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Lifestyle Sites

Thinking About Leaving Homosexuality

If you are a student or non-student and struggling with Gender Identity Disorders or Homosexual Attractions , the sites listed below will offer you help.  Don't allow a high school or college counselor to tell you there is nothing wrong with any lifestyle--you are being misled into destruction. There are thousands of people who quit the homosexual lifestyle such as Michael Glatze, who was the founding editor of Young Gay America magazine and got sucked into the lifestyle at age 14 ( &'Gay'- Rights Leader Quits Homosexuality & Gives Testimony on his New Freedom).

Note: Prominent Conservative Activist Milo Yiannopoulos announced in LifeSite interview published March 9, 2021 that he went straight--Milo went back to his faith and has renounced his former homosexual lifestyle. "Conversion therapy" does work according to Milo, albeit not for everyone.

God is the one who determines what is right or wrong and only His ways will bring you healthy relationships. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

Trump vs. Biden (2020) Non-Globalist Presidential Voter Guide -- PDF & Donald Trump & the Corrupt Financial Establishment (a 6 minute speech 10/2016) & The Truth about the Election (2020) & The Truth about BLM -- Herschel Walker & Larry Pinkey, founder of the original Black Panther Party, speaks out against BLM.

16 mm Bell & Howell Movie Camera (Auto Master)16mm Bell & Howell Movie Camera (Auto Master) that was used for the movies below (some are on 8mm).

Click to see Historic Family Films from the 1940s thru to 2004 (most of the family members in movies passed away) to illustrate when families were strong and also points out some of the problems when God is rejected. For Motorcycle movies, see the Motorcycle Tab and for Cross Country movies at Hunterdon Central High School, see High School Tab (NJIAT has permission by the copyright owner to post these movies).

 bookSee testimonies on "Ex-Gay"

Man raised by lesbians warns Americans to fight against Equality Act

Other Ex-Gay Testimonies (Video): From Homosexuality to Holiness -- Stephen Black & God's Call to the Lesbian -- Anne Paulk.

Prominent Conservative Activist Milo Yiannopoulos announced in LifeSite interview published March 9, 2021 that he went straight--Milo went back to his faith and has renounced his former homosexual lifestyle. "Conversion therapy" does work according to Milo, albeit not for everyone.

Click List of Helpful Websites: Counseling and Advise for Identity Disorders & Homosexuality

[Click to see Annual Event for High School Students (Day of Dialogue) to reach their fellow Students with the Truth who care about people--in April of every year. ]

Gay Rights Activists Bully Authors of LGBT Study (11/29/16) -- LGBT cannot stand an honest study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. They did a study of hundreds of scientific papers on homosexuality. They determined that many popular views on LGBT issues, such as the idea that “gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex,” are not supported by science.

Note: Exposing the Gay Agenda (Militant Lifestyle Tab) and teaching the truth from the Bible in no way implies any hatred towards Gays -- everyone is born into sin because of the fall of Adam and Eve (see Psalm 51:5) and God is the One that determines Right or Wrong, not man (this is why Yeshua (Christ) died on the Cross). It is actually true Biblical love proclaiming the truth to set people free from bondage. (Click "What does the Bible teach about Homosexuality?")

Response to the Hunterdon Central High School "The Lamp On-Line" Student Article on Gay Marriage--05/23/12

Dumbing down American kids

Gay Marriage: Is it really that bad? written by a Hunterdon Central High School Student on 05/23/12(PDF) --

Reply to the student on 06/06/12 to The Lamp On-Line article above by a former Hunterdon Central High School Student.

For further information, see the High School Tab & (click) Jack Zaifman at Hunterdon Central High School. Click Jack Zaifman's Holocaust Profile Flyer --PDF--the flyer gives a brief history on NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers' Party. Yes, Hitler was a Socialist/Fascist -- Myth Busted: Acutally, Yes, Hitler was a Socialist Liberal. See Atheism and Absolutes (HTML) and Christianity and Humanism--PDF.

Hunterdon Central High School Key Club in Flemington, NJ hosted a Holocaust Survivor, Mr. Jack Zaifman, at the Little Theater on March 26th, 2014 at 2:00 PM, who shared his

The "Joshua Generation" at "Hunterdon Central High School" did take a Stand on March 22, 2001 by Sponsoring an Ex-Homosexual to Speak at the Little Theater--Topic: Leaving the Alternative Lifestyle" Flyer. Will the Joshua Generation take a stand for Righteousness? or do they Fear Man more than God? Yes, the Joshua Generation in 2001 was showing love by reaching out to homosexuals and heterosexuals to tell them the truth.

Fearing God by Dr. Robert A. MoreyThe Brazen Serpent in the Ten Commandments

Moses lifts Brass Serpent to heal the Israelites from poisnous snake bites by Benjamin West

Apostle Paul was motivated to preach the Gospel because of the coming "terror" and judgment of Christ upon sinners. "knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men." (2 Corinthians 5:11, ISV)

The lack of the fear of God in the Evangelical Church is the main reason why Christians do not witness (a form of antinomianism) and not teaching apologetics. "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that can't be shaken, we must be thankful and worship God in reverence and fear in a way that pleases him. For our God is an all-consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:28-29, ISV)--see Witnessing tab for further information and the article entitled Standing on the Cross: An interview with Dr. Robert A. Morey [Dr. Morey was interviewed by B.K.Campbell of The Christian Thinker (what has happened to the Church and our Youth?)--PDF].

Will the Joshua Generation take a stand for righteousness? The Joshua Generation at Hunterdon Central High School initially sponsored a speaker on the topic of “Leaving the Alternative Lifestyle” on 03/22/01 at the Little Theater; the advisor did violate the law and had no authority from God to do so when he told the club they could not officially sponsor the speaker--see High School Tab for further information on what happened (there is no ill will towards the past advisor; we just want to make sure it does not happen again). The event still took place on 03/22/01 with the President and members of the Joshua Generation promoting said event--click to see "Leaving the Alternative Lifestyle" Flyer--PDF on event. The PULSE members at the 03/22/01 event were very intolerant and very disrespectful to the speaker (Mr. Rich Yates, who is an Ex-homosexual and married an Ex-lesbian). The tolerant Pulse Club was shouting at him and calling him names until he told them to stop.

High School Students Standing up for Marriage between A Man & A Woman (a Creation Ordinance in the Book of Genesis 2:23-24)

Day of Dialogue

The Day of Dialogue--high school students can take a stand for marriage (a creation ordinance; Gen. 2:23-24); students can legally counter the promotion of the homosexual agenda in their high schools by "The Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network" (GLSEN)--the Day of Silence is held every year at many high schools across this nation such as Hunterdon Central High School thru sponsoring clubs such as PULSE. The purpose of The Day of Silence is to legitimize homosexuality--GLSEN encourages students celebrating this event to lobby for legislation supported by homosexual-advocacy groups and pressure school officials to implement things such as "queer friendly" prom.

When any organization, school club, school faculty, teacher, counselor, etc. promotes anything contrary to God ways and commandments (such as homosexuality), it is not showing love or concern for the high school students. It is doing "Satan's" work, who hates all mankind and wants to kill them.

Recommend resources: Bible Tract to hand out entitled How Should Christians Respond to "Gay" Marriage? and "Day of Dialogue" Flyer Handout (an alternative to the "Day of Silence") -- PDF; this flyer is not produced by the Day of Dialogue, but a great witnessing tool and advertisement for the event.

Note: Most Christians do not know how to witness. See the Witnessing Tab for Help & High School Tab. Yes, it is a commandment to witness (preach the Gospel) for Christ. Technically the government and church should not be in the marriage business. Marriage was a family affair per Bible.

Recommended for Students to wear a Marriage Shirt on this day

NJIAT Marriage Shirt --PDF

You can wear this shirt proudly and defend marriage and glorify Christ (the wording is on the back of the Shirt and the smaller emblem is on the front). Also, a great witnessing tool. You can order the shirts from E-MAC--Signs & Graphics; located in Sergeantsville, NJ (Delaware Twp.). Their phone number is 908-806-4555 or e-mail Eileen at The shirt design and emblem is copyrighted by NJIAT. (E-Mac is not affliated with NJIAT, but is an authorized vendor to sell the shirts in bulk or will take a minimun order.)

List of Websites for Help Dealing with Homosexuality, Identity, etc.

Warning: Governor Chris Christie (NJ) or any other politician has no right as a government official to outlaw counseling for teenage men or women (students) under 18 struggling with the sinfulness of homosexuality and want to change. It not only violates the Constitution, but it also violates the paramenters and powers granted to the State under the "Supreme Ruler of the Universe". See/click Politics/Voting Tab on "What did Yeshua/the Annointed One say about Politics?" and "What about the State's Authority over a citizen?

Listen to Alex Jones
from 12:00 to 3:00 PM EST (Infowars)

Alex Jones

Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

Join the NRA Today
Second Amendment Foundation

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]