Cult Sites
Image credit: Faith
Listed below after "Introduction to Cults" under "Topics Covered" are Christian ministries specializing in cults. The term "cult" does not imply that the person/persons in a "cult" are evil. I would define a "cult" as any leader claiming equal or greater authority than the Bible, claims to be a Christian and denies the historic doctrines of Biblical Christianity. The Protestant Bible Believing Christian ministries listed below all endorse freedom of religion in both thought and expression. While supporting the rights of divergent views, it is also exercising its freedoms (press, speech and religion).
Introduction To Cults (3 Part Audio Series & Article & Heretical Doctrines and The World of Cults and Occult (A Refutation) -- PDF). Also, see Apologetics Tab.
Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible that includes the Greek--PDF,
a detailed explanation on the proper way of interpreting the Bible that includes the Greek from the book entitled "A Christian Student's Survival Guide", Chapter 15 by Dr. Robert A. Morey. A Christian Student's Survival Guide can be purchased at Xulon Press in a hardcover or softcover. Also, see Dr. Morey's lecture on the Text and Canon Seminar 1 that includes audio & a syllabus and Battle of the Ages and How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other. And Hermeneutics: How to interpret the Bible for all "it's" Worth (HTML)
Dr. Walter Martin, the founder of Christian Research Institute comments on major doctrines of: Jehovah's Witnesses,
Mormonism, Christian Science, The Way International, Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, Transcendental Meditation,
Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God, Baha'I, Baghwan Shree Rajneesh, Seventh-Day Adventism, Roman Catholicism. Click Interview with Dr. Walter Martin on Cults to watch the TV interview on The John Ankerberg Show--the Ankerberg website has the transcript of the interview posted.
Apostacy in the Church -- many Protestant/Evangelical Churches are not teaching doctrine and how to defend the faith--most do not
understand the difference between Covenants vs. Testaments (see FAQ #31 Tab) in the Bible (see Recommended Book by Dr. Robert A. Morey: How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other from
Why are Evangelical Christians getting deceived in thinking that they are required to keep the Mosaic Covenant such as the Annual Festivals given to ancient Israel? See list of Holidays & an Open Letter to a Church Below.
1. (Passover (Nisan 14 on the Hebrew Calendar, Mar./Apr. -- Exod. 12:2-20; Lev. 23:5)); 2. (Unleavened Bread, Nisan 15--21, Mar./Apr.-- Lev. 23:6-8)); 3. (First Fruits (Reshit Kitzir), Nisan 22, Mar./Apr. -- Lev. 23:11)); 4. (Pentecost (Feast of Weeks), Sivan 6, May/June -- Exod. 23:16; 34:22; Lev. 23:15-21)); 5. (Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah), Tishri 1 (Sept./Oct. -- Lev. 23:23-25; Num. 29:1-6)); 6. (Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur, Tishri 10, Sept./Oct. -- Lev. 23:26-33; Exod. 30:10)); and 7. (Feast of Tabernacles or Booths (Sukkot), Tishri 15 -- 21, Sept./Oct. -- Lev. 23:33-43; Num. 29: 12-39; Deut. 16:13)).
Note: Festival of Lights (Hanukkah, Kislev the 25th -- 30, (Nov./Dec., and Tebeth the 1st --2 (Dec./Jan. -- John 10:22) and Purim (Adar (Feb./Mar. 14-15 -- Esther 9) are not commanded festivals in the Mosaic Covenant. See Apologetics Tab and scroll down for 9 Part Series on the Sabbath in HTML or PDF and Spanish.
(Right: NJIAT Copyright@1991 Feast of Tabernacles celebration by the Worldwide Church of God in Pasadena, CA 1991 )
Open Letter to Pastors & Christians in Protestant/Evangelical Churches teaching this false doctrine that you have to keep the "Annual Festivals" given only to ancient Israel under the "Mosaic Covenant."
See Open Letter To an Evangelical Church: Israel's Annual Festivals--are they Required under the New Covenant? -- PDF to a Protestant/Evangelical Church and Christians in general. It addressed other topics such as "Do Protestants have the correct Canon?" and Are Israel's Annual Festivals commanded under the New Covenant? There are a lot of Evangelical Christians and ministers being misled by cults such as the Philadelphia Church of God (they also publish the Trumpet and have republished Armstrong's heretical teachings & false Gospel in books such as Pagan Holidays—or God's Holy Days—Which?). The Philadelphia Church of God is a splinter group of Herbert W. Armstrong, a false apostle and founder of the Worldwide Church of God. See FAQ Tab, #Q31 for a refutation and topic #17 listed below or just click the link: Worldwide Church of God (renamed Grace Communion International) and Herbert Armstrong, a false prophet.
Picture left: Herbert W. Armstrong, a False apostle & prophet, that taught that the "Annual Festivals" are mandatory for Christians to keep. The annual festivals pointed to the Messiah--they were a shadow and the Mosaic Covenant is obsolete (not the Old Testament) according to the New Testament (Hebrews 8:4-13 & Hebrews 9:1 & Mark 7:19).
Philadelphia Church of God (Splinter Group of Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God). A brief analysis of the Philadelphia Church of God (PCG) by Luke Wayne from and Profile from Watchman Fellowship (a Cult Watching Group) on the Philadelphia Church of God. The articles above expose & refute their heretical teachings. Tomorrow's World -- another offshoot of Herbert W. Armstrong. Richard Ames was another staunch supporter of Herbert W. Armstrong, a false apostle. His false church beliefs: The Living Church of God.
(Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet news magazine in 1990 and is editor and chief and presents the Key of David television show and Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God--Gerald Flurry is a staunch follower of Herbert W. Armstrong and has purchased the copyrights of Armstrong's book from the Worldwide Church of God (renamed Grace Communion International on 04/03/09 who's leadership under Joseph W. Tkach Jr. and his father (passed away in 1995) renounced Armstrong's false Gospel & heretical teachings and are now Evangelical); however, Joseph W. Tkach Jr. as pastor general made a settlement on January 2003 and sold 19 of Armstrong's works for $3 million to PCG.)
Note: Having errors in doctrine in Protestant/Evangelical Bible Believing Churches does not make them a false church. However, if they teach a works-based salvation, deny the inerrancy of Scripture, the Trinity, Christ is the only way to be saved, etc., then this is a different story. This is why we will equally condemn those "main-line" Protestant Churches that have now denied the inerrancy and authority of Scripture, deny the Gospel (Salvation is yours through faith. "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast" (Ephesians 2:8,9-NKJV)), and who have officially rejected their original confession of faith and replaced them with a works-based social gospel as false and apostate churches. Luther (just read his Commentary on Galatians) and Calvin did not preach a false gospel--this is why the Roman Catholic Church hated Luther & Calvin (Rome teachs a works-based salvation & false Gospel--this is not saying there are no born-again Christians (we expect to see them in Heaven) in the Roman Catholic Church, but they are not Roman Catholic in theology). Calvin and Luther taught the true Gospel vs a False Gospel, which is not a works-based salvation.
Recommended Books by Dr. Robert A. Morey: A Christian Student's Survival Guide from that teaches how one how to defend the faith and How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other
Apologetics Round Table in Florida (1991) on The John Ankerberg Show with Dr. Robert A. Morey, Dr. Gleason Archer, Dr. Kaiser, John Weldon, Dave Hunt, etc. -- watch the 2 hour YouTube (8 professors and teachers covering many subjects defending Christianity) & Video entitled "Mormonism 2014" by Dr. Robert A. Morey (addresses many other important issues) & Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) Debates Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant/Evangelical Apologist) (Audio--Parts 1 thru 6) & A Few Thoughts on Apostasy & Theologically Correct Pseudo Scholars & Reformation Sunday--What has happened to Evangelical Pastors? & State-Run Churches Caught Red-Handed: Many (501(c)(3) Pastors promote Government Viewpoints rather than Liberty (08/11/14) & The Club of Rome (TV) & Cult Recruiting Methods & When Leaders Deceive a Slumbering and Unwary Public. & Enemies Within The Church (Video, 2022) -- Enemies Within The Church (Website) & The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia (article by Dr. Peter Hammond) &The Failure of Atheism an the Triumph of Faith in Russia (audio by Dr. Peter Hammond) & Is Vladimir Putin a Christian? and
Critical Questions addressed to Dr. Peter Hammond (Missionary from South Africa) -- Frontline Fellowship (Dr. Peter Hammond)
Everybody Persecuted Somebody, Henry VIII Persecuted Catholics Like Thomas More. Lutherans Persecuted Anabaptists. Protestants Randomly Burned Witches -- Dr. Hammond's response: "You cannot compare the centuries of intense persecutions by Catholic authorities of Protestants and other dissenters, such as the Waldensians, Albigensians, Hussites, Lollards, the St. Bartholemew's Day massacre, the ex-communication and condemning to death of the entire nation of Holland and the vicious war raged against the Dutch, etc. with anything that has ever been perpetrated by Protestants." (Read whole article for full response by Dr. Hammond on link above.)
Topics Covered:
1. Link List of Websites Dealing with Cults, 2. About Organizations & Official Doctrines (Dr. Franics Schaeffer--a true 20th century Prophet) , 3. Historical Note: There was No Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, etc. Church in the 1st century , 4. Jehovah's Witnessess, Mormons, 7th Day Adventism, Campbellism, Black Liberal Theology, Moonies, New Age & Philadelphia Church of God, etc., 5. Answers to Roman Catholic Friends & Eastern Orthodox Friends, 6. What is Happening to the Evangelical Churches?, 7. False Doctrines, Heretics & Sell Outs Exposed in the Evangelical Church, 8. Churches supporting U.S. Domestic & Foreign policies that are against the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, 9. The Gandhi Nobody Knows & Tal Brooke's analysis on the Indian Gurus, who he studied under and is a Princeton University alumni , 10. Martin Luther King Jr., a great man, condemned homosexuality & Dr. James Manning on Civil Rights, Larry Pinkey (Black Panther) on Obama, 11. Billy Graham gets rebuked by Dr. John MacArthur & Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, 12. The Truth about the New Pope Francis, John II, Sister Teresa & letter to Maranatha High School in CA (11/11/06), 13. Rick Warren & Joel Osteen?, 14. Evangelicals taking Money from Korean Rev. Sun Myung Moon & Rockefeller Fund & CIA Connections, 15. Psychology and the Church, 16. Pre-Tribulation Cult Worship & Misled Prophecy Gurus (Cahn & Price), 17. Worldwide Church of God (renamed Grace Communion International) and Herbert Armstrong, a false prophet, 18. Jim Staley & the Hebrew Roots Movement?, 19. Legalism and Being in a Cult are not the same thing, 20.There are 4 (four) Covenants in the Bible that most Christians do not understand, 21. Gentile Nations were judged on the Moral Laws, not the Ceremonial Laws or Mosaic Covenant 22. Why Billy Graham's Evangelism method was not Biblical and 23. The Gospel Defense League
NJIAT's Heretical Warning Alert:
Image credit: By David Dees.
The Sellout Has Begun (HTML) or The Sellout Has Begun (11/15/2004) -- PDF. Why was Greg Johnson (Standing Together Ministries), Joseph Tkach, Jr. (Worldwide Church of God renamed Grace Communion International on 04/03/09), who still refuses to publicly admit that Herbert Armstrong was a False Prophet, Richard Mouw (President of Fuller Seminary), Ravi Zacharias (who preached a positive message at the LDS Tabernacle), Craig Hazen (Biola University) and Michael Card (Christian singer) at the LDS Tabernacle in Salt Lake, Utah? See ( Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) Debates Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant/Evangelical Apologist) (Audio--Parts 1 thru 6) & Video entitled "Mormonism 2014" SBC Pastors' Conference in Crossville, TN by Dr. Robert A. Morey) & Topic 4 below & listen to the 12 part Audio series on "Apostacy" with article by Dr. Bob Morey & Daniel's 70th Week (Click to listen to Audio, 66 minutes, by Dr. Morey) and see Leo Lyon Zagami -- Confessions of an Illuminati.
Vaccination: The Most Important Decision Parents Will Ever Make (Tract)--PDF & Covid-19 Information: Legal Help, Where to get Ivermectin, Are the Vaccines Safe?
SATANIC BETRAYAL: American Christian pastors coerced congregants to take COVID jabs through covert "Faith4Vaccines" (From Natural ),
In exchange for cash bribes from the government, thousands of American pastors pushed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" on their congregants, which resulted in death and illnesses. Over 20 million people died from the Covid vaccine.
The report from America Out Loud News Loud explains that a government program called "Faith4Vaccines," which was birthed out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) vaccine propaganda machine COVID-19 Community Corps, convinced money-grubbing "faith leaders" to sell out their flocks to Big Pharma. Faith4Vaccines includes over 1000 so-called faith leaders across the U.S. in coordination with the government -- A Disturbing Partnership with the Biden Administration.
The COVID-19 Community Corps has 86 founding members, most of them falling into the "faith leaders" category. They include (but are not limited to):
1. American Baptist Church
2. Catholic Charities USA
3. Episcopal Church
4. National Association of Evangelicals
5. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
6. New York Jewish Agenda
Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) spoke to hundreds of faith leaders back in 2021 claiming that COVID jabs were God's "answer to prayer." Response: My ASS. Total lie and deception. This is total stupidy or someone is getting paid off. And shame on the coward pastors who say nothing to their congregations. The Covid vaccines and the Covid virus were bioweapons developed by the DoD & Big Pharma. The Great White Throne judgment of God awaits the wicked (Revelation 20:11-21:27).
Note: A person stopped by Starbucks in Trenton, NJ and saw a pile of flyers entitled "Hey Trenton! Get the Updated Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccine! " (Wednesday, May 17, 2023; Location: First Baptist Church, 128-140 Centre Street, Trenton, NJ 08611, 4 PM - 7 PM)
Southern Baptist Head Al Mohler
Southern Baptist head Al Mohler manipulates flock, suggests Christians have biblical obligation to take "Mark of the Beast" COVID-19 vaccines (12/20/2020) -- Mohler is another sell out to the One-World Government and One-World Religion -- see Will a One World Religion & Government Bring World Peace? -- PDF (Tri-fold Tract)
Pope Francis and Roman Catholicism
- JBA (Vol. 3)--PDF
- JBA (Vol. 4)--PDF
Interview: Pope Francis,an Anti-Christ, Calls for Infowars to be Shut Down (05/05/18) -- Globalists want to silence all dissenting voices & The Evangelical Deep State & Liberals May Win control of Largest U.S. Protestant Denomination and TBN Exposed By Walter Martin (1970s?) -- Published by Mar. 09, 2018 & Evangelical Deep State Misleading Christians (01/01/2021) & Paula White, a false prophetess and teaches the false prosperity Gospel, calling for "angelic reinforcements"? God did not honor it? President Trumps spiritual advisor--another bad choose. At least she has multi-million dollar homes.
Pope Francis Goes Full Communist, Says Sharing Property is Not Communism But "Pure Christianity" (2021) -- See the book entitled Ecclesiastical Megalomania by Dr. John W. Robbins who explains the conflict between Roman Catholicism and freedom in detail, relying on official Vatican pronouncements to demonstrate that Roman Catholicism is hostile to constitutional government, political and economic freedom, and the private property order. Pope Francis Has a Gay Problem ( To listen to an audio on Pope Francis, go to the The Trinity Foundation.
Left: Ecclesiastical Megalomania: The Economic and Political Thought of the Roman Catholic Church by Dr. John W. Robbins (The Trinity Foundation)
Dr. John MacArthur on Catholicism, and Billy Graham (Video, 2010) & Evangelicals Are Sabotaging America Just As Muslim Brotherhood Desires (10/28/2020)
Catholic bishops urge Congress to spend $20 BILLION on programs that could INCREASE illegal immigration (2024) -- "Bannon, not known to mince words, singled out Pope Francis as the root cause of the migrant "crisis" in Europe. He attributed the rise of anti-immigrant sentiment and political movements such as Italy's Five Star and League parties to "
Note: Roman Catholic Church & the Pope want to destroy United States because it is still Protestant & is opposed to our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The economic & political idealogy of the Roman Catholic Church is Fascism. This is not implying that all Roman Catholic people per se adhere to the economic & political doctrine, but the leadership does. Many Roman Catholics are totally ignorant to what their own church is teaching.
Young Life (2018) going down the Ecumenical path to Hell?
The leadership of Young Life met with Pope Francis to share their desire to pursue ecumenical unity. Perhaps Young Life is not aware that this pope has a seductive agenda to establish a one-world religion by uniting all professing Christians under the power and influence of the papacy. An interfaith event sponsored by the Archdiocese of Portland and Young Life drew 240 people and raised almost $130,000 to fund a Catholic staffer at Young Life.
To see a ministry that seeks to honor the Lord Jesus Christ ignore the Bible and hold hands with an anti-Christ is a disgrace (we are talking about the headquarters in Rome and what they teach, not attacking the individual Catholic members--we encourage Roman Catholic students to attend a Bible believing Evangelical Christian club. You also have a lot of apostate Protestant leaders and churches). Truth is important (John 17:19). See Is Roman Catholicism Still a Mission Field? dated March 2020 by Mike Gendron ( According to Mike Gendron, "Almost two-thirds of Protestant pastors view Pope Francis as a genuine Christian and their "brother in Christ. This is according to a recent survey of 1,000 Protestant senior pastors released by LifeWay Research. These stunning statistics are the tragic results of all the unity accords that have been signed by evangelical leaders with Roman Catholics. Many evangelicals, and a growing number of ministries, no longer view the Roman Catholic religion as a mission field and see no reason to share the Gospel with Catholics."
Religious Movements Hostile to the Bible
Hebrew Roots Movement
Recommended Book by Dr. Robert A. Morey: How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other from
For further information on the unbiblical teachings of the Worldwide Church of God and the Hebrew Roots Movement, click Worldwide Church of God and Jim Staley and the Hebrew Roots Movement (Discovering your Biblical Identity). Also, see Exit & Support Network and article entitled "Neil Earle Whitewashes Herbert Armstrong") who is pastor of New Covenant Fellowship in Glendora, Ca.
Note: The above reference to the Worldwide Church of God was when it was under the control of Herbert W. Armstrong (1934 - 1986). The current organization, which changed its name to Grace Communion International, renounced Armstrong's false teachings under the leadership of Mr. Joseph Tkach, Sr. (who was the successor and passed away in 1995) and the orgainziation is now teaching Evangelical Orthodox Christianity and is no longer considered a cult. However, many of the offshoots/splinter groups are still teaching Armstrong's false doctrines. Herbert W. Armstrong was a false apostle.
Hollywood Sex Cults & Azusa Pacific University (APU) & Klaus Schwab & Neo-Reformed Teachers (Does God Really Save Us by Faith Alone?)
Recommended Book by Dr. Robert A. Morey: A Christian Student's Survival Guide from
Hollywood Sex Cult Linked to Rothschilds, Clintons (04/30/18) -- Wealthy liberal elites tied to NXIVM group.
Azusa Pacific University (APU) Removes Language of Prohibited Public Conduct LGBTQ+ (09/27/18) -- Azusa Pacific University (APU) "removed language from its student standard of conduct agreement that prohibited public LGBTQ+ relationships for students on campus."
And Klaus Schwab: 'God is dead' and the WEF is 'acquiring divine powers' -- God is dead, according to the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that "Jesus is fake news," and that WEF leaders have "acquired divine powers" to rule over humanity.
Sola Scriptura or Sola Fide (the heretics are redefining the word Sola Fide to mean right with God, but not to Attain Heaven by faith alone! --unbiblical) is under attack (see article entitled The Reformation at 500) not just by Rome, but also by the Reformed and Presbyterian church which have been afflicted with this heresy.
But even the Neo-Reformed or Neo-Puritan teachers in the Neo-Calvinist movement within the Baptist churches have begun to promulgate a similar teaching as seen in the writings of John Piper and Thomas Schreiner, the Baptist counterparts to Norman Shepherd, Richard Gaffin, and John Kinnaird. (See John Piper, "Does God Really Save Us by Faith Alone?" Desiring God web site, September 25, 2017,, October 12, 2017.)
John Piper's Teachings
Recommended book by Dr. Robert A. Morey: When is it Right to Fight? from
'Its' Worth John Piper's false teaching on "Pacifism" and his "anti-Second Amendment" position is refuted by Dr. Robert A. Morey: Listen to "When Is It Right To Fight" by Dr. Robert A. Morey on" RemnantXRadio--Refuting the Pacifists" with Worley And Bowling. The book entitled "In His Steps" is an unbiblical book that feminized Christianity and The Christian and War (9 Part Audio Lecture Series). The book entitled "In His Steps" by Charles Monroe Sheldon in 1896 took an unbiblical position on defending yourself that also contributed to a feminized Protestant Christianity in America. This is why the Irish Catholics filled the police departments because the Protestant men became brainwashed by this teaching--it is not Christian to be a policeman, military soldier or have a gun at home to defend your family! Let your wife be raped--what a husband! All Christians should have rifles (semi-automatic) and handguns at home and should obtain a "concealed carry license". See Second Amendment tab, Right to Carry and Police/Sportsmen tab on this website. Also, see Self-Defense and ownership of Guns by Dr. Wayne Grudem. By the way, many cults teach "Pacifism" such as the former Worldwide Church of God although their leader (Armstrong) had body guards. See for Dr. Morey's books.
Note: There was a recent article published by The Washington Post entitled John Piper: Why I disagree with Jerry Falwell Jr. (12/23/15) that twists Scriptural passages out of context and violates every Hermeneutical principle. Unfortunately, John Piper is post-evangelical and has embraced liberal doctrines--he is an idiot. John Piper's position/doctrine left the Holocaust of the Jews and now wants Christians to walk into the ovens for their Holocaust by not defending themselves. Also, read another misguided and ignorant so-called Evangelical, Rob Schenck (Evangelical Church Alliance, who is against gun ownership and does not understand that self-defense is taught in the Bible. We can now understand why the Christians in America are so dumbed-down.
A Christian Student's Survival Guide: Protect your Children in High School and College by giving them this book.
Recommended books:
A Christian Student's Survival Guide by Dr. Robert A. Morey published by Faith Defenders (the book covers World Religions, Cults and the Occult
and How to Defend the Faith, etc.) ,One World by Tal Brooke published by Spiritual Counterfeits Project and Today's Religions and Spirituality
by James K. Walker published by Watchman Fellowship, Inc. and Interview with Dr. Walter Martin on Cults
A Christian Student’s Survival Guide(New Edition--2018--has color pictures in every chapter and has been expanded and the book's size has been reduced in dimension ( 6 x 9), 514 pages)).
The book is for college and high school students and there is no other book like this one. A Christian Student's Survival Guide can be purchased at Xulon Press in a hardcover or
softcover. Also, see College and High School Students (Video--interview with Dr. Bob Morey) and Audio about book)
Link List of Websites dealing with Cults & False Teachings
- Watchman Fellowship, Inc. (There are over 50 short
profiles on cults and numerous articles--click "Profiles" bar on site.)
- Faith Defenders--click "articles" under the ministry navigation bar on home page for listing of responses to World Religions, Cults, and other topics confronting Christians.
- Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP) --confronting cults, occults, exposing the New Age Moverment, film reviews such as Avatar and why they are making an impact on our society and the dangers of such deceptions. Tal Brooke is President.
- TruthXchange --there are only two religions, Two-ism or One-ism (Director, Dr. Peter Jones)
- All About (cults)
- Apprising Ministries--exposing the heretical teachings in the Evangelical Churches.
- Frontline Fellowship--Total War by Dr. Peter Hammond (African Missionary); why the churches in the West prefer to retreat instead of preaching the Gospel. Christians should be undermining the false religions, cults, sects, the occult, etc.
- A Perfect Peace Plan--James Sundquist
exposes Rick Warren's unbiblical peace plan.
- Moriel Ministries-- see 5 questions for you on differnt religions.
- Proclaiming the Gospel (Mike Gendron was a practicing Catholic for over 30 years.)
- John Ankerberg Show--see material on cults by Walter Martin, Dr. Robert A. Morey, etc.
- Trinity Foundation (Monitoring and Investigating Religious Fraud)
- The Satanic Church Watch (Dr. James Manning, African-American minister in NYC, exposes ministers who Dr. Manning alleges are either taking a left turn or are false ministers/apostates such as Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, Jeremiah Wright, etc.)
- SO4J (False Teachers Exposed)
About Organizations and an Analysis of the Official Doctrines of the Organization to Determine if the Organization is Apostate, a Cult & False
Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer (01/30/1912 - 05/15/1984) a true 20th century apostle/prophet and defender of the faith & Apostle Paul in Athens by Raphael (1483-1520)
Some of the organzations believe in the Trinity, but are either ultra legalistic that border on cultic behavior or have a False Gospel (Earn Salvation by Works). The Analysis is on Doctrine and the Official teachings of the Organization, not attacking the motives of the individuals. Just because you have a true believer sitting in the pew, does not mean the church they belong to is not an apostate and false church . This is why we will equally condemn those "main-line" Protestant Churches that have now denied the inerrancy and authority of Scripture, deny the Gospel, and who have officially rejected their original confession of faith and replaced them with a works-based social gospel as false and apostate churches.
This does not imply that a few of the listed groups below do not have any true Christians sitting in the pews that accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior (by faith alone, thru Christ alone, by grace alone) and do not trust in their own good works to earn or merit them salvation (we expect to see them in Heaven)--however, the first three listed (Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Black Liberal Theology) below have a different Jesus than what is taught in the Bible (they deny the Ontological Trinity and the eternal pre-existent Christ).
Historical note: There was no Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Baptist Church, Methodist Church, etc. in the 1st century (the word "church" comes from the Greek ekklesia (see Doctrine of the Church) which means "assembly" or " gathing." The church is the bride of Christ. In other words, the church consists of all true believers regardless of denominational affliation). Christ is the head of the Church: "And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all" (Ephesians 1:22-23, NKJV).
The ungodly are justified "solely" (i.e. "only") through faith in Jesus Christ. It is "imputed righteousness." Day after day every priest stands and repeatedly offers the same sacrifices that can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, "he sat down at the right hand of God." Since that time, he has been waiting for his enemies to be made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. (Hebrews 10:11-14, ISV.)
A body or organization that claims to be Christian is to be judged by their doctrines/teachings if they are Biblical (the Bible is the ultimate authority per Christ)--see the FAQ Tab for further information. Just because one is sitting in a true Bible believing church does not guarantee that all in the congregation are true believers--many are false converts or what the Bible calls professing Christians, not part of the true Christian Church who have been redeemed by Christ (Rom. 5:1).]
Historical note: Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and 7th Day Adventists came out of Campbellism. Also, see Video entitled Mormonism 2014 by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Black Liberal Theology, Moonies, and New Age. (Remember the test of a True Prophet of God: Deut. 18:21-22. ) Also, see Philadelphia Church of God below.
Jehovah's Witnesses
Left: Charles Taze Russell (02/16/1852 -- 10/31/1916)
They deny the Ontological Trinity and the eternal pre-existent Christ. Also, Charles Taze Russell and the Jehovah's Witnesses organization has made numerous false prophecies that is documented. The Jehovah's Witnesses originally taught that the "last days" began in 1799, Jesus returned invisibly in 1874 and the end of the world would take place in 1914. When 1914 came and went, they reprinted their books and put 1916. The new President Rutherford (Russell passed away in 1916) changed the date to 1925 because his false prophecy of 1918. Russell's prophecy also failed on 1925. The 1874 date was dropped and 1914 was substituted for the invisible return of Christ. In 1975, the Jehovah's Witnesses falsely predicted the end of the world. 27% of the membership left the Watchtower after 1975. Yes, an article in the Watchtower magazine dated April 1, 1972.
- the Jehovah's Witnesses.
- community of Jehovah's Witnesses survivors.
- How to Witness to Jehovah's Witnesses (HTML)
- How to Witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses - PDF
- Fast Facts on Jehovah's Witnesses from (Watchman Fellowship)
- How to Witness to a JW (Audio--Part 3 by Dr. Bob Morey)
Left: Joseph Smith (12/23/1805 -- 06/27/1844).
The main problem with Mormonism are the false prophecies made by Joseph Smith , men becoming gods (Adam was originally a man and became
a god and is the one god over planet earth--yes, they believe in billions of finite gods and goddesses; Mormon Catechism on page 13 states there are more gods than one God), open view of God, etc. They deny the Ontological Trinity and the eternal pre-existent Christ. Joseph Smith prophesied that Christ would return and the world would end around 1891 or 1892 (see History of the Church, Vol. 2. pg. 182). Joseph Smith prophesied that people live on the moon who are 6 feet in height, live to be 1,000 years old and dress like Quakers. There are over 100 different denominations (who claim to be the "true Mormon church"), but the one you will probably encounter is in Salt Lake City, Utah (the people are very nice, honorable and stand up for family values and the Constitution--they have just been misled like many so-called Christian Churches in this country that will not even take stand for righteousness).
- Dr. Robert A. Morey's "Mormonism 2014" SBC Pastors' Conference in Crossville, TN -- video (addresses many other important issues)
- Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) Debates Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant/Evangelical Apologist) (Audio--Parts 1 thru 6)
- How to Witness to a Mormon (Audio--Part 2 by Dr. Bob Morey)
- Ex-Mormons for Jesus
- Life After Ministries-leading Mormons to the Real Jesus.
- By His Own Hand Upon Papyri: A Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri
- The Sacred Books of Mormonism
- How to Witness to Mormons - PDF
- How to Witness to Mormons (HTML)
- By His Own Hand Upon Papyri: A Look a the Joseph Smith Papyri (HTML)
- Fast Facts on Mormonism from (Watchman Fellowship)
7th Day Adventists
Left: Ellen G. White (11/26/1827 -- 07/16/1915)
The main problem with 7th Day Adventism with Protestants is Ellen G. White claiming she was a Prophetess. The African-Americans should be aware that Ellen G. White taught amalgamation--that is, that the colored races were the result of men having intercourse
A good article from the SCP Journal (Spiritual Counterfeits Project), Volume 45:1 2022 entitled Seventh-Day Adventists: What Do They Really Believe? by Phil Johnson. Summary of topics covered: they deny eternal punishment, teach the doctrine of soul-sleep, believe in "investigative judgment" is still going on, twisted teaching on Christ's humanity (7th Day teach Christ took on fallen humanity's sin nature (His nature was fallen as yours and mine. Ellen G. White stated: "He took upon His sinless nature our sinful natrue....[He] bore the infirmities and degeneracy of the race. He took our nature and its deteriorating condition." And so on. The Bible says the opposite of Ellen (see 2 Cor. 5:21)--Christ was the second Adam and His nature was not fallen (He had no human father).
- 7th Day Adventists - PDF
- Fact Sheet for 7th Day Adventists (HTML)
- Debate on Truth Talk Live (11/28/04) between Dr. Bob. Morey and a 7th Day Adventist (Robert)
- Profile of 7th Day Adventists from (Watchman Fellowship)--PDF
- See 9 Part article series on the Sabbath below the sub-heading of Worldwide Church of God
- See Video entitled Mormonism 2014 by Dr. Robert A. Morey that also speaks about "7th Day Adventism" (37:40 minutes into the lecture)
Campbellism and the Church of Christ
Left: Alexander Campbell (09/12/1788 -- 03/04/1865)
Campbellism and the Church of Christ - PDF
Campbellism and the Church of Christ (HTML)
Church of Christ Churches -- PDF
Black Liberal Theology
The Truth about Black Liberal Theology—PDF
The Black Liberation Theology; the enemy within – PDF
Black Liberal Theology (HTML)
Philadelphia Church of God (Splinter Group of Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God)--Picture left: Herbert W. Armstrong
A brief analysis of the Philadelphia Church of God by Luke Wayne from
Profile from Watchman Fellowship (a Cult Watching Group) on the Philadelphia Church of God.
The Philadelphia Church of God (PCG) is a sectarian splinter group from Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God, founded by Gerald Flurry and John Amos. They broke away from the Worldwide Church of God in 1989 .The Trumpet is their website and Flurry has a TV program (The Key of David) and a magazine called The Philadelphia Trumpet. The Trumpet website and magazine post many articles from conservative or patriot websites and then speak about prophecy to suck people into their cult. Herbert Armstrong taught you cannot vote, join the police or military, no doctors or medication except for Armstrong (he kept it secret), cannot defend yourself, cannot celebrate Christmas, birthdays, etc. For further information on the Worldwide Church of God, go to (Worldwide Church of God (renamed Grace Communion International) and Herbert Armstrong, a false prophet) on this page (Topics Covered #17). A total refutation on many of Armstrong's heretical doctrines.
Note: It is unfortunate that the former Worldwide Church of God renamed Grace Communion International on 04/03/09 has nothing on their website denouncing or refuting Herbert Armstrong and condemning his false doctrines--the splinter groups are not addressed either. The former pastor general Joseph W. Tkach, who took over after Armstrong passed away on 01/17/1986, made historic changes and transformed the organization from a cult to orthodox evangelical Christianity and he knew Armstrong's doctrine and Gospel was false (a false Gospel is a false church). They are teaching Biblical Protestant doctrine, which is indirectly saying that Armstrong's doctrine was false.
Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Flurry and his staff are not Hebrew or Greek scholars and make up what words mean. For example, the Hebrew in the Old Testament shows a distinction in the Godhead (multi-personal--the Trinity), but one God; The [Yahweh] God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of us" (Gen. 3:22). There is nothing in the context to indicate that God was speaking to angels. Thus the "Us" is God and reveals His multi-personal nature---see Dr. Robert A. Morey's book entitled The Trinity: Evidence and Issues at
How could they republish Armstrong's Works if the Worldwide Church of God owned the copyrights?
We do not have all the details to the deal. Here is some information that we could find. In 1999, the District court ruled in favor of the PCG, but was reversed later by the Ninth Circuit Court in 2000. With an injunction to stop printing Mystery of the Ages issued, Flurry appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. A few weeks later, the Supreme Court declined to hear their petition. In September 2002, during a Feast of Tabernacles sermon, Flurry stated "the court case is a battle with the devil" and "he would not make a deal with such an evil force - he will only fight." Starting in April 2002, the PCG made different offers to the WCG, and reaching an out of court settlement by January 2003, for 19 of Armstrong's works for $3 million.
Image credit: SCP Journal, front cover. Life Under The Lidless Eye
Mr. Moon also made false prophecies. Mr. Moon taught that the Lord of the Second Advent would be revealed in 1967. Once this failed, 1980 and 1982 was picked--this also did not come true; it was another failed prophecy. Mr. Moon claimes to be a physical manifestation of the divine principle in human form--the same concept as Eastern religions, that is, the yin and yang.
Fact Sheet for Moonies (HTML)
New Age Movement
The New Age Movement -- PDF
Profile of The New Age Movement from --PDF
Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP)
Roman Catholic Friends Looking for Biblical Answers
Debate: See Free 7-part video of a
scholarly debate between Protestant Apologist Dr. Robert A. Morey and Roman Catholic Apologist Dr. Robert Fastiggi entitled Geneva vs. Rome & Also, the 7-part video is posted on Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI & Part VII and Roman Catholicism (Audio)
- Berean Beacon - in ten (10) languages
- Just for Catholics—in ten (10) different languages.
- Proclaiming the Gospel [Mike Gendron was a Catholic for 30 years]
- Eternal Productions--great DVD's on subjects such as the apparitions of Mary
- Open Letter to Roman Catholic Friends - PDF
- Open Letter To Roman Catholics (HTML)
- Roman Catholicism Today -- PDF
- Roman Catholicism Today (HTML)
- The Papacy—was Peter the first Pope by Dr. Walter R. Martin?--PDF
- How Many Protestant Denominations?--PDF
- Libel Against Luther
- Mother Teresa and Biblical Christianity - PDF
- Mother Teresa and Biblical Christianity (HTML)
- Mother Teresa (a Lost Soul) - PDF
What about Protestants that Converted to Roman Catholicism?
- Dr. Francis Beckwith: "My Return to the Roman Catholic Church"
- Some thoughts on Apostacy such as Francis Beckwith
- See the FAQ Tab, Question#16 on Francis Beckwith at Princeton University (NJIAT confronts him)
- The Lost Soul of Dr. Scott Hahn by Dr. John W. Robbins--PDF
- Other articles on Dr. Scott Han on the Berean Beacon website
- Review to “Everyone an Answer” by EDS. Beckwith, Craig, and Moreland (Find out what is wrong with this apologetic book) - PDF
- Rome & Politics--what has the Vatican been doing to overthrow the Protestant Reformation?
- The Alignment of New Evangelicals with apostasy by Richard M. Bennett--PDF
- Will the Real Evangelicals Please Stand Up?—by John H. Gerstner on Thomas Aquinas as a Protestant
Eastern Orthodoxy Friends Looking for Biblical Answers
- Eastern Orthodoxy -- PDF
- Seminar on Eastern Orthodoxy -- PDF by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Note: We know a lot of dedicated priets or members that do accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and expect to see them in heaven; however, the syllabus is to help the organization change some of its false doctrines that are not Biblical. Eastern Orthodoxy began as a true Gospel-preaching church that followed Scripture and trusted in the person and work of Messiah alone for salvation. It had a glorious beginning that promised much for Egypt. God has raised up Orthodox Reformers such as Cyril Lucarias (1572-1638), who was elected Ecumenical Patriarch in 1620, and the spiritual head of Orthodoxy. Cyril issued a new Confession of Faith for the Orthodox Church in 1629 and in 1633. Cyril was murdered and his body dumped into the Bay of Bosphorus because he taught the Biblical Gospel: we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone. If Eastern Orthodox countries adopt his reforms, their countries will be prosperous and stronger than they are now.
- Is Eastern Orthodoxy Christian?—recommended book --PDF
- Dr. Robert A. Morey's book entitled Is Eastern Othodoxy Christian? can be purchased at
(For foreign translation of the articles above, go to Faith Defenders website. PDF files cannot be translated by Google. Also, for more information on World Religions , go to the Apologetics Tab; for information on the Occults, go to Faith Defenders tab The Cults and the Occult articles.)
What is happening in the Evangelical Churches?
Image credit: St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, Rome (By NJIAT © Copyright, 1981)
A quote from Professor Arthur Noble from his article entitled
E(uro)cumenism: The European Union and the Ecumenical Movement (Part I): "The EU is advancing by stealth towards John XXIII's goal of a Roman
Catholic superstate. Having already achieved the almost complete destruction of communism, it must now continue to undermine the bastions of Western
The specific institutions which prevent the Vatican from securing domination and carrying out its "peace" plan in the free nations are two: the Church of England, which dominates the Constitution of the United Kingdom and is nominally Protestant – the Monarch being Defender of the Faith – and the United States Constitution, which similarly guarantees freedom of religion but by the opposite method of preventing a union of Church and State. Rome is aided and abetted in this task by those so-called Protestant Churches which have treacherously jettisoned the principles of their Reformation-based articles of faith to associate with, condone and seek compromise with the beliefs and practices of the very Church whose Head they once regarded as the Man of Sin."
Also, see E(uro)cumenism: The European Union and the Ecumenical Movement (Part II) and another quote from the Professor: "Having succeeded in the task of perverting the Reformation faith of these Churches, the Vatican, through the EU, its declared "[Roman] Catholic Confederation of States", is now turning its attention to the undermining of the legal structures which established the very basis of the constitutional freedom of the Church of England from the Roman See – the Magna Carta of 1215."
August 25, 1572, French Catholics slaughtered thirty thousand Protestants (known as The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre ) -- On this day in 1572, French Catholics slaughtered thirty thousand Protestants (known as Huguenots) in the streets of Paris.The French king and the pope helped organize the the biggest religious massacre in Europe in the 1500s. Roughly half the Bovards living in Paris were killed in the bloodbath. Three surviving Bovards fled past drunken guards at Paris's city gates, raced to the coast, hijacked a rowboat, and made it across the English Channel and took refuge in London. Or at least that's the Bovard family lore I've read. (I know not to bet the rent money on that lore's accuracy.) ...The 1572 carnage at least had some positive philosophical results. Philippe de Mornay barely avoided being killed in the massacre, but seven years later, his pamphlet Vindiciae contra tyrannos (A Defense of Liberty against Tyrants) was published in Switzerland. This pamphlet laid the groundwork for subsequent authors (including British philosopher John Locke) to clearly establish the right to resist oppressive rulers. The book contained far more solid thinking on the nature of political institutions than one will encounter in political science classes, where progressive professors exalt the power of benevolent rulers, the Constitution be damned.
False Doctrines, Heretics & Sell Outs Exposed in the Evangelical Church
Portait of John Calvin (07/10/1509 - 05/27/1564) by Hans Holbein & Martin Luther (11/10/1483 - 02/18/1546) by Lucas Cranach. These were Godly Men of God. Also, see Libel Against Luther by Dr. Peter Hammond.
- The Sell Out Has Begun or The Sellout Has Begun (11/15/2004) -- PDF Ravi preaches at Mormon LDS Tabernacle in Salt Lake, Utah and then states that the Mormons agreed with the Gospel. Some apologize for Evangelicals demonizing Mormons--these so-called Evangelicals should be real proud of themselves. Present at event: Joseph Tkach, Jr. (Worldwide Church of God, renamed Grace Communion International), Greg Johnson (Standing Together Ministries), Richard Mouw (President of Fuller Seminary), Ravi Zacharias (RZIM), Craig Hazen (Biola University) and Michael Card (singer).
- The Dooyweerdian Concept of the Word of God -- PDF
- Diotrephes the Dictator--PDF
- State-Run Churches Caught Red-Handed: Many(501(c)(3) Pastors promote Government Viewpoints rather than Liberty (08/11/14)
- Apologetics Radio Presentation -- a 2 minute video presentation by Dr. Robert A. Morey on Protestant apologists going apostate in the 21st century that Francis Schaeffer warned him about.
- Standing on the Cross: An interview with Dr.Robert A. Morey - Dr.Morey was interviewed by B.K.Campbell of The Christian Thinker--PDF (Explains in detail the heresy in the Church.)
- The Manhattan Declaration Part I (selling out the Reformation)--analysis by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- The Manhattan Declaration Part II (selling out the Reformation)-- analysis by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- The “Manhattan Declaration” Selling Out the Reformation?--Part I
(12/20/09) by Dr. Robert A. Morey--PDF -
The “Manhattan Declaration” Selling Out the Reformation?—Part II
(02/01/10) by Dr. Robert A. Morey--PDF - Martin Luther: The Reformation View of Roman Catholicism
- WHAT YOU do NOT KNOW about MOTHER TERESA?! (Dr. JOHN MACARTHUR--Video, 2015) -- quotes Dr. Robert A. Morey.
- Rick Warren Endorsing Catholics Come Home & Problems with Beth Moore & James Dobson & Tony Palmer promoting Roman Catholicism (05/09/14)
- A Biblical Analysis by "Worldview Weekend" on "Beth Moore" via TV (08//25/14)
- Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Defends Universalist Henri Nouwen--12/23/08-- if Henri Nouwen was promoting universalism, I do not care if the book has great things in it. It should not be used in the Bible believing Evangelical Churches or promoted by so-called apologists.
- The Pulpit is Responsible for It by Chuck Baldwin (4/11/13)
- California Presbyterian Mega-Church Votes to Leave Liberal PC-USA (03/13/14)--the pastor stated that leaders in the PC-USA church "increasingly represents a wide range of beliefs on who Jesus is and on his relationship to our salvation,” with many of those beliefs denying the deity of Jesus and discounting His role in man's salvation. The Baptist Press noted that while “same-sex marriage and the ordination of homosexual ministers were not cited as reasons for the church's departure from the denomination … in spite of the General Assembly of the PC(USA) upholding the traditional definition of marriage in 2012, the denomination dropped its prohibition on non-celibate homosexual ministers in 2010.” This makes it an apostate and sodomite church. Praise God that they left the apostate PC-USA.
- Leading Southern Baptists Attempting to Reverse Protestant Reformation--12/20/12--God never contradicts His Word the Bible. Any personal revelation from Christians that contradicts the Word of God did not come from God. Yes, God still speaks to Saints (for example, a Saint had dream from God not to board the Titanic on April 11, 1912), but not over changing the Canon--the Bible is complete and sealed. "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; " Revelation 22:18, NASB.
American Evangelicals, Protestants, Pentecostals, Catholics, Orthodox, etc. supporting U.S. Domestic & Foreign Policies (such as funding terrorist groups & the overthrow of Ukraine by Globalists--U.S. & Western Europe--thru NGOs that are directed by the State Department) regardless if they are Anti-God and Anti-Biblical and Evil U.S. Leaders--this is called blind Patriotism/ and is condemned in the Bible.
Image credit above: Vladimir Putin in Pokrova Church (Turginovo)-01/07/2016. Attribute
President Valdimir Putin supports Biblical Values such as Marriage -- the U.S. Curses the Bible
- A Warning to America from Russia by Dr. Peter Hammond (Missionary in South Africa)--the U.S. is now the anti-Christian/Evil Empire, not Russia.
- Ukrainian General: CIA Behind Kiev Coup (11/26/14) --Ukrainian General-Colonel Yan Kazemirovich from Kiev reveals CIA agents.
- Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin of Russia--Scott Lively applauds the Russian President's stand against the gay agenda--09/01/13).
- The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia (article by Dr. Peter Hammond)
- In Which Direction is Vladimir Putin Taking Russia? by Dr. Peter Hammond
- Is Conservatism, Liberalism & Libertarianism Anti-Christian?
- State-Run Churches Caught Red-Handed: Many(501(c)(3) Pastors promote Government Viewpoints rather than Liberty (08/11/14)
- Christian Brothers And Sisters: Did you Know our Government is Supporting Islamic Terrorists?) 08/11/14
- Obama's ISIS Bombing Hoax Exposed-- TV Commentary by Lee Ann McAdoo of Infowars Nightly News (08/09/14) --U.S., Britian, NATO, and Allies (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar & Turkey) are funding ISIS.
- 252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama's Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.
- The Truth about the Ukraine Crisis (02/19/14)--video --Soros Activists & U.S. & EU paying Rioters?
- Black Pastor Dr. James Manning of Harlem, NYC (interviewed on the Alex Jones Show-12/06/13) discusses the comming tyranny of Obama--whose whole family is CIA including Obama, who was groomed for his position--and how Obama is a dictator, an anti-Christ and Obama's dangerous relationship with the Pope Francis who walks the same liberal, anti-Biblical, destructive path as Obama on the Alex Jones Show--see the 3rd video for interview on link above. Dr. Manning explains how Obama controls Wall Street and will try to stay in a 3rd term.
- The Gay Movement And The CFR's Anti-Russia Psy-OP by Servando Gonzalez--Cuban-Born American Writer (03/01/14) --The Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, have become a point of friction between the anti-Christian, pro-gay, pro-New World Order U.S. and the pro-Christian, anti-gay, anti-NWO Russia. “ Conservative” Republicans, who love and yearn the good old days of the Cold War, are itching for a fight at the OK Corral. Lacking any arguments to justify their newly-found love for the NWO gays, they argue that Putin should not be trusted, because he was a member of the dreaded KGB They seem to forget, however, that their beloved George H. W. Bush was a Director of the dreaded CIA, a CFR-created and controlled organization that has done more to destroy America than the KGB. (Note: Putin is not associated with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the World Economic Forum or any other globalist organizations. He is not conspiring in the shadows to eliminate Russia’s sovereignty and create a New World Order — a global government controlled by oil magnates, international bankers and CEOs of transnational corporations.)
- Violent Partisans Will Destroy The Constitution (03/10/14) --George Soros, promoter of global fascism, is pushing a Con-Con with the help of Neo-Con (false conservatives who do not believe in the Constitution, oppress the middle class and poor wage earner (see Personal Finance/Economic Issues Tab), and hate God) talking heads. Note: Both major political parties (Democrats and Republicans) are supporting destructive polices such as so-called free-trade agreeements, which oppress the wage earner, and ship jobs overseas because the elite want slave labor and gut the Constitution of this country. Illegal immigration affects the wage earner (especially in the black community) and destroys the country (see the Illegal Immigration tab ). This is why many black Democrats in Detroit do not like Obama.
- 22 Facts that Prove that the Bottom 90 percent of America is Systematically Getting Poorer (05/02/13)--an excellent Video and article on what is happinging economically in the U.S.
The Gandhi Nobody Knows
"You must be the change you wish to see in the World"--Gandhi
Note: We had to chuckle when they saw Gandhi’s name on a banner in the cafeteria by the Field House at Hunterdon Central High School on June 11, 2005 when attending an event (The Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Hunterdon Central sponsored an event: Got Truth?--a summer kick-off concert--PDF). Gandhi was a sex pervert who gave rectal enemas to teenage girls and was a pious fraud- -read page 2 in the article titled: The Gandhi Nobody Knows-- PDF. The Gandhi Nobody Knows (ISBN# 0-8407-5871-5). Also, see Tal Brooke's, who studied in India under famous Gurus such as Sai Baba (YouTube video). Tal Brooke is an alumni of Princeton University and his parents were diplomats.
Excerpt on back of book: "The film grotesquely distorts both Gandhi's life and character to the point that it is nothing more than a pious fraud." The Gandhi Nobody Knows by Richard Grenier (HTML)
"Gandhi is a morality tale centered on a saintly, sanitized Mahatma Gandhi cleansed of anything too embarrassingly Hindu (the word 'caste' is not mentioned) and, indeed, of most of the rest of Gandhi's life, much of which would drastically diminish his "
"Gandhi, held in popular myth to be a pure pacifist, was until 50 not ill-disposed to war at all. During the fearsome rioting in Calcutta he gave his approval to men "using violence in a moral cause.'"
"In this ecumenical age, it is extremely hard to shake Westerners loose from the notion that the devout of all religions worship ' the one God.' But Gandhi did not worship the one God. He did not worship the God of mercy. He did not worship the God of forgiveness. In Hinduism men do not pray to God for forgiveness,and a man's sins are never forgiven--indeed, there is no one out there to do the forgiving."
"The plain fact is that both Indian leaders and the Indian people ignored Gandhi's precepts."
To purchase The Gandhi Nobody Knows go to some of the popular book stores.
However, Gandhi should be complimented on his defense of citizens having arms.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a great man, stands against Gay Marriage & the KKK in the Democratic Party (Dr. King was also denied a Gun Permit by the White Democrats--download the DVD film No Guns for Negroes & see the Second Amendment Tab)
Image credit: Crowds surrounding the Reflecting Pool, during the 1963 March on Washington, DC, by Warren K. Leffler. This work is from the U.S. News & World Report collection at the Library of Congress. According to the library, there are no known copyright restrictions on the use of this work. See
- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. states, "If You are Gay; You are a Psycho"--he stated this in Ebony magazine in 1958 and recently published in Godfather Politics (2014). See video on Dr. King's position that is located on Pastor Dr. James Manning's website and go to video entitled If you are Gay; you are a Pyscho--YouTube (2014).
- Note: Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican because back in the 1960s the KKK was an arm of the Democratic Party. Of course, both parties (Republican & Democrat) have sold out to the Globalists except for the few (see Politics/Voting Tab).
Video: The Democratic Party's Dirty Secret (03/08/14) --Jon Bowne investigates the mass amnesia associated with the indisputable connection between the Ku Klux Klan and the Democratic Partyas well as its long history of murder, torture and voting coercion and Alex explains how the Democrats’ history ties into their current race-based, divide and conquer platform.
See YouTube interview (08/11/12) on the Alex Jones Show with "Black Panther Veteran" Larry Pinkney who Warns of A Trojan Horse Named Obama, who was groomed by the CIA and signed the Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in 2011---a U.S. Citizen can now be Incarcerated indefinitey with no charges!
King Charles And King David Koch Mind Control The Tea Party & have been Protecting President Barack Obama (former CIA) because they are One-Worlders/Globalists working with both (Democrat and Republican) establishment parties behind the scenes according to Dr. James Manning of Harlem, NY. The Koch brothers gave more money to the Democratic Party and helped finance former President Clinton's campaign--see video presentation on who is Controlling the Tea Party by Dr. James Manning (2014).
There are good and authentic Tea Party members that reject the control of the one-worlders and Wall Street and care about the poor, middle-class, against free-trade agreements that are shipping our jobs overseas, against the banks exploiting the U.S. citizens, draconian drug laws, defend the Constitution, Bill of Rights and fight against all forms of racism (elect these people to office).
Billy Graham Gets Rebuked by Dr. John MacArthur & Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (12/20/1889 to 03/01/1981)--the premiere evangelical preacher and theologian and medical doctor in London, Westminster Chapel--would not attend any of Billy Graham’s crusades. At the request of Billy Graham, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones had a two hour meeting with him. Billy Graham asked him why he would not attend his crusades. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones response to Billy Graham was that the Bible gave him no authority to manipulate people, psychologically massage the audience and to emotionally overcome them to make all these false converts.
Needless to say Billy Graham was upset and a close member of the Billy Graham family called Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones two days later and almost cursed him out. They told Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones that it took them several days to get Billy straightened out. This is why less than 1% of all the people who walked down the aisle after the alter call at his Crusades ever made it into a church--this has been admitted by the Billy Graham Association. The other people were signed, sealed and delivered into perdition over a false assurance. It should be noted that so-called carnal Christians per Bible are not saved. Finney invented this third category of human beings called “carnal Christians.” The two Greek words, sarkikos and sarkos are different Greek words. According to Apostle Paul (Romans 8), if you are carnal, you are dead. There is either the “natural” or the “spiritual”—you are either “saved” or “lost”. The word “carnal” means dead, not saved! (See the Witnessing Tab for information on the History of Evanglism and how to witness.)
- [Billy Graham in his early years preached the Gospel with great clarity. Billy Graham appeared on May 31, 1997 on the Robert Schuller’s “Hour of Power” and stated that it is not necessary to hear of or believe in Jesus to go to heaven—see YouTube link located Here .] (John MacArthur publicly rebuked Billy Graham on February 15, 2001 for saying this on the Robert Schuller’s show— see John MacArthur’s written response on PDF; I will let God be the judge of Billy Graham’s heart, but what he stated is heretical.)
- Billy Graham removes Mormonism as a cult from his website and Has Been Compromised For Years; Dr. John MacArthur rebukes Billy Graham (see YouTub on this article)--10/18/12.
The Truth about the New Pope Francis, John Paul II on Fire for Christ and Response to Maranatha High School in CA and the Dumb Evangelicals Praising both of them
Image credit: The visit of Pope Francis to Azerbaijan. N 1283 – 1,5 manat. The stamp is dedicated to the pastoral visit of Pope Francis to Azerbaijan
on 2nd of October 2016. This work is not an object of copyright according to the law of Azerbaijan Republic No.: 115-1Q of 5 June 1996 on Copyright and
Neighbouring right; this image is in the public domain worldwide (details).
- Breaking: Catholics Turn Against Satanic Pope Francis (01/30/17)
- Pope Francis: 'There is no Hell (03/29/18) -- sinful souls just disappear? Sounds like Annihilation. Georgetown Law School, that is funded by taxpayer money, is suing Alex Jones. Yes, the Vatican filed a suit against Alex Jones to shut down free speech--a foreign state according to Infowars. The Vatican is the enemy of biblical Christianity.
- What a bout Amma the Huggin Saint from India?
- Martin Luther: The Reformation View of Roman Catholicism
- European Institute of Protestant Studies
- Dr. Steve Pieczenick exposes the New Jesuit Pope--03/19/13
- Pope Francis The False Prophet? (TV commentary-06/29/15) --New pope pushes gun control & World government
- Alex Jones Calls Out Hypocritical Communist Pope (TV commentary-08/21/15) --Pope demands America open the flood gates (let him open the Vatican to illegal aliens).
- Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion (02/24/14)
- Is Pope Francis Laying the Ground Work for a One World Religion?
- New Pope Tied to Argentina's Dirty War (the pope also wants your guns)--03/14/13
- Pope John Paul II receives a Mark on his Forehead by a Pagan Shiva Priestess in 1998
- Who Is Your Holy Father?--What about the Popes Visit to the U.S. (Sept. 22-27, 2015)?
- Pope Invoking Globalization (09/27/15) --Pope tearing down Christianity in bid for One-World Religion. Pope states at New York St. Patrick's Cathederal in Manhattan that, "We need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross." Reply to the Pope from NJIAT: No, the cross was not a failure for His Elect.
- The Pope is Betraying Christianity
(TV Commentary 09/25/15) --And Selling out the Principles of Freedom --
There was no Roman Catholic Church, Pope (The Papacy--was Peter the first Pope by Dr. Walter R. Martin?--PDF) , Baptist Church, Methodist, etc. in the 1st century; the church consisted of true born-again believers (the true Saints). The Roman Catholic Church did not come to existence until hundreds of years later (see subtitle Church History on the Apologetics Tab and Why Born Again Christians Oppose the Papacy? and Open Letter to Roman Catholic Friends and Roman Catholicism Today (direct link for foreign translation)and Black Liberal Theology (link to translate into foreign languages) and Social Gospel & Liberation Theology. Note: The World Council of Churches (WCC) want Protestant and Catholic Churches to unite into one-super-church and also want to form all religions into a one-world religion. There were 3 million Protestants killed by torture during the Inquistion. This is a fulfillment of Biblie prophecy in the last days when the false prophet and the anti-Christ will rule the world and there will be a One-World Religion/Government. Is is not odd that all the liberals, Globalists, anti-God people, dumb Protestants and Evangelicals (many American Protestant/Evangelical Churches have sold out to the State and Satan, but Christ's true Church still exists and will reject wickedness and lies), State media and government officials are praising this Pope? Even Thom Hartmann from Russian TV (RT) praised this wicked Pope and then put up false Evangelicals as a comparison of bad religious leaders and good religious leaders such as the Pope; however, those false Evangelicals (Rick Warren, Joel Osteen) praise the Pope!
John Paul II on Fire for Christ and Response to Maranatha High School in CA (11/11/06) -- (HTML)
Mother Teresa and Biblical Christianity -- (HTML)
One World Religion: Pope Frances Says all Major Religions are 'Meeting God in Different Ways' (01/11/16) --"We are all children of God". This is not Biblical; all people are created in the "image of God" (Genesis 1:26-27) , but to be a "Child of God" you must be "Born Again/Born from Above" (John 1:12).
Rick Warren and His False Teachings & What about Joel Osteen?
Rick Warren's "Perfect Peace Plan" exposed as anti-Christian by James Sundquist
Rick Warren (a CFR member) on Oprah's Lifeclass again on Feb. 24th--Joel Osteen and Rick Warren are desciples of human potential teaching a la Robert Schueller. Why is Mark Driscoll and Dr. John Piper not condemining Rick Warren for his ecumenism? Why is Mark Driscoll praising Joel Osteen, who preaches another Gospel?
Joel Osteen Meets Pope Francis With a Prominent Mormon (06/09/14) --Mark Driscoll and Steve Furtick think Joel Osteen is a solid Christian according to Apprising Ministries.
Church of Tares: Purpose Driven, Seeker Sensitive--YouTub lecture
Megachurch pastor Andy Stanley ignites debate afte suggesting that Christianity doesn't hinge on Jesus' birth (12/24/16) -- Yes, Christ's birth is the center piece on who He is and Christianity. Chuck Baldwin correctly stated: ..."Already, these pandering, pussyfooting, Pharisaical preachers are beginning to compromise the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith. This past Christmas, Atlanta megachurch pastor Andy Stanley said in a message that 'the story of Jesus’ virgin birth is not crucial to the Christian faith'..."
Evangelicals taking Money from Korean Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the Rockefeller Fund and CIA Connections and Exposing KONY 2012
Image credit: GeoEngineering Watch, Feb, 24, 2013 (Fair Use).
- The Unholy Alliance--Christianity & The NWO--well known Evangelicals belonging to "New World Order" organizations? What in the hell is going on? We are truly in the end times.
- Evangelicals taking money from Korean Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Exposing KONY 2012 & Invisible Children's Right-Wing Evangelical and CIA Relationship
- All Over America Evangelical Christians are Being Labeled as "Extremists" And "Hate Groups" , especially by Homeland Security under the Obama Administration (04/08/13).
- Is Your Church Bowing to the 'Green Dragon'?
Psychology and the Church

- Psychology and the Church--Did you know that occult and New Age authors boldly brag that the human founding fathers of Psychotherapy and Psychology received their understandings from “familiar spirits”? See FAQ Tab and go to Question 19 for more information on this subject.
- PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries--the Christian ministry of Dr. Martin and Deidre Bobgan.
- Secular Psychology and "Christian" Psychology Versus Biblical Counseling
- Don't Let Your Child See a Psychiatrist. Ever (naive Evangelicals sending their kids to Psychiatrists with the encouragement of Ministers who have their head in the sand--I would like to use another word to describe these Pastors. It also goes on your childrens' record--yes, when they apply for a government job, especially law enforcement, it could be used against them. This happened to a young lady in NJ who applied for a job as an investigator for the Prosecutor's Office.)
- An article from Tektonics Apologetics Ministries refuting L. Ray Smith's position that there is no "eternal torment". Ray is an annihilationist, universalist, denies the trinity and is a moron. If he does not repent, he will find out that there is a hell.
Pre-Tribulation Cult Worship & Misled Prophecy Gurus (Cahn & Price)
- The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed (DVD)--Satan is working behind the scenes to establish a One-World government and One-World Religion and has deceived Evangelical Christians that they will be taken off the earth before the great tribulation.
- An Analysis of Different Prophecy Positions--Post-Tribulational, Pre-Tribulational, Imminent Return, etc. Also, see the book entitled The End of the World According to Jesus and Daniel's 70th Week CD by Dr. Robert A. Morey.
- Daniel's 70th Week (Click to listen to Audio, 66 minutes, by Dr. Morey)
- The Harbinger: A review of Jonathan Cahn's Book
- A Review of Jonathan Cahn's book: The Mystery of the Shemitah & The End of America by John Richard Price (10/31/14) by Dr. Robert A. Morey (HTML)
- See the FAQ tab, Q28 for information on the 7 Year Tribulation Theory & Daniel's 70th Week.
Worldwide Church of God (renamed Grace Communion International) still refuses to publicly admit that Herbert Armstrong was a False Prophet, but did renounce all of Armstrong's false & heretical doctrines. (See Exit & Support Network and article entitled Neil Earle Whitewashes Herbert Armstrong, who is pastor of New Covenant Fellowship in Glendora, Ca). What about the Sabbath, Lost Ten Tribes & Ceremonial Laws vs. Moral Laws, soul sleep, annihilationism, etc.

(NJIAT Copyright@1991 of Ambassador Auditorium, Worldwide Church of God)--renamed
Grace Communion International on 04/03/09.
Campus of the now-closed Ambassador College and Ambassador Auditorium in Pasadena, CA. The former college campus was sold by the city in 2004.
Left: (NJIAT Copyright@1991 Feast of Tabernacles celebration by the Worldwide Church of God in Pasadena, CA 1991 ); Right: (NJIAT Copyright@1991, Ambassador Auditorium)
This was during a annual 1991 Feast of Tabernacles holiday -- an annual Sabbath holiday that the former Worldwide Church of God renamed Grace Communion International on 04/03/09 celebrated because Armstrong thought this was commanded under the "New Covenant". We are not under the "Mosaic Covenant"-- there are four (4) covenants in the Old Testatment (see There are 4 (four) Covenants in the bible and the Sabbath series below.
The new pastor general Joseph W. Tkach, who took over after Armstrong passed away on 01/17/1986, made historic changes and transformed the organization from a cult to orthodox evangelical Christianity and he knew Armstrong's doctrine and Gospel was false (a false Gospel is a false church). However, it was alleged that Mr. Tkach did disobey God by trying to delay the truth to the organization, but God would not allow it and Mr. Tkach did throw out Armstrong's false doctrines. Joseph W. Tkach passed away on 09/23/1995 of colon cancer and his son (Tkach, Jr.) took over--see The Worldwide News letter dated 10/03/1995 --PDF & Why the Worldwide Church of God Changed its Name.
A Shocking Lack of Discernment:
Promoting the Heresies of Herbert W. Armstrong -- Herbert W. Armstrong was a false apostle & prophet—see Gal. 1:8, 2 Pet. 2:1-3,
Deut. 18:22 & Ezek. 13:1-23.
- Profile of Worldwide Church of God--PDF
- Profile of Herbert W. Armstrong--PDF
- Armstrongism Exposed (video) -- splinter groups exposed.
- Worldwide Church of God Announcement Bulletin for Brick and Trenton, NJ congregations dated 12/01/1990--PDF. This was a typical bulletin when the Worldwide Church of God was still classified as a cult by Evangelical organizations--Armstrong's false doctrines and Gospel started to be thrown out in the 1990s by the new leadership, which some became born-again Christians. Some of the congregants alleged it was racism in the Trenton Church, who meet in Bordentown, NJ, that a black deacon was looked over for elder. Even cults have racism problems. When most of the false doctrines were thrown out, it was the humble elders in the Trenton Church who denied being in a cult and that their leader Herbert Armstrong was a false apostle!
- Organizations associated with Armstrongism
- Exit & Support Network and article entitled Neil Earle Whitewashes Herbert Armstrong
- Worldwide Church of God (now Grace Communion International) and alleged spiritual abuse in the Philadelphia, PA Church in 1996 (Watchman Fellowship)--PDF
- A Letter of Complaint/Allegation by a former member against Pastor of the Worldwide Church of God on 12/30/1995 (many names redacted for security purposes)--PDF -- There were many witnesses listed in the letter to collaborate the allegations made against the pastor in the Worldwide Church of God renamed Grace Communion International on 04/03/09 -- see article above relating to this complaint by Watchman Fellowship (who exposes cults).
- a. A person who no longer attends an organization/cult and is being harassed by a so-called pastor or the orginazation this can become a criminal offense, especially if the former member is not attending the cult or organization anymore. The person who wrote the complaint/allegation was working on the Sabbath (Saturday) that was only commanded under the Mosaic Covenant, not the New Covenant. Of course, according to Armstrong the false apostle, a person was breaking the Sabbath and this was the " Mark of the Beast"). Also, a cult does not have any authority over the salvation of an individual, only Jesus Christ. This is a typical tool used by cults to scare them into obedience to the organization--Armstrong taught that if you did not obey him (and his government, the organization) as a member, you would loose your salvation, that is, be annihilated. Armstrong taught against the "doctrine of Hell"--of course, he is in hell right now. There were true Christians in the Worldwide Church of God as stated in this letter--however, this person came in after Armstrong was dead and when the cult was making changes and going towards Evangelicalism and was already a "Born Again" Christian; the person in the letter when visiting a minister in the Trenton Church in 1988 (that met in Bordentown) told the minister that he already had the Holy Spirit since high school. The minister's response: "Were you keeping the Sabbath?". Maybe the Spirit was working with you--the minister (James R.) was deceived (keeping the Sabbath had nothing to do with accepting Christ as your Savior; Baptism also has nothing to do with salvation or receiving the Holy Spirit), but the minister did accept the changes in the 1990s and might have been a true believer. Also, many of the people in the Worldwide Church of God were deceived and not "Born Again" Christians. Some of the leadership in the Worldwide Church of God even admitted that they were not true Christians until the real/true Gospel was revealed to them.
- b. If you are coming out of a cult, there is a form letter you can send them from Faith Defenders. It is in a book entitled The Encyclopedia of Practical Christianty (, but maybe they will make it free online. The letter puts the cult on notice that you are resigning from the organization and any harassement will result in legal action or criminal prosecution. Also, that Christ is the head of the church, not some cult leader.
- Reponse from Joseph Tkach on the Letter of Complaint/Allegation above (Name of person redacted for security purposes); (04/30/1996--PDF) -- Joseph Tkach whitewashes everything by stating that Herbert Armstrong just had some errors in doctrine and refused to admit he was a false apostle and that the Worldwide Church of God was a cult. Sad. Although he does not have a problem at certain Evangelicals conferences telling them that Armstrong made many false prophecies, but would not admit he was a false apostle to his own congregation. It did not cost them anything by making these changes (yes, the Worldwide Church of God's income went down because of people leaving)--the money coming into the organization was based on a false leader (Armstrong) that demanded a tithe (10%) of income so he could fly around in his multi-million dollar jets--it was blood money. The employees (cult pastors, cult correspondents, cult Evangelists and other personnel) working for Pasadena, CA (Headquarters for the Worldwide Church of God) all enjoyed nice salaries and benefits while many of the congregants lost their jobs because of the Sabbath, which was only binding on the Israelites. Armstrong also denied its members the ability to take medication (of course, this rule was eventually eliminated) while he himself took medication.
- Letter of Apology from Philadelphia Pastor of the Worldwide Church of God dated 03/15/96--PDF. The late Mike Sharp, a former WCG cult member, alleges that the letter whitewashes the whole situation--the WCG pastor does not mention they were a cult and Herbert Armstrong was a false prophet and preached a false Gospel. He also failed to mention that most of the WCG membership were deceived and not true Christians and are on their way to hell (eternal condemnation). Mr. Sharp alleged that it is a typical corporate apology letter that the WCG, Pasadena, CA headquarters (renamed Grace Communion International on 04/15/09 ) tells WCG pastors to put out to protect themselves legally and keep the money coming in. WCG was not a true Christian Church under Herbert Armstrong, but a cult and a false church. (Yes, there were true Christians who were members of the WCG that accepted the Messiah as their Lord and Savior, but many were deceived and not Christians.) The letter aplogizes for some wrong ideas and concepts? What a joke! No humility or honesty.
- Letter to D. Hunsberger, Worldwide Church of God's Personal Correspondent Dept., dated 01/20/97 from Michael Sharp (who went to be with the Lord on Dec. 25, 1999) in response to Hunsberger's defense of Herbert W. Armstrong, a false prophet--PDF.
- Letter to Michael Sharp (who went to be with the Lord on Dec. 25, 1999) dated 03/29/97 from Janis Hutchinson--author of Out of the Cults into the Church--PDF.
- Letter to Mr. Mike Sharp from the Church of God (Seventh Day) on 04/16/1996 -- Mr. Robert Coulter stated he ..." heard that he (Herbert Armstrong) was ruthless...". Also, Mr. Coulter said his church never taught the 7 eras of the church in Revelation and that his church was in the Sardis era. Lying Herbert!
- David W. Covington's--a former Worldwide Church of God (WCG) minister--Letter to WCG members & Ex-members dated 09/13/96--PDF. David alleges that WCG is dishonest about the past abusive pratices of the WCG under Herbert W. Armstrong & the current problems with WCG.
- Response to Allegations from Greg Albretcht, Editor-In-Chief, The Plain Truth, to Janis Huntchinson, author of "Out of the Cults Into the Church", on 05/31/96 -- PDF
- David Covington, Pastor Worldwide Church of God (WCG), responds to Greg R. Albrecht, Editor-in-Chief, The Plain Truth (WCG), about his response to Janis Hutchinson, author of "Out of the Cults Into the Church", on June 14, 1996 -- PDF
- The Painful Truth: Herbert Armstrong's 209 False prophecies
- Worldwide Church of God--Christian or Cult?
- The Plain Truth about Armstrong--a collection of facts, opinions and comments from survivors of Herbert W. Armstrong.
- The Painful Truth about Herbert W. Armstrong
- Worldwide Church of God (renamed Grace Communion International on 04/03/09) & other Religious Organizations, according to Infowars, are refusing to divulge if Pastors are on FEMA payroll
Helpful websites for Ex-Worldwide Church of God Members
- Living Hope Ministries (I recommend the DVD entitled "Called to be free" for current or ex-Worldwide Church of God members. It presents--from the leadership and laypeople's own words--the transformation of the organization from a religious cult, founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, to an Evangelical Christian organization.)
- Exit and Support Network for People
Spirtually Abused by the Worldwide Church of God (especially if they were under the leadership of Herbert Armstrong the false prophet).
Jim Staley (Passion for Truth Ministries, who published the DVD entitled "Identity Crisis--Discovering your True Biblical Identity") and many other misled or false ministers in the "Identity Movement" or "Hebrew Roots Movement" (they are not going to the Hebrew Roots of Christianity, but rather back to the "Old Covenant/Mosaic Covenant", which is condemned in Galatians ) are just repeating what Herbert W. Armstrong taught--of course, not all the ministers that teach the "Lost Ten Tribes" adhere to all of Armstrong's heretical teachings, who published the "Plain Truth" magazine--
- British-Israelism, Anglo-Israelism Refuted!
- I. Herbert Armstrong, a false apostle, was a big promoter of the "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel" (which Armstrong plagiarized from J. H. Allen's book Judah's Scepter & Joseph's Birthright for his United States & Britain in Prophecy book) and tried to equate these tribes with being the United States (the tribe of Manasseh), England (the tribe of Ephraim) and the rest of the lost tribes of Israel being most of the Western European nations (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Ireland)--there were actually a total of 13 tribes (the tribe of Levi, which had no inheritance). Yes, it is correct that the House of Israel (that was invaded by the Assyrians in 732 B.C.) was distinct from the House of Judah (invaded by the Babylonians in 586 B.C and later by the Romans in 70 A.D). Because you have lost tribes spread around the world, this does not imply that all the Western Europeans are Israelites--it is stupid. Although Jim Staley did clarify he does not believe all Western Europeans are Israelites and that no one might never know who is and who is not an Israelite, nevertheless, it is ridiculous for Staley to equate understanding who your Biblical identity is by knowing who the "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel" are if one is gong to understand the Bible. This is what the Bible calls false knowledge (Herbert Armstrong taught he had the "keys" to unlock Biblical prophecy because he knew the true identity of the American and British people). If you want to understand what your Biblical identity is, go to the Book of Genesis--Adam and Eve were created perfect and in the image of God, but when they disobeyed God, they could no longer keep the law perfectly. As a result, all of mankind is born into sin (original sin) because they are descendants of Adam and Eve--this is why Yeshua (the second Adam, who was fully God and man) came to the earth 2,000 years ago to die on the cross.
- II. All these false teachers do the following:
- 1. They put you in bondadge to the Old Covenant/Mosaic Covenant and Ceremonial laws such as the food laws, the Jewish Feast Days (Armstrong picked this up from G.G. Rupert), Sabbath, (see 9 part series on Is the Sabbath for Today?), Circumcision, etc. Did not Apostle Paul say this was not required on the Gentiles? Is Apostle Paul against the law?-- see Acts 15; Galatians 2:1-3; 5:1-11; 6:11-16; 1 Corinthians 7:17-20; Colossians 2:8-12; Philippians 3:1-3; the Old Covenant (with 613 commandments) is obsolete because the Messiah issued in the New Covenant 2,000 years ago, but now writes them in the heart of true believers (born again/born from above)--see Jer. 31:33 and Heb. 8:10. Christ fulfilled the whole law. The moral law is still valid.
- 2. Christ/Yeshua's death and resurrection is not the primary message--no Gospel (or teach a works based salvation, which is a false Gospel--see Galatians 1:8, "If anyone proclaims to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let that person be condemned! " (ISV),
- 3. False ministers such as Herbert Armstrong denied the following Biblical doctrines:
- A. the Trinity (Armstrong had an odd definition--Holy Spirit is a force) and denied that Christ's body was resurrected on the cross. "The Son of God, (was) now no longer human, but composed of SPIRIT - a Spirit Being,” and that “Christ’s body did disappear. Christ was raised as a divine spirit being!” (WCG reprint, “If You Die...Will You Live Again?”, p. 5),
- B. did not teach the ungodly are justified "solely" (i.e. "only") through faith in Jesus Christ. It is "imputed righteousness." Armstrong taught that the message about the Kingdom of God was about government. Really? I did not know one is saved by believing in a government--what an asshead. (See FAQ Tab, Q7 & Q8),
- C. had to keep the Sabbath (Saturday) to be a true Christian or one would receive the Mark of the Beast (666) ,
- D. taught that God was reproducing himself--we are going to become god's. In other words, obtain deity and become a member of the God family (Ambassador College Correspondence Course, Lesson 8, p. 10). This sounds like the lie that Satan told Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden that they would become like God (see the Book of Genesis); the Mormons have a similiar teaching,
- E. one had to belong to the one true church (the Worldwide Church of God in his case and had to obey the lying bastard (Herbert Armstrong, who claimed he was God's only Apostle in the 20th century) who took medication while he told his cult they could not take medication--he is a murderer. Armstrong also taught he was in the Philadelphia Church Era and taught what the true name of God's church should be and his false understanding of God's Government (picked up from G.G. Rupert) --one had to obey government (Armstrong's satanic false church government in his case) in order to make it to the end and have salvation; you could loose your salvation and be annihilated if you did not obey government. Armstrong equated the "Kingdom of God" with government --however, the Bible teaches that "The Kingdom of God" refers to the present spiritual realities of salvation ( Romans 14:17, states "For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost") ,
- F. one had to be baptized into the true church--could only receive the Holy Spirit and be saved if you were baptized into the true church (what about the thief on the cross)--see article on Campbellism by Dr. Morey on whether baptism saves a person.
- g. one should not celebrate Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Cannot Vote (see Politics/Voting Tab) because they came from pagan origins (it is a logical fallacy to equate true Christians celebrating Christ's birth (even if it did take place in October) with practicing what the pagans did with the day thousands of years ago (also, the members could not be a police officer, be in the military, and could not defend themselves, especially with a gun),
- H. denied that people who rejected Christ went to hell and will be eternally tormented (click for article on Sheol, Hades, Gehenna), but rather got annilhilated like a dog and so on. Armstrong also taught a form of universalism--most people are not called in this generation and since Adam & Eve and the majority of humanity will have their chance for salvation in the Millennium when they are resurrected and have the best possible chance to earn salvation--totally contrary to the Bible (Hebrews 9:27). See the College Students Tab for details on legalism.
Image credit: Approximate map showing the Kingdoms of Israel (blue) and Judah (orange), ancient Southern Levant borders and ancient cities such a Urmomium and Jerash. The 9th century BCE. Author: Oldtidens_Israel_&_Judea.svg: FinnWikiNo (12 July 2010). This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License...
What a lot of misled ministers or false ministers do is teach a truth and then lead you into error on other doctrines. For example, the Nephilim (Genesis 6) are always referred to as "mighty men of old", "men of renown", "giants" or "fallen ones". Why were the males called "sons of God" and the women "daughters of men"?--see FAQ Tab, Q13. Yes, they are half-human/half-demon mutants. Nephilim is a truth being taught in addition to pointing out the distinction between the House of Israel and House of Judah and how the Sabbath was on Saturday--these are truths that are used by false minsters who have knowledge with no understanding to get biblically unlearned people into false doctrines. (Jim Staley is not the first one to teach on who the Nephilim are.) However, who the Nephilim are has been taught many years ago by Biblical Evangelicals such as Dr. Robert A. Morey, Tal Brooke, Chuck Missler--many Rabbis also taught about the Nephilim. Jim Staley is mentioned in his Identity Crisis video that ministers sitting in his audience were never taught these things in seminary and how the ministers are learning so much under Jim. There is not doubt in my mind that your so-called Protestant seminaries (many Protestant seminaries have gone apostate) are not teaching that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, Hermeneutics, Hebrew, Greek, Apologetics, Church History, Why Greek Philosophy (Natural Law, Natural Theology) is anti-Biblical, etc. and this could be the reason the ministers sitting in Jim's presentation are falling for his aberrant and false teachings.
Legalism and being in a cult are two different things although most cults that call them themselves Christian are Legalistic the difference being is that a cult has a "False Gospel", which makes them a "False Church"; in other words, a cult will deny some major doctrine such as justification by faith alone thru Christ alone, the ontological trinity, must obey the leader instead of Christ (they put themselves above the Bible in authority), etc.
Apostle Paul in Athens by Raphael (1483-1520) & Studies in the Atonement
If a Christian wants to keep the Sabbath (Saturday or Sunday--the real Sabbath is on Saturday) and not eat certain foods, this is allowed per Bible (do not violate your consciense). Keep the day to the Lord. However, when Christians start telling other Christians they have to keep these things, they are in the wrong. There are many dedicated true Christians that keep the Sabbath (Sunday or Saturday) and believe they are justified soley (i.e. only) throught faih in Christ (imputed righteousness--Romans 4:8 & 4:22-24), by grace alone and accept the full deity of Christ/ Yeshua and the triune God. And believe that Yeshua, after He was crucified on the cross, was raised from the dead on the 3rd day with a glorified body and sits on the right hand of the Father. No salvation is possible by any other name under Heaven except Yeshua and the wicked will be eternally condemned (Acts 4:12).
The danger is when people think salvation is only possible if you keep the Sabbath (Saturday) or have to be baptised as an infant or baptised only thru their organization and this is taught in many cults such as Herbert Armstrong (all Sunday worshipers had the Mark of the Beast 666 according to Armstrong and one had to be baptised in his organization to receive the Holy Spirit and could be annihilated if one did not obey his government) and the splinter groups of the Worldwide Church of God.
Note: The Jewish Sabbath was kept from Sunset to Sunset (Leviticus 23: 27-32) and it cannot be kept in the North and South Poles because 6-months out of the year the sun appears above the horizon; of course, some Sabbatarians will argue that the Sabbath could just mean a 24-hour period--either way it was ceremonial and is not binding on all people, but was part of the Old Covenant giving to ancient Israel only. The Sabbath is not a creation ordinance--God never commanded man to keep the Sabbath in Genesis. See 9 Part article series on the Sabbath.
If a person thinks they are justified by keeping the law and obeying some leader or organization (the leader puts themselves above the authority of the Bible) and deny the fundamentals of the Christian faith (the Bible) such as the Trinity (deity of Christ), the death and resurrection of Christ for our sins, eternal torment of the unbeliever, deny that a person is justified solely (i.e. only) through faith in Christ (imputed righteousness), not by works, then they are not saved and are on their way to eternal condemnation (see FAQ tab, Question 7 & 8). Yes, you have to be born again/born from above.
If a true Christian who was justified by faith, but is trying to be sanctified by the law before Christ instead of living by faith, then the Christian is basically living under the law--in other words, a Christian was saved by grace, but trying to be sanctified by the law. This does not imply living without the law, which is sin (see below for further details). Matthew 5:17, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." (KJV, Cambridge Edition). This verse was not referring to individual laws, but the Scriptures. A misunderstanding by many in the Evangelical community.
It is retrogressive to turn back to the Old Testament laws and be under the "beggarly elements". The ceremonial law is not a reflection of God's character. It is didactic in the prophectic sense of prefiguring the work of the Annointed One--the ceremonies are said to be "only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form itself" (Heb. 10:1) and "imposed until a time of reformation" (Heb. 9:10). Included in the Old Covenant was the Sabbath (it is not a creation ordinance and was never commanded in Genesis) that was given only to ancient Israel--the universal/moral laws (it reflects some aspect of the moral character of God and is universally binding on all men in all ages) were given by "Yahwah" for all mankind, not just ancient Israel and these existed before the Old Covenant. See Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther [hardcover, ISBN 0-8007-1702-3 (Introduction by D. Stuart Briscoe--you want this specific copy) that covers what these false divinity teachers taught (Luther rightfully called them "senseless asses"). Martin Luther (11/10/1483 to 02/18/1546) .
There were 4 Covenants given by Yahweh: 1. The Noahic Covenant, 2. The Abrahamic Covenant (the land or so-called Palestinian Covenant is part of the Abrahmic Covenant, not a separate Covenant), 3. The Mosaic Covenant (the so-called Davidic Covenant and Solomon are personal applications of the Mosaic Covenant, therefore, they are not separate Covenants), 4. The New Covenant (everlasting).
Note: The other Covenants such as the New Covenant does not nullify the other Covenants--the only Covenant nullified was the Mosaic Covenant as stated in the New Testament (see Matt. 26:27-28; Heb. 3:1-6). Also, circumsion is not required--this was the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant.
How the Old and New Testaments Relate to Each Other & The Bible: Intelligent Design or Chance? & The Biblical Discipleship Program for Women by Dr. Anne Morey
There were 4 Covenants given by Yahweh to man: 1. The Noahic Covenant, 2. The Abrahamic Covenant, 3. The Mosaic Covenant, 4. The New Covenant. According to Dr. Robert A. Morey in his book entitled How the Old and New Testaments Relate to Each Other, page 70, "Most dispensationalists simply assert that there are eight (8) covenants but they never tell us how they relate one to another. Neither do they supply any exegetical proof for the existence of the Edenic and Adamic covenants. I have yet to receive an answer to the question, 'Since the Bible nowhere mentions an Edenic or Adamic covenant, where is the exegetical justification for listing them?' " Many dispensationalists use the Scofield Reference Bible to prove such nonsense. Covenant theology also makes the mistake of denying the diversity of the biblical covenants. There is nothing in Scripture which speaks of an "everlasting covenant of grace" made in heaven between the Father and the Son. A covenant is a space/time event and entered in with a specific person. Only the New Covenant is called "everlasting" because it will never become obsolete like the Old Covenant (Jer. 32:40 & Heb. 13:20). Charles Hodges listed 4 covenants in the Bible. It depends on how you divide things.
"However, in the past, when you did not know God, you were slaves to things that are not really gods at all. But now you turn back again to those powerless and bankrupt basic principles? Why do you want to become their slaves all over again? You are observing days, months, seasons, and years. I am afraid for you, lest somehow my work for you has been wasted!" (Galatians 4:8-11 ISV.) The Old Covenant (a legal contract made in time/space) was defective, not the Old Testament (a literary document). The Israelites were under a tutor/law--they were told how to dress, what to eat, how to cut their hair, how to worship by a highly structured liturgy, etc. This is not in the New Testament. The New Testament gives believers moral directives to apply to all of life, but does not give us minute directions as in the Old Testament. Galatians states:
"Tell me, those of you who want to live under the law: Are you really
listening to what the law says? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and the other by a
free woman. Now the son of the slave woman was conceived according to the flesh, but the son of the free woman was conceived
through a promise. This is being said as an allegory, for these women represent two covenants. The one woman, Hagar, is from Mount
Sinai, and her children are born into slavery. Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to present-day Jerusalem, because
she is in slavery along with her children. But the heavenly Jerusalem is the free woman, and she is our mother". (Galatians
4:21-26 ISV.)
Typical examples of legalism (under the law—see Rom. 3:20, 28; 7:1-6; Gal. 3:1-5; 4:4-5):
1. Sabbatarianism, which the Reformers such as Calvin and Luther believed it was ceremonial and no longer binding (see 9 Part article series on the Sabbath) --don't misunderstand, there is nothing wrong if a Christian or congregation wants to set a day apart for worship, but it should not be a burden;
2. Abstinence from alcohol ( Alcoholic Beverages in the Bible--PDF or Alcoholic Beverages in the Bible (HTML) ; Prohibition began on Jan. 19, 1920 (the 18th Amendment); as a result, it tripled alcoholism. Unfortunately, the FBI--according to ListVerse documents--deliberately poisoned alcohol by adding methane, formaldehyde, ammonia, and even arsenic and kerosene in attempt to enforce prohibition laws (see Infowars Magazine, Vol. 3. Issue 2, Oct. 2014, page 22.) Young people should be taught moderation--Spain is a good example;
3. Cannot eat Shellfish or Pork (see Is it okay for Christians to eat pork and shellfish?--Mark 7:18)--also, see Whole Health Tab;
3. No dancing; and
4. Cannot go to the movies (probably influenced by a false strain of Platonic thinking).
The above does not imply "antinomianism" (without the law), which is sin (see John 14:15) or "perfectionism" (above the law)--see 1 John 1:8-10) , “Positionalism” (no holiness in life-see Heb. 12:14; I John 2:4, 6), “Passivism” (let go, let God—see Phil. 2:12; Col. 1:29; Gal. 2:20), “Mysticism” (over-emphasis on Holy Spirit—see Isa. 8:20; John 16:7-15), “Rationalism” (under-emphasis on the Holy Spirit—see I Cor. 2:14; Eph. 5:18), and “Carnal Christianity” (heresy—see Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5-7;1 John 3:7-8).
No Christian church is perfect and you might have dedicated and Godly people that were not given the amount of grace or understanding in certain areas--they are called blind spots. However, Christians should correct themselves if God (by the Holy Spirit and Bible) is giving them understanding and clarification on Biblical doctrine in those areas mentioned above. The Holy Spirit never contradicts the Bible. The Bible is the ultimate authority/ final authority for doctrine. (Recommended book on this difficult subject entitled How the Old & New Testaments Relate to each Other by Dr. Robert A. Morey.)
Note: There is a distinction between legalism and a cult--legalism and being in a cult are two different things although most cults that call them themselves Christian are legalistic the difference being is that they have a "False Gospel" , which makes them a "False Church"; in other words, a cult will deny some major doctrine such as justification by faith alone thru Christ alone, the ontological trinity, must obey the leader instead of Christ (leaders have limited authority per God--go to the Voting/Politics Tab and see What about the State's Authority over a Citizen?), etc.
Matthew 5:17, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." (KJV, Cambridge Edition). This verse was not referring to individual laws, but the Scriptures. (It is not case law.) A misunderstanding by many in the Evangelical community. A quote from Dr. Robert A. Morey's book entitled Experiencing God in the Psalms, page 355 (,
...Sixth, the Western philosophic tradition that divided life into a secular versus sacred dichotomy viewed the word "law" in the Bible in terms of legal case law in the context of the courtroom.
The Western Gentiles world knew nothing of the biblical concept of "Torah" that embraced all of life. The biblical authors did not believe in a secular dimension in life. To them YHWH was King over all of life. Every square inch of the earth is YHWH's and the fulness therein.
We have translated various Hebrew words such as "law" as "Torah" to indicate that all of life is to be lived for the glory of God. Psa. 119 takes on a deeper meaning when you understand that David loved the all-embracing Torah.
Too many Gentile readers automatically assume that when David said he loved the "law," he meant the Ten Commandments. This has caused confusion as, who in their right mind, would "love" dry, cold legal codes? No. by "law" David meant the all embracing Torah of life and blessing....
See FAQ#31 & 32 for further details.
Gentile nations surrounding Ancient Israel were judged on the Moral Laws, not the Ceremonial Laws in the Old/Mosaic Covenant--there were 4 Covenants given by Yahweh mentioned above
The Gentile nations were not judged on the ceremonial parts of the law [the ceremonial law is not a reflection of God's character. It is didactic in the prophectic sense of prefiguring the work of the Annointed One-- the ceremonies are said to be "only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form itself" (Heb. 10:1) and "imposed until a time of reformation" (Heb. 9:10)] included in the Old/ Mosaic Covenant such as the Sabbath that was given only to ancient Israel, but were judged on the universal/moral laws (it reflects some aspect of the moral character of God and is universally binding on all men in all ages) given by "Yahwah" for all mankind, not just ancient Israel and these existed before the Old/Mosaic Covenant. Sodom and Gomorrah and many other Gentile nations were judged by "Yahwah" on the moral laws-- murder, sodomy, bestiality, adultery, stealing, fornication, child sacrifice, child sex, idolatry, sorcery, corrupt judicial system, oppressing the poor and so on. It should be noted that the Bible never makes a distinction between moral and civil law--both were fulfilled by Christ. (See the following books written Dr. Robert A. Morey who is a Greek and Hebrew scholar and a Talmudic scholar entitled How the Old and New Testaments Relate to Each Other , Trinity: Evidence and Issues,Studies in the Atonement, The End of the World According to Jesus , Death and the Afterlife and Dr. Bob's free sermons and articles on these important subjects located at Faith Defenders. )