoting a One World Government/Religion which is condemned in the Bible. See The Truth about Pope Francis and Answers to Roman Catholic Friends and What is the Gospel?--See FAQ#7
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election by Illegals (11/14/16) -- the illegals used dead people on the voter role to vote. Solutions to Elections via Election Integrity & Election Night Gate Keepers & Black Box & 70 News says that Trump has 306 Electorial College Votes and the Popular Vote. Americans for Legal Immigration PAC -- Leading the fight against Ilegal Immigration and Amnesty! Proof that Donald Trump won the Popular Vote (TV Analysis 11/23/16) -- Media campaign attempts to steal Trump victory.
Summary of Important Topics: 1. Jalen Martin, senior at Stoneman Douglas H.S. and African-American, sets the record straight and Jalen explains why the teachers need guns and that there were other shooters 2. A few GOP Congressmen voting against an Excellent Tax Reform Bill to Help America, 3. The Excellent Tax Bill Passed by GOP that Deals a Blow to the Globalists, 4. Bannon Working for the Globalists, 5. Lawsuit Against the CIA & DOJ for illegal intelligence leaks and Possible Assination Against President Donald Trump (the controlled mainstream media lies to the American People)
Jalen Martin, senior at Stoneman Douglas H.S. and African-American, sets the record straight and Jalen explains why the teachers need guns and that there were other shooters--see interview with Alex Jones of Jalen Martin & other Student Witnesses (TV;02/15/18)
GOP calls for Purge of 'Deep State" cronies in the FBI (12/28/17) & Conressman Leonard Lance Votes Against the GOP Tax Bill -- Most Congressman such as Congressman Leonard Lance (Republican, 7th District, NJ) are afraid of the Deep State. Congressman Lance votes against the tax cut. It appears Congressman Lance likes having the big corporations setting up shop in China and paying very little taxes or no taxes and billionaires having tax free foundations in the U.S. and the U.S. citizens loosing their jobs. Suicide nets for some American Companies in China? So, Lance does not like the repeal of the Obama healthcare mandate? What about drilling for oil in ANWAR? Lance does not like the lowering of the State and Local tax deduction to $10,000? -- (see Should the rest of the country pay for this scam for a few blue states such as NYC? The rich real estate owners will be taxed. Now NJ and NYC will have to lower property taxes. Of course, these states are corrupt. However, Congressman Lance does not want President Trump to build a wall on our border and he promotes transgender soldiers in the military. He listens to left wing, fascist Democrat groups such as "Action Together", who protested his office in December 2017. Lance invited them into his office and agreed with them. See article entitled Tax Bill Protesters at Congressman Lance's Office and Find Him in Agreement & Watch: Trump Celebrates Tax Reform (12/20/17)
Breaking: Excellent Tax Bill by President Trump & the Republican Congress (12/16/17) -- don't forget Microsoft, Google, Apple, GE, Facebook, (Globalist/One-World Government companies) etc. do not pay taxes or very little, especially through their tax free foundations that most people cannot set up. However, the rest of us, including other corporations, get screwed and cannot compete with China and other countries. So, companies go overseas. Trillions could be repatriated back to the United States with the new bill (15.5% for cash and 8% for hard-to-sell assets) and the wealthy homeowner will be limited on their state and local tax deduction ($10,000), who live in certain states. Why should the rest of the United States subsidize New York City, California and Illinois because they want sanctuary cities, high crime (only criminals are allowed to own guns), and high taxes? This is why there is a mass exodus out of these states. Standard Deduction doubled to $12,700. Amen!
Breaking: Bannon's New Money Man is a Chinese Soros Operative (01/05/18) -- Steve Bannon finds a new Financial backer in a mysterious Chinese Billionaire
Support our lawsuit to Expose the CIA & The DOJ's illegal intelligence leaks.[Leftists have turned the FBI into a Disgrace (FBI Special Agent was accompanying the Islamic Assassin from AZ to Garland, TX & FBI Director Wray: A Deep State Operative with Ties to Comey (Controversy mounts over FBI use of Fusion GPS "Russia Dossier" in FISA Trump surveillance & Possible Assassination attempt by the Deep State against President Trump)] & Jihad Festering in America --Many Middle Eastern Nationals living in the United States have joined terrorist factions & Big Pharma's Control Over the News (TV;12/16/17) -- 70% of Ad Revenue for Fox News comes from Big Pharma and other networks also receive a high percentage. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose film, Trace Amounts, cannot get any media coverage & Obama Armed Hezbollah and let them Deal Cocaine Across Europe and the U.S. (12/18/17) & Atlanta Broke Rules by Firing Black Christian Fire Chief -- the Chief has a 1st Amendment right.
Pray for President Trump
Alex Jones: Globalists Will Kill Trump If Unable To Remove From Office (TV;12/03/17) --Failing Russia collusion narrative leaving globalists with few options (Congress should fire Mueller & the other traitors) & Judge Moore's Official site (Neocons & Globalists against Judge Moore -- the Party needs reform) & Roy Moore Lawsuit Proves Election Fraud in Alabama Senate Race (TV;12/29/17) -- fraud must be investigated. The pastors and Christians who did not vote for Roy Moore in Alabama had their head up their Ass--these were false accusations against him as Joseph in the Bible was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife. Moore had a sterling character for 40 years and was a Vietnam Veteran. Watch President Trump's full speech in Phoenix, AZ on 08/22/17 with Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Alveda King (Dr. Martin Luther King's niece) & Rev. Franklin Graham. Dershowitz: No Case For 'Obstruction of Justice' Against Trump (TV on Fox News 12/04/17) --Senator Dianne Feinstein is a moron. Breaking: Mueller and his Team under Criminal Investigation by DOJ (12/05/17) & Bundy Trial: Corruption of Law Enforcement (TV;12/08/17) & General Flynn Framed? & The Dark Ages of Jeff Sessions & Watch: President holds rally in Pensacola, Fl (TV;12/08/17)--supports Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore & Matt Drudge: Luther Strange (Republican) would have won in a Landslide (12/13/17) -- there was too much money being spent (millions of dollars) against Roy Moore to promote lies about him (a Vietnam Veteran) and there might have been rigging and election fraud; The Republican Elite Lost the Alabama Race, not Trump's Base & Vote Fraud Allegations in Alabama against Judge Roy Moore
Summary of Harmful Vaccinations, Net Neutrality & the Las Vegas Terrorist Attack
Other items: 1. Ubantu or Fedora (Operating system, allows full disk encryption--use the search engines above to download any info); 2. Gab (Social Media); 3. Free the Internet; 4. How to Protect Yourself; 5. Global Warming Data a Fraud; 6. Smart Meters: Take Back Your Power & Smart Meter Guard & Dr. Valerie Nelson Cell Phone Neutralizers Family Pack; 7. Get Rid of Net Neutrality; 8. Exclusive: Alex Jones, 'The Vegas' Shooting was Real,' It was Part of a Saudi Civil War (11/29/17) -- MSM attacks anyone who questions the Vegas shooting official narrative.
Vaccincations very Harmful and Deadly;Medical Doctors not telling you the Truth
Secrets of the Pineal Gland Revealed (TV;09/21/17) -- Find out how Fluoride is used as a chemical attack & State Law & Vaccination Requirements & (Legal Exemptions); it is unfortunate you have the Hunterdon County Health Dept in NJ (support and encourage dangerous vaccinations with the Hunterdon Medical Center?) and the Schools telling parents that Vaccinations are mandatory--they are not! & Vaccinations: Know the Risks and Failures: 1. Brain Inflammation/Acute Encephalopathy, 2. Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction, 3. Anaphylaxis, 4. Febrile Seizures, 5.Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), 6. Brachial Neuritis,7. Acute and Chronic Arthritis,8.Thrombocytopenia, 9. Smallpox, polio, measles and varicella zoster vaccine strain infection, 10. Death (smallpox, polio and measles vaccine), 11. Shock and “unusual shock-like state”, 12. Protracted, inconsolable crying,13. Syncope,14. Deltoid Bursitis. (Click picture above for Flyer of Harmful Vaccinations--yes, parents it is your responsiblity to pull your head out of the sand and protect your children -- Bombshell: Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier (TV Interview on 05/06/17)-- Studies put to question the safety of current vaccination practices & Government Cover-Up of a Mercury/Autism Scandal (09/28/17) -- It's hard to calculate the damage to our country by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Net Neutrality
Google, Facebook and Twitter, etc. are exempt from the "Net Neutrality" rules and Google would create algorithms to ban/hide the information from internet sites they do not like from the public like RT or Infowars. So, content would have unprecendented censorship by thes Globalist/One-World government companies. Regulate as a "Public Utility" under the "Communications Act of 1934" that was for rotary phones? "Common Carriers" like AT&T and Verizon would be regulated and it would force the "Common Carriers" to carry their censored internet information by the "Content Carriers." (See Cenorship of Political Speech by Net Neutrality & How To File a Comment on the FCC's site.)
National Alert -- Judge Moore and Cliven Bundy
Judge Moore's Official site (Neocons & Globalists against Judge Moore)--
Dr. Chuck Baldwin defends Roy Moore (see The National Republican Party Is Pathetic!)
Judge Moore (who is a West Point graduate and Vietnam Veteran) is suing the Washington Post over false allegations. It is alleged Sen. McConnell and other establishment Republicans & Democrats planned false stories against Judge Roy Moore, who is ahead of his opponent by 10 points. His one accuser is working/supporting the Democratic challenger. Former President George H.W. Bush has be Accused by a woman of Groping Her when She was a Child (Sixth Accuser) 11/15/17 ; Bill Clinton was accused of Rape and an Ex-Secret Service Agent claimed former Vice President Joe Biden engaged in "Weinstein-level" groping -- Sen McConnell you better condemn Bush & Clinton & Biden. Sen McConnell, Sen. McCain and Sen Murkowski keep you mouths shut. In other words, shut the hell up! (see Photos: Moore Accuser a Democratic Activist & Darrel Nelson, the stepson of Judge Roy Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson, says the allegations are all lies. In other words, he is calling Beverly a lying bastard.
False and Malicious Allegations against Judge Roy Moore
'This Garbage Is The Very Definition of Fake News'" Roy Moore Fires Back Against Washpo Hit Job (11/10/17) -- Why can't Republicans come up with dirty tricks like this? Judge Moore's Official site, who is a West Point graduate and Vietnam Veteran. Sen McConnell, Sen. McCain and Sen Murkowski keep you mouths shut. In other words, shut the hell up! (see Photos: Moore Accuser a Democratic Activist.) The Globalist establishment Republicans spent $30 million against Roy Moore because they are corrupt and lying bastards. Sen Mitch McConnell betraying Moore over False Allegations--Moore told some women that they were pretty? And never made any advances on these teenage women (its a Southern compliment). The story is fake; this was done to President Trump before the election and it turned out to be a false allegation initiated by the Clintons). But a Tranny can teach your kids. The Republican Party wants the Democrats to win to stop President Trump. It us unfortunate that both parties (Democrats and Republicans) have sold this county out (by promoting free trade agreements such as NAFTA, TPP, open borders that lowers wages, etc)--this is why the blue-collar and union members and the middle class (both black and white) voted for President Trump and Judge Roy Moore supports the same things as the President.
Cliven Bundy and the Corrupt Judge & DOJ
Bundy: Trial of the Century -- It's a pattern of illegal conduct, obstruction & lies -- by the government. Cliven Bundy sues DOJ -- a Quote from WND: "I filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray in their official capacities, the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and the Inspector General (IG) over their failure to conduct an investigation into the bad faith and gross prosecutorial abuse by federal prosecutors and the destruction and hiding of material exculpatory evidence by the DOJ, FBI and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the ongoing criminal prosecution of Cliven Bundy and his sons Ryan and Ammon. The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Case No. 1:17-cv-02429). Today, I will be filing a motion to have the case heard on an emergency basis." You can go to for updates. [Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a disgrace and may be blackmailed.] Opening arguments in this criminal prosecution of the Bundys are scheduled to begin this Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017, in the Las Vegas federal courtroom of Chief Judge Gloria Navarro, who needs to be removed by the U.S. Senate (impeached) from office.
Note: Bundy Case Dismissed in Staggering Blow to Federal Government (01/09/18) -- No retrial allowed because prosecutor's unethical behavior. It has been requested that the FBI be investigated. Now the Director of NJ Homeland Security owes "Oath Keepers" an apology.
National Alert -- Las Vegas (ISIS Attack)
Goldman Sachs executive and diplomat, Phil Murphy (Democrat), wins the NJ Governor's Race (11/08/17) -- many Republicans blame Governor Chris Christie, who screwed the party on the redistricting plan that violated the State Constitution and screwed the Republicans--the Democratic plan was adopted that was much better than Christie's plan. Governor Christie also raised the gas tax, would not adopt Senator Doherty's "Fair School Funding" plan that had bi-partisan support and so on. Assemblyman Bramnick is another idiot who cursed President Trump and supported the gas tax. Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno also cursed President Trump and got no help from Gov. Christie and was out of site for 8 years. Governor Christie also voted to allow transgender bathrooms in schools.
New Jersey Governor's Race (Nov. 7, 2017)
Nominee | Phil Murphy | Kim Guadagno | |
Party | Democratic | Republican | |
Running mate | Sheila Oliver | Carlos Rendo | |
Popular vote | 1,165,001 | 885,387 | |
Percentage | 55.6% | 42.3% |
Presidential Race in New Jersey (2016)
President Donald Trump
Party: Republican (President Trump is more of an Independent & Populist and pro-working class and pro-union; maybe a real Republican--Trump is not a Globalist like Hillary Clinton, the Bushes & Obama; all worked for the CIA (Deep State) except Trump & Carter.)
Popular vote: 1,601,933
Note: President Trump did very little or no campaigning in NJ and won more votes than Guadagno and Murphy. New Jersey and Northern Virginia do not represent the rest of the country Governor elect Phil Murphy. It is not a referendum on President Trump, who got more votes than Murphy in NJ! President Trump is for the working class (against NAFTA, TPP, etc.) and got many union votes and does agree that marijuana laws should be decided by the states. Most Democrats and Republicans in NJ are Globalists. Hopefully, Governor elect Murphy will keep his promises to the unions and legalize marijuana and this will reduce the police costs and grief for many parents and teenagers. (This is not endorsing its use unless for medical reasons; however, do we put people in jail that get drunk at home or a party? (Unless they get behind a wheel of a car.) The pharmeucetical drugs given to our kids are the most dangerous and need to be stopped.
A final note to some of the Assembly races in NJ and some misinformed information on candidates brochures such as the 16th District. First, NJ State employees are capped at $15,000 dollars. Second, the budget amount is not the real cost of the program for NJ. Third, the abuse is on a local municipal level where police (Jersey City Police Chief cashes in $512,620), superintendents, etc. are getting these big payouts that are allowed under State law--not the NJ State employees! Some local governments cap their sick time payouts to $15,000; however, the 2010 legislation that Governor Christie vetoed would have made all local government employees the same as State employees--accumulated sick leave at $15,000. The cap for state workers has been on the books for nearly 50 years. What does the Governor Christie do? Governor Christie vetoed the bill after being unanimously passed by the Legislature. Governor Christie decided he wanted to eliminate, rather than cap, the payouts. Brains! See article by Politico (04/19/17) entitled A Solution for massive sick time payouts? Maybe next year, with a new governor.
se prophet like so many leaders in the Protestant and Evanglical community. Being in an organization, getting baptized or doing good works will not save you. Pope Franics is promoting a One World Government/Religion which is condemned in the Bible. See The Truth about Pope Francis and Answers to Roman Catholic Friends.
eech by Trump (06/22/16) -- "This fact alone disqualifies her from the presidency." Jobs are shipped overseas by so-called free trade agreements that Hillary Clinton supports and Donald Trump will stop this practice. Trump asks Bernie supporters to back him. FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government (07/07/16) -- The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email servers, source reveals.Putin of Russia Warns of World War 3 (see TV coverage -- 07/07/16) -- Society hurdles dangerously closer to global warfare. This is being caused by the West--dumb America knows nothing. Putin warns that Hillary Clinton is the most dangerous warmonger in U.S. history.
Video: Alex Jones on France Terror Attack In Nice (TV -- 07/14/16) -- Western civilization under attack. Donald Trump is correct. What is President Obama and Hillary Clinton doing? Bringing thousands of Muslim refugees (many who are radical Jihadists) into the United States. Also, Clinton and Obama will not allow any (or very few) Christians to migrate to the United States from the Middle East.
See the following books entitled Winning the War Against Radical Islam and The Islamic Invasion and DVD enitled Jihad According to the Qur'an and Hadith by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Note: 12 Times Pope Francis Has Openly Promoted A One World Religion Or A New World Order (08/01/16) -- it has become exceedingly clear that his agenda includes moving humanity toward a one world religion and a new world order. The Pope also defends Islam.
D. Special Tidbits & Important Information
Internet Protection and Cell Phone Neutralizers
Foiling Foul Hackers & Protecting your Privacy in the Digital Age--see the following: 1.ProtonMail (Secure Email based in Switzerland that is outside the U.S. and EU jurisdictions); 2.Startpage or DuckDuckGo (these are search engines that do not track you); 3.Ubantu or Fedora (Operating system, allows full disk encryption--use the search engines above to download any info); 4. Gab (Social Media where there is no censorship--see article Alternative Media sites (Gab is truly uncensored ); 5. Alternative to Facebook: VK for Mobile Devices ; owns VK and 6. Have a strong password: For example, 3cl!ps3dG8+@6r5h (see How Secure is my Password? and Free the Internet & How to Protect Yourself & Global Warming Data a Fraud). 7. Other topics: Smart Meters: Take Back Your Power & Smart Meter Guard & Dr. Valerie Nelson Cell Phone Neutralizers Family Pack & Conservative Move: is an initiative of Chabot Stragies, LLC for families to move out of Fascist California to Texas -- A miliatary Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business; A Defense and the Truth about General Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. Jackson & Exposing the ANTIFA by (a PDF Flyer) & TV Interview with Brannon Howse about false pastors & General McMaster firing of Rich Higgins over his 6 page memo (2:04 on tape) & Worldview Times: Interview with Dr. John McCarther & Letter to the American People on Ukraine by Alexander Dugin & The SPLC and Media Keep Spreading Hate (09/01/17) & The Truth about Pope Francis and Answers to Roman Catholic Friends and What is the Gospel?--See FAQ#7 & Las Vegas Tonight
Sheriff's Office (Saving Millions of Dollars for Taxpayers)
Sheriff's Office Information on Supplemental Coverage & Mergers -- PDF (2017 Tri-fold Tract)
Does Allegheny County Need A Sheriff And A County Police Commissioner? dated 04/01/2016. This is a "Duplication of Services" issue and a "Civil Rights" issue and a "cost factor" issue. The Sheriff's Office is less expensive & accountable to the people--an Allegheny Sheriff's Officer can only retire at age 55, a county police officer can retire at 50. It should be merged into the Sheriff's Office (an existing county police force). Note: PA Sheriff Dupities are duly trained from Act 2 Sheriff Training and through 120 MPOETC (Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission). Any Reserve Deputy Sheriff who completes the above training would be able to enforce Title 18 (PA.Crimes Code) and Title 75 (PA. Vehicle Code) -- see Montour County Sheriff's Office in PA. The Allegheny County Sheriff's Office was formed in 1788. The merger of the county police into the Sheriff's Office should have bi-partisan support from both Democrats and Republicans. For help in using the Sheriff's Office in PA, contact PA Sheriffs' Association or Deputy Sheriffs' Assoc. of PA.
Vaccincations very Harmful and Deadly; Medical Doctors not telling you the Truth
Secrets of the Pineal Gland Revealed (TV;09/21/17) -- Find out how Fluoride is used as a chemical attack & State Law & Vaccination Requirements & (Legal Exemptions); it is unfortunate you have the Hunterdon County Health Dept in NJ (support and encourage dangerous vaccinations with the Hunterdon Medical Center?) and the Schools telling parents that Vaccinations are mandatory--they are not! & Vaccinations: Know the Risks and Failures: 1. Brain Inflammation/Acute Encephalopathy, 2. Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction, 3. Anaphylaxis, 4. Febrile Seizures, 5.Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), 6. Brachial Neuritis,7. Acute and Chronic Arthritis,8.Thrombocytopenia, 9. Smallpox, polio, measles and varicella zoster vaccine strain infection, 10. Death (smallpox, polio and measles vaccine), 11. Shock and “unusual shock-like state”, 12. Protracted, inconsolable crying,13. Syncope,14. Deltoid Bursitis. (Click picture above for Flyer of Harmful Vaccinations--yes, parents it is your responsiblity to pull your head out of the sand and protect your children -- Bombshell: Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier (TV Interview on 05/06/17)-- Studies put to question the safety of current vaccination practices & Government Cover-Up of a Mercury/Autism Scandal (09/28/17) -- It's hard to calculate the damage to our country by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Trumps Economic Solutions and a Real Presidential Voter Guide and Why the Globalists are Mad. And Voter Fraud against President Trump
Donald Trump Economic American Solutions Part I
Donald Trump Economic American Solutions Part II
Donald Trump "America First" Conservative Solutions Part III
This is a two-sided 8.5 x 11 non-Globalist voter guide that can be placed at non-profits such as churches. It does not endorse any candidate and is therefore legal. 24 x 36 bulletin above.
(Forget using The Christian Coalition or Faith & Freedom Coalitions' Presidential Voter guide--it is worthless (it does not educate people or inform people on what is really going on) and tells you very little or nothing about the subjects. Of course, it will not mention anything about the so-called free-trade agreements such as TPP and NAFTA and our government's support of ISIS and the phony wars. Globalist influence? One-Worlders? Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) influence?)
Election Night Gate Keepers (exposing voter fraud--3 million Illegal aliens voted in the 2016 presidential election in addition to millions of dead people--the total count might be 7 million).
Trump Secures Historic Victory with 304 Electoral College Votes (12/19/16) -- Donald J. Trump officially becomes the 45th US President ;
What are the Globalists/Enemies doing to Subvert our Republic and Destroy President Donald J. Tump? See list below and and what can be done to stop these God haters?
1. The Purge: Inauguration Day (01/20/17) -- International elite going after Trump loyalists. Attempted assination of Roger Stone by Polonium poison. The deep state went after Stone. It will be President Donald J. Trump today! CIA Black Ops Commander Dr. Steve Pieczenik: The American Republic has been Restored (TV, 01/03/17) -- Donald Trump is making America great again before entering office. If Obama, Soros and the Clintons continue their bullshit, then the tapes (4 years ago) of Hillary Clinton and John Kerry and the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) will be released showing them branding Al-Qaeda as ISIS, helping and giving intelligence to ISIS and so on. Ryan, McCain and Graham should shut their lying mouths, especially against Russia! Russia did not hack into the DNC emails.
2. George Soros' War on America: Time to Prosecute the Billionaire's Global Crime Spree (11/20/16) --section of 18 U.S. Code § 2102 defines the crime of rioting and also liability for prosecution under the federal conspiracy statute (18 U.S. Code § 371). Dangerous groups that fit the statute, according to the New American. A quote from them: "The recent anti-Trump riots have been reliably reported as the handiwork of paid "protesters" organized by, Planned Parenthood, #BlackLivesMatter, and other groups that have been heavily funded by Soros."
3. Vault 7: CIA Can Stage Fake Russian Hacking To Undermine Trump (03/07/17) -- CIA kept Russian cyber-attack techniques handy for false flags.The Wikileaks "Vault 7" drop of CIA cyber-warfare documents contains the startling revelation that the CIA, under a project identified as “Umbrage,” maintained a substantial library of Russian cyber-attack techniques "stolen" from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation. The Russian connection with President Trump was a fraud and a lie. We told you so.
4. Former CIA Analyst: Obama Gave "Green Light" For NSA, CIA to Sabotage Trump (03/06/17) -- Clapper & Brennan "intimately involved" in plot to derail Trump's candidacy. According to CIA Johnson: "Obama administration worked with the NSA, the CIA and Britain’s GCHQ to disseminate information about Donald Trump that was illegally obtained via surveillance before the election." Note: President Trump has to clean house and reappoint General Flyn and tell Attorney General Sessions to rescind his decision to recuse himself. Also, the President is got to get rid of the Obama appointees such as the federal prosecutors and do not pick Globalist, CFR, Neocons to replace them. What in the hell is wrong with the Trump administration? Many of those people will undermine you. Do not take any recommendations for NJ federal prosecutors from the NJ governor--he appoints Globalist Democrats!
Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality equals = Big Government Censorship. (How to File a Comment on Getting Rid of "Net Neutrality" -- 12/2017)
Get Rid of "Net Neutrality" (commentary YouTube; 2017) -- Google, Facebook and Twitter, etc. are exempt from the "Net Neutrality" rules and Google would create algorithms to ban/hide the information from internet sites they do not like from the public like RT or Infowars. So, content would have unprecedented censorship by these Globalist/One-World government companies. Regulate as a "Public Utility" under the "Communications Act of 1934" that was for rotary phones? "Common Carriers" like AT&T and Verizon would be regulated and it would force the "Common Carriers" to carry their censored internet information by the "Content Carriers." (See Net Neutrality puts Political Websites in the Crosshairs of Censorship & FCC to Free Internet From Obama's "Net Neutrality" Rules -- Soros' pro-censorship coalition floods FCC with "bot-generated" campaign to keep rules.
Full Event: President Donald Trump's Speech at Massive Rally in Phoenix, AZ (YouTube--08/22/17) -- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's niece Dr. Alveda King speaks at Trump Rally. Rev. Franklin Graham also spoke there (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Niece (Dr. Alveda King): President Donald Trump Is 'Compassionate,' 'Brilliant' -- "The president, of course, is leading the charge for "Civil Rights" today...").
Judge Moore's Official site (Neocons & Globalists against Judge Moore)--Dr. Chuck Baldwin defends Roy Moore (see The National Republican Party Is Pathetic!) and Candace Owens: Black People Waking Up Will Be Hell For Democrats in 2020 (TV;11/18/17) -- African Americans are leaving the Democratic plantation at record levels.
Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles -- 02/04/18
Eagles Credit: 'Binding Force' of the Christian Faith for the Super Bowl Win on Feb. 04, 2018 -- Head Coach Doug Peters, tight end Zach Ertz and MVP Nick Foles gave glory to the Savior Christ the Messiah. Superstar Carson Wentz is also a devout Christian and avid hunter. The Eagles were only one in eight teams that did not protest the national anthem.
Alex Jones' Statement on Infowars Being Taken Down! (08/15/ -- Total deplatforming is here. EU working with China (Apple and Google have moved to China). They are implementing a Social score? Mark of the Beast? Treason
Have a Merry Christmas -- 2023
The 2nd personality of the Trinity (the One true God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob) takes on a dual nature 2,000 years ago. The Messiah was both God and Man. Although the incarnation occured in Sept/Oct., the holiday is celebrated on Dec. 25 because of tradition--we are allowed to honor God any day of the year under the New Covenant. We are not under the Mosaic Covenant (defective & obsolete). Yes, Abraham spoke and sat with the 2nd personality of the Trinity (Yahweh) and two messengers (John 1:1-5). 4 Covenants are in the Old Testament--see FAQ 31 Tab.